#harryseverus fic


Title: These Scars We Bare

Author: MiriMora/@mirimora

Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape

Rating: Explicit

Word Count: 8,075

Prompt #: 65 - Character A is self-conscious about their appearance or scars. Character B is a photographer who offers to take pictures of Character A to show them just how beautiful they are in Character B’s eyes.

Senses: Sight



Harry is a photographer by profession, and he’s working on a new series to be revealed in the fall. He has one last subject that he’d love to capture for his series highlighting the brave individuals who bear scars from the Wizarding World’s two wars with Voldemort, but he’s pretty sure he’s going to have some convincing to do if Severus Snape is ever going to agree to step in front of his camera, even if they are friends now. Further complicating matters, he’s also harboring some unrequited feelings for the prickly Potions Master. Or so he thinks…

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This work is part of the Taste of Smut Fest, a Harry Potter-centered fest dedicated to the five senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight. If you’ve enjoyed this work, please do shower our content creators with kudos and comments!
