

the news of eclipse’s debut is the main buzz around the building. she recognises the electricity in the air and the mild tension that lied underneath when waiting for public reaction. she remembers a miniature version of that feeling whenever she featured on sunabe’s b-sides. though there wasn’t much to be expected because it was usually promotional titles charting, it was nice when there was positive reception. she understands the feeling even though her chance of feeling the rush of debut was pulled from her grasp one too many times.

she’s not expecting to run into haseul so soon after the debut. aren’t they supposed to be super busy? did they have a showcase they were practising for? chungha was curious because she had almost experienced one for herself. she wonders what it was like. did you feel like a new person after? did you feel relieved? was it as if all of the years finally pay off or was that after moderate success?

“haseul sunbaenim!” she called with a smile, jogging up to the younger girl. now haseul was an idol. there was no way chungha could get away with not approaching haseul with honorifics. she’d definitely get scolded for that. “congratulations on your debut!” she didn’t prepare a present because then she’d have to get several. but maybe she could think of something… “if you’re free i’d love to treat you to some steak and rice sometime!”



Day after day, meal after meal, Haseul found herself going to the cafeteria to eat. Getting ready for debut, they were restricted even in doing that, but she was making the most of it, trying her best to try different things or different combinations, but by now, everything was getting old to her.

Something that she had been trying to do during these short periods of time was meeting new people or trying to get back in touch with some of the people that she didn’t get to see as much as she would like to. So far, she had done pretty well with that, but it could get a little tricky sometimes.

This time, however, she is approached by a girl that she thought she had seen on replays of the latest MGA season. She seemed much bolder than the other girl she had met, Jiwon, but either way, as usual, KT was bringing in very pretty and talented trainees to fill in their ranks. 

“O-Oh! It’s nice to meet you too!” she replies, a bit surprised by the girl coming forward to her like this, not that she minds one bit.  “It’s nice to meet you!  I’m Jo Haseul, I hope you’re enjoying your time here so far~” she returns the bow with her usual politeness.

she went up to the senior trainee without a plan, mostly to just introduce herself because she knew the eclipse girls were busy. this was probably going to be one of the few times she actually could meet the other. so she had figured why not do it nownow that she’s in front of haseul, she doesn’t have much to say. it was almost embarrassing that she didn’t have much to offer in conversation other than a, “oh, yes, my full name is kim chanmi,” after haseul gave her a full introduction.

“i uh,” she ran her fingers through her hair before gesturing towards her new and official duffel bag she used for training. “m-minji?” that was her name, right? “minji sunbaenim gave me this….and jinwoo showed me around! it’s been going well so far.” everyone was being awfully kind.

chungha gestured towards the cafeteria doors. “i was figuring out if i wanted to stay or go for lunch when i saw you. i know you’re really busy right? so i figured i introduced myself so….” she didn’t really have a follow up. would it be weird to ask her to hang out? they weren’t exactly close in terms of their workplace nor in friendship.

during lunch time, they had the freedom to go out and eat if they wanted. because chungha didn’t have a car, she had to be more aware of time considering it would take her longer to travel. the last thing she wanted was for her to go over her lunch hour and get reprimanded for it. an hour on a packed weekday could go in a blink of an eye.

it went by even quicker when you have to spend the first ten or so minutes deciding which place to get food from. she didn’t want some cheap fast food like burger king or something (even though it was only a ten minute walk from the building). maybe she’d order a soup and take it to go? it would only be about 11000 won. not to bad.

her head was in her phone, looking around on the map for a decent place to eat. she looks up to make sure she doesn’t run into anyone on her way out. instead she sees a face that’s familiar. an eclipse member. she remembers this from the teasers kt has been releasing lately. maybe eclipse members had to train on a different schedule because she rarely sees them. they were almost like a mythical creature in kts halls at this rate. it’s astounding that she’s almost met all of them.

deciding that not only should she definitely introduce herself to be respectful but she can also ask for recommendations, chungha goes up to the woman. she’s short. shorter than chungha is, actually. she was starting to think that kt had a thing with keeping short girls in supply. “hello!” she says with a deep bow. “my name is chungha. i’m a new trainee here. it’s nice to meet you, sunbaenim.”



[Text: Yebinnie ] Ah! Yebin!  Of course, I missed you! I’ve missed you a lot, actually!

[Text: Yebinnie] You know how I am…so yes, I’m very very nervous…

[Text: Yebinnie] Oh no, I’m not leader material… Yes! She’s going to be a great leader for us.

[Text: Yebinnie] How have you been?  It seems like a long time…

[ ✉ → vanilla latte ♡ ] aa~ unnie, you know you’re material for whatever it is you wish to do! 

[ ✉ → vanilla latte ♡ ] you’re an idol now! and everyone is gonna love you lots!! so stop worrying so much, silly~

[ ✉ → vanilla latte ♡ ] i know  ㅠㅠ i was away for too long ㅠㅠㅠ but i’m back for good now!! i wish we could hang out, but you’re probably super busy~~
