
This was just re-posted on Facebook by one of my friends. Thanks to Saul for sharing the image!

This was just re-posted on Facebook by one of my friends. Thanks to Saul for sharing the image!

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cor-ardens:T.S. Eliot, The Family Reunion


T.S. Eliot, The Family Reunion

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Some people always get super salty when they come asking for help with a “ghost haunting” and the first thing i ask them is “have you checked your living space for carbon monoxide”.

Like maybe you thought coming to a witch you’d get some neat spell or some shit, but a big part of being a (good) witch is also looking at what is in front of you and ruling out some basic things first, and a lot of the things people describe to me when it comes to ghost hauntings also sound a helluva lot like carbon monoxide poisoning. So like sorry for giving a shit over whether or not you’re actually about to die or not I guess *shrug emoji*

Like I know we joke about my house being haunted (and maybe it is) but when the lights flicker in my house I don’t do a cleansing spell, I call an electrician. You gotta do the physical world things first before you jump to the metaphysical. That’s just how it is.

Why is this post getting a ton of notes out of nowhere? Did something wild happen in witchy Tumblr again? Actually don’t tell me, I don’t want to know if it did. The last time one of my witchy posts picked up was because of the bone stealer and I don’t think I can handle any more bullshit from 2020 right now.


The Waterman’s Arms enjoys a secluded and picturesque riverside location at the head of Bow Creek. It has, over the years, seen service as a smithy, a brewhouse, and even a haunt of the dreaded press-gangs, who would drag unwilling local lads off to be pressed into service in the navy.

Of course, the Waterman’s Arms is also haunted. The melancholic specter of a grey lady wanders the premises, clutching a bunch of keys. She is known as Emily, and may have been a former lady of the house, or perhaps just a humble serving wench. Nobody knows for sure, and since those whom she honors with her presence do not realize she is a ghost until she begins “dissolving” in front of them, she is allowed to wander at will until she chooses to return to whichever dimension and whatever era her journey began.
