#have to make those mouths look less speedy









>:) finally… finally i’ve got the basics of this down. tonight, smoke and affects (SF54, gentle body horror, stuttery gif below cut)

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the exact expression i made when i realized that animating chine’s face means i’ll have to do some sort of weird freckle mapping instead of randomly applying the pointillism brush in every frame:

>:) keyframes done (.gif below the cut)

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welp. started the process of sizing chine up… much left to be desired, but at least with everything else already drawn to build off of it’s going pretty fast (lesson learned: at least thumbnail all of the thing before focusing in on one part, because…consistency)

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<shrieking, snarling, gnashing my teeth>

i am sstrrruggling with duvall

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eternally grateful CSP’s keyframe function

tomorrow i'l be good and instead of refining any details i’ll finish the scene so that when i add details it’ll be consistent (repeated as a mantra as i try and fail to sleep)

:) finally mostly happy with duvall’s turnaround

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hehehehe they talk
