#hawk talks


Anyone: hey so why do u only draw mercy with her Overwatch 2 Hairstyle™ these days

me: haha oh I just like to show that my fanart of her takes place further into the future

the reality:

Y'all ok hear me out for a sec……. Green Diamond…… voiced by Genevieve O'Reilly (Moira’s hot VA)…..

The depth…..the accent…….. the perfection……..

Wow my most recent post rly blew up! Leave it up to the Raedas to be mvps Feels like old-school tumblr again to see 500 notes rack up in a few hours. Made my day

Sidenote: surprising to see folks thinking they’re screenshots rather than redraws of said screenshots hahaha. Flattering, honestly! Since I can see all the mistakes in my own art, it felt obvious to me lol

Anyways, appreciate the love! IIt’s been hilarious reading the keysmashing in the tags

(Re: my most recent post)

I’m slowly getting rid of her ass with each pic like fr get ready for the next one to be concave

So I’ve been very slow with art lately bc I got given a macbook pro and am forced to update my drawing software (on top of getting used to ios). I’ve been trying different softwares and I think I’m gonna go with clip studio paint bc holy shit the customization possibilities…

Anyways, here’s to my good buddy, Photoshop Elements 10 , the dinky software that came for free with my very first tablet in 2012 and used for every single drawing on this blog so far. It has no stabilizer, no ability to rotate canvases, an extremely basic font selection (no spell check), shittiest fill bucket in the world, the blur tool crashes the program, and I could only ever use the default pen or blurry brush that has no texture. I have made a few hundred dollars worth of professional logos on this garbage, plus plenty of gay shit.

Goodnight sweet prince… you will (probably not) be missed. But, I appreciate how much you’ve humbled me (or possibly held me back lmao) over the years.

(Also psa fuck current photoshop, I ain’t paying a monthly subscription for that shit)
