

Animated that eyefuck scene from the trailer 

also, if you wanna see more fanart of them from me, consider buying me a coffee and say in the message that you’re a hawk x demetri supporter




I was really hoping season 4 would reignite my passion for Hawkmetri so I could get back to the content everyone followed me for, and while it did remind me of how much I love them, the Hawk/Demetri plot was so dry this season that I genuinely do not have a single thought to share.

The pilot had some really nice moments and I genuinely loved the basement scene. But then it was almost like the show wanted to push their friendship to the side? Like, they literally interrupted friendshippy moments to have Demetri go be with Yasmine. I had such high hopes after ep 1 too.

It’s disappointing because they spent so long building up to them being friends again and the payoff moment was so good and then it was like they didn’t know where to go. They could have had Hawk actually work to make things right with Demetri this season, for example, but nope. Gotta use that screentime to prove how straight they are.

I genuinely can’t tell if the Yasmetri moments were there to show Hawk’s lingering loneliness and how he wishes he and Demetri could go back to being each other’s #1, or if they were just there to push Hawk to go after Moon again. The better character arcs would definitely come from the former, but it looks like we’re going to get the latter. Bummer.

I was really hoping season 4 would reignite my passion for Hawkmetri so I could get back to the content everyone followed me for, and while it did remind me of how much I love them, the Hawk/Demetri plot was so dry this season that I genuinely do not have a single thought to share.


this is my binary boyfriends hot take: demetri definitely would have accepted hawk’s apology IMMEDIATELY, no matter how lackluster it may have been. he claims to be in love with a girl who’s bullied him relentlessly for years cuz she wrote “i love your big d” on his cast and…is hot i guess?? he’s accustomed to letting people push him around. if there was a scene where kyler apologized and demetri forgave him right then and there, the most surprising part would be that kyler said “sorry.”

so yes, as much as i love reading fics with a very long, much-needed apology scene (hell, i wrote one), i really think that it didn’t happen. hawk is still too proud (and embarrassed) to say anything more on the matter if demetri doesn’t directly ask him, and it’s not like demetri’s gonna risk fucking up the only friendship he had for his entire life until the whole karate shitshow. he’s completely fine with never talking about it again if that’s what it’ll take to keep eli by his side.

BUT, that’s when hawk’s arc comes in. every major turning point for him has involved demetri directly (even moon breaking up with him), and i think that pattern will definitely continue. this whole thing gives me hope that in season four, hawk is going to do a lot of soul-searching and we’ll get some really good scenes of Jacob Bertrand carrying the entire show once again (i’m joking but i’m also completely serious). i think that in s4, his major arc will be his struggle to feel like he’s made things right with demetri, and his confusion about why he still feels so guilty even though he and demetri are supposedly fine.

overall, i’m just very excited for s4, and cobra kai really seems like the type of show that will keep surprising us. i’ve been burned by s*pernatural and lots of bait-y shows before, but cobra kai feels like it knows what its different audiences want (people there for action, people there for nostalgia, people there for gay shit) and works to integrate all those things. i’m not necessarily saying “they’re gonna make hawkmetri canon!!!!” but i do think the writers at least know people are invested in that whole plotline. i guess we’ll have to wait and find out, but i have high hopes for s4!

