#he couldve been such a good character shakes fist



(DRV3 Chapter 3 spoilers)

  •  He hates air conditioning because that too-dry artificial air reminds him of hospitals. 
  • Although his sister introduced him to anthropology via that book about how Princess Kaguya was a recurring character in the mythologies of the world, his obsession grew the sicker she became. When she was too tired for talking, he would tell her all the stories of the world. Places she’d never go to, people she’d never get to see, experiences she’d never have. Anywhere far away from that hospital bed. 
  • This is a bit more of a loose headcanon, but I think his sister was dying of respiratory failure. Given we see that she has hair as long as his, I don’t feel like she was on chemo (barring wigs) - but moreover, I feel Korekiyo has a lot of choking themes associated with him. Ropes, stabbing people in the back of the neck, the fact that he couldn’t breathe when he had his near death experience. It just kinda works for me. 
  • For as much as he seems to practically worship death, he also has an incredible deep love for life. If anything, his obsession with death is directly because he loves life. He just doesn’t want life to stop. It goes on and on and on forever after.  It just really struck me when he took that cookie in his free time, as funny as that sounds. Like he was legitimately excited over a cookie and proceeded to describe it like it was manna. Can you imagine the guilt he must have had after his sister’s passing? I think that manifests in his attempts to appreciate every aspect of life, every story beat - no matter how ugly, in humanity. He’s constantly reminded of how finite life is and how precious it is that he can experience it when she can’t. 
  • Which…. is obviously something he never got over. I think it’s incredibly obvious how desperately he wants to believe his sister’s soul is inside of him. So why would he think that he was sending friends to her in the afterlife if she was actually here, on earth, inside of him? If we ignore ‘bad writing’ as a response (as… tempting as that is), we expose just how… sad and desperate and in denial he really is. He fundamentally knows on some level that she’s a tulpa, a figment of his own making - but he holds onto that because for as much as he pretends to accept and look forwards to death, it terrifies him more than anything else. 
  • It’s interesting that he rationalises that ‘luck’ isn’t really an external force that people can draw from, but it can be made real through psychological effects. It’s interesting that in every instance he seems perfectly logical, rational and thoughtful - relativistic and context sensitive…. and yet he can’t do the same when it comes to the soul/the afterlife. It’s obvious why, but again I just find that inconsistency born out of obvious desperation incredibly sad. 
  • God, just imagine him having his near death experience and seeing her again. Just honestly imagine the emotion in that scene. All that guilt and angst and grief just washed away in the tide of a moment - all that suffering was forsomething, and they’ll meet again. 
  • But… I’m sure he’s aware that this is something he wants more than is necessarily real, and I’m sure he’s experienced hallucinations that have felt real before. But then just, ugh, think about him researching near death experiences. All those thousands of accounts, across cultures, telling the same story over and over - a sense of euphoria, family members saying its not their time yet, a bright light. He can’t just take it as a subject of anthropological interest. He can’t separate himself from it. It has to be real.
  • It has to be. 
  • And if her soul is touchable in a NDE, then why not in a seance. 
  • He’s just… ugh,,,, I really wish he wasn’t a serial killer because he’s… so interesting and otherwise sympathetic. the serial killer thing just makes all of this so black and white and removes any gray mortality when you’re thinking about him, you know?  even if he’d just seesawd 1 friend 4 sister because he was feeling lonely and isolated and fucked up by the game and it was a bit of participation observation mixed with suicide then…. i mean. I could take that. but… like…. 99 people? aghdhfhfh. 
  • why wouldn’t he take the first blood perk  ?? ? ? ?? ? if he was planning to kill when he got out again anyway … then …. ?? ? ? why ??? 
  • anyway thats my list and Complaining Over 