#he got fucked up ◡‿◡



I just want to be clear this is a no whumper situation, it’s hard to explain but the cabin is a sort of supernatural situation, like it’s WAY bigger on the inside than the outside and they were lost inside for nearly a week, he was not being held captive by any one person. This is not a long term captivity setting, which is not my jam and I know there are others who don’t care for that either, so I just want to make that clear.

Also also, for the record, the two primary characters in this story have not been nor are currently involved with each other, their friendship is strictly platonic. Though I’m sure some people in the fandom do ship them, this fic was written with a platonic friendship in mind.

And if someone familiar with the podcast stumbles upon this, don’t mind me this was me being like “Yeah he coulda been more fucked up from that” and started writing, and then realized I’d misremembered the scene because it had been about 2 years since I listened to it last. Just making it more whumpy and then expanding from there~!



Watching them bring Nic out of the cabin is an image that will stick with me forever, no matter how much I want to forget. He looked awful. His face and clothes were streaked with blood, what little colour of his flesh I could see was pale, alabaster in the afternoon sun. His brown hair was a mess, half plastered to his head and half standing nearly on end with a mixture of dried blood and mud. He seemed completely unable to focus on his surroundings, confused and blinking warily around the clearing. For a moment his eyes settled on me and I held my breath, hoping for a flicker of recognition. Instead it seemed like he looked right through me, as though I wasn’t even there. 

He took slow steps away from the cabin with an officer on either side of him, their hands gripping just above his elbows as they guided him towards one of their trucks. I could hear the sirens of an ambulance making its way down the goat trail winding through the forest. 

I took a step forward and called out to him. “Nic?”

His head turned towards my voice ever so slightly, but his blue eyes remained unfocused and unseeing. Before I could say anything more, they turned white as they rolled back in his head and the officers exclaimed as every muscle in his body spasmed and clenched. His head snapped back and his legs collapsed under him, the officers holding him doing their best to slowly guide him to the ground. 

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