#he likey a lot



howdy there! my name is c, the owner of fuckyeahscienceparty, and i’m happy to announce that i’ll be hosting science party weekfromnovember 30th - december 6th!

it’s mostly just your standard ship week! though i’m announcing it a couple months in advance bc ik a lot of people (me included) are gonna be busy with stuff like school

here are the prompts for the week:

  • monday,11/30: cross faction/retirement/domestic
  • tuesday,12/1: song lyrics/cliché
  • wednesday,12/2: cosplay/crossover/au
  • thursday,12/3: free space!
  • friday,12/4: past/modern
  • saturday,12/5: confession/mourn/scars
  • sunday,12/6: gargoyles and gravel/expiration date

feel free to combine prompts on given days, do multiple submissions for one day, or just choose one, whichever floats your boat! interpret them however you damn please!! submissions can be in any media you want (digital/traditional art, writing, sfm, what have you) and you can also include demo if u want!

if you can’t/don’t want to do every prompt or are early/late completing things, do not feel obligated to and don’t worry about it! i want this to be an opportunity for people to have fun, not to stress you out ^^ all i ask is that you don’t start posting things before 11/30, even if you get stuff prepped in advance (like i hopefully will)

tag your submissions with #spw 2020 so i can rb them! if for whatever reason i miss one when you post it, feel free to send it my way!

and i think that’s all! if you have any questions, feel free to dm or ask me! i promise i don’t bite :>

see you all in november! and a quick thank you to the ppl who filled out my little survey and gave me the drive to put this all together, i really appreciate you
