#he probably had a temp


Xue Meng, Xichen, and Runyu have a nice day

I’d forgotten about this lil fic until I found it on my Drive yesterday. It dates from April 2020 and was born on discord: three characters who deserve a nice day having…a nice day!

a MDZS x Ashes of Love x 2ha mashup | 400 words | G

Once upon a time in a cabin on a remote mountainside that existed outside of regular time and place, Xue Meng made a pot of tea and waited. It was a sunny day, nice enough to sit outside, not a cloud in the sky and blessedly free of insects.

Aperfect day, if one could be said to exist.

The other two would be arriving soon. He’d sent messages to both of them. His message to Gusu had already been received—Xichen was on his way—but it always took a while for his messages to travel from the Lower Cultivation World to the Heavenly Realm.

Naturally, Xichen arrived first, bringing with him an armful of wine, which surprised Xue Meng, since in all the time they’d been friends he’d only seen him drink tea—but he wasn’t going to complain. 

“From my brother in law,” Xichen said.

They sat outside and drank tea, playing Go until Runyu arrived, looking haggard. He’d probably just finished arranging the night sky. His deer wandered after him. Xichen poured him a cup of tea. Runyu swept his robes behind him and sat down. 

“Xue Meng, that’s quite an impressive hairpin,” he said. 

“I had it made,” Xue Meng said, feeling awfully pleased. “And these robes were a gift to myself. I realized that you can’t wait for someone else to give you what you deserve, no matter how many hints you drop!" 

The other two nodded solemnly.

Xue Meng won every round of Go. Xichen didn’t have an eye for strategy and Runyu was tired, so they poured the wine Xichen’s brother-in-law had sent and cheered the good weather. 

Absolutely nothing traumatizing happened! No one was betrayed or lied to, no one’s heart was broken, the wine was every bit as good as Xue Meng had hoped. There was even a light breeze!

With their combined skills, they managed a passable dinner with just enough for the three of them. But eventually, it was time to depart. Even though the cabin existed outside of time, it continued for all of them where they’d come from. 

Runyu started toward the mountain’s exit. Xichen laid a hand on his arm. 

"What’s the worst that could happen if the stars didn’t come out?” he said.

Runyu blinked. “I don’t know." 

Xue Meng considered this. "Wouldn’t people simply think it’s a cloudy night?" 

And with that, they decided to take an extended vacation on the remote mountain. 

The end.
