#he really does seem to behave via mirroring


Y’all I’m crying I was doing Napoleon rt again for he collection event and was nobody gonna remind me that Comte was an absolute madladat the beginning of that main story

I have been wheezing my ass off all morning, the way he just drags her along at his pace and then says “lmao peace out enjoy Paris” 

Like sir????? Sir hold on a second????? S i r ;;;;;;;;;

The only thing I want to enjoy his him

Though I did love this one line from MC about him, it just feels so apt:


I thought it was a very perceptive first impression of him, and I totally forgot she says this–though it does nothing to minimize the hilarity.

He really said “I can see you’re very principled” SPOILS HER TO AN INSANE DEGREE ANYWAY

Deadass I wish I could have seen Leonardo’s face when Comte walked into that place buried under shopping bags LMFAO
