#he shriveled up and died


Meet the children of the Juice Bar Regulars! Mojito Cookie, Peppermint Cocoa Cookie, Cream Soda Cookie, and Scarlet Royal Cookie!


  • He / Him
  • 17
  • Relatives : Herb Cookie (Father), Sparkling Cookie (Father), Apple Cookie (Older Sister), Tiramisu Cookie (Brother-In-Law), Caramel Apple (Niece), Succulent Cookie (Older Sister), Sea Fairy Cookie (Grandma), Moonlight Cookie (Grandma), Wind Archer Cookie (Grandpa), Fire Spirit Cookie (Grandpa), Devil Cookie (Uncle)

The calm and helpful Mojito Cookie is always making sure everybody has a nice cup of tea. Whether you’re sad or happy, Mojito Cookie always finds a way to cool your nerves and make you relax.

Mojito Cookie wishes that he could be like his dad and take over his juice bar. He’s always up day and night trying to perfect juice recipes just to please the people he serves. The cookie just can’t get enough of people sipping down a drink and smiling.

Mojito Cookie cares about his family a lot and would never want to see them hurt or even them arguing. Mojito Cookie is usually calm, BUT if he gets angry…… well….. you don’t wanna see him angry…….


  • She / Her
  • 16
  • Relatives: Mint Choco (Dead Father), Cocoa (Mother), Choco Bon Bon (Grandma), Cherry Choco (Aunt), Thin Mint (Aunt), Tea Knight (Grandpa), Eggnog (Grandpa), Tiramisu (Uncle), Apple (Aunt-In-Law), Caramel Apple (Cousin)

Peppermint Cocoa Cookie is a shy and antisocial cookie. Always staying away from strangers and barely even keeping up a conversation.

People always compliment Peppermint Cocoa on her beautiful, heterochromic eyes. She is both proud and ashamed of them. Proud because she remembers her father saying she has the most beautiful eyes in Earthbred, but ashamed because she looks a little weird.

Perhaps this was the result of her father passing away all those years ago. Many years ago to the point that Peppermint Cocoa can’t remember his face. But memories all those years ago to make her pick up her late fathers violin and play a beautiful tone everyday.

Every night, Peppermint Cocoa sits on her windowsill and plays a tone outside the window for cookies to hear. She hums the tone that she picks adding more to the tone, as cookies hear her beautiful voice across the sky. After that, she sits with her windowing mother to have some cocoa.


  • He / Him
  • 18
  • Relatives : Vampire (Adopted Father), Rockstar (Stepfather), Scarlet Royal (Stepsister), Alchemist (Aunt), Starfruit (Aunt-In-Law), Moscato (Cousin)

As Vampire Cookie walked through the forest, he heard the wail for a freshly baked cookie. At first, he wanted to leave it alone, but he decided it couldn’t survive on its own and took it in. The cookie fed him, provided him shelter, and made sure he grew up healthy. All this effort despite Cream Soda not being his kid (and it’s literally Vampire Cookie)

Now, Cream Soda Cookie is both a brilliant scientist and a skilled gamer. Researching with his cousin at day, getting on his consoles and playing some games at night. Cream Soda doesn’t believe in sleep, he just believes in studying and gaming.

Cream Soda always preferred his aunt over his own dad, the main reason why he’s a researcher. Cream Soda says that his aunt is just as smart as him.


  • She / They
  • 15
  • Relatives : Vampire (Father), Rockstar (Father), Cream Soda (Adopted Brother), Alchemist (Aunt), Starfruit (Aunt-In-Law), Moscato (Cousin)

1 year after Vampire adopted Cream Soda, Vampire fell in love with Rockstar Cookie. 2 years after that, Scarlet Royal Cookie was born.

Unlike her serious brother, Scarlet Royal is more of a loud, clumsy, and energetic cookie. They always sing loudly on their guitar every day and every night. It upsets her brother every time, but she doesn’t care, they love it.

Scarlet Royal takes lots of inspiration from their father, wanting to be famous Rockstar just like him. So everyday, Scarlet Royal practices in the basement singing a song that she picks. It’s always rock, because they LOVErock.
