#he sounds fun


“New York, July 13–Recently a stir was caused by the claim of Boston scientists that by weighing the bodies of persons before and after death they had been able to determine the weight of the soul. Now comes Henry Price, a retired professor, who not only tells what the soul looks like and where it is located, but offers to photograph it as it leaves the body. He has asked the Bellevue hospital authorities for permission to install cameras at a few deathbeds in order to make such pictures.

A number of subjects would have to be exposed to the camera, because, you see, some people have no souls. 

‘You only have a soul,’ says Professor Price, ‘if you have merited 1 from the Deity. If you have transgressed His law, if you are steeped in sin, you have no soul. You die like a dumb animal and crumbling dust is the end of you.

‘What is a soul like? Why, it is small, shapeless and gelatinous, and is located beneath the first rib. At the moment of death the soul is removed by an angel or agent of Deity. It must be taken while warm and palpitating and transferred to a body the counterpart of the 1 it has left. There is no such thing as eternity. The soul expires after its second life.

‘A camera sees and records things not visible to the eye. That is why I am seeking an opportunity to take photographs and thus demonstrate this discovery that has come after almost a lifetime of study.’

The professor thinks a soul does not weigh more than a gram.”

~The Spokane press. (Spokane, Wash.), 13 July 1907. Chronicling America. Lib. of Congress. 
