#headcanon prompts


Thanksgiving Headcanons

Please be sure to specify if you’re a multi-muse

  • - Does your muse celebrate thanksgiving? Why or why not?
  • ️ - What is your muse’s favorite thanksgiving course/food? How about their least favorite?
  • - How does your muse celebrate thanksgiving?
  • - Did your muse celebrate thanksgiving growing up? What kinds of traditions did they have?
  • ️ - Does your muse have any distinct memories of celebrating Thanksgiving with their family?
  • - What’s your muses opinion on football? Do they play?
  • - When does your muse think is an appropriate time to start celebrating christmas?
  • ✨ - What is your muse thankful for?

Ask my muse about family

Specify the muse if you’re a multimuse

  • - What was the relationship with your mother like? Why is it like that?
  • - What was the relationship with your father like? Why is it like that?
  • ‍‍ - Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?
  • - What was your parental situation like growing up (two parents, single, divorced, etc.)?
  • ‍ - Do you have any family outside of your parents and siblings? If so, what’s your relationship?
  • - Who is your favorite family member? Why?
  • - Who is you least favorite family member? Why?
  • - Do you think you are a good child and/or sibling?
  • - How were you to disciplined as a child?
  • - What kinds of lessons were you taught as a child?
  • - Do you have any children? Do you want children?
  • - Did you have any pets growing up? What about now?
  • ⚰️ - Have you ever experienced the loss of a loved one? How did it affect you?
  • - Do you think that you’d be a good parent? Why or why not?
  • - How do you define family?
  • ‍‍‍ - Does your family have any family gatherings? Do you go to any of them?
  • - How much does family mean to you?

Send for a headcanon I’ve considered for my muse, but haven’t made canon.

Bedroom Asks

Send one (or more) for my muse to answer:

  1. What kind of bed do they sleep in? What size is it?
  2. How many pillows do they sleep with? What’s the color of their pillows?
  3. How many blankets do they sleep with? What colors are they?
  4. Where do they keep their clothes? How are their clothes organized?
  5. What kind of light sources do they have? How many do they have? Why?
  6. What colors are their bedroom walls?
  7. What does their bedroom look like? What kind of furniture do they have in there? How big is it?
  8. What kind of floor does their bedroom have? What color?
  9. Do they have any toys? Do they sleep with any of them?
  10. Do they have any rugs? If so, what color are they?
  11. Are there any decorative elements to their bedroom? What are they? Why?
  12. What are some of the things they do in their bedroom?
  13. Do they share their bedroom with anyone. If so, who?

Greed Questions

Since we know not everyone’s into the nastiness of lust, here are some questions about one of the other sins: greed. Send one in and I’ll talk about my muse!

  1. How do they make their money?
  2. What do they spend their money on?
  3. Do they have to pay bills? Taxes?
  4. How do they spend their money? Do they hold onto their money for as long as they can or do frequently spend it?
  5. How stingy are they with money?
  6. What is their financial situation currently?
  7. What was their financial situation in the past? Growing up?
  8. Are there any businesses they spend their money at?
  9. Do they think that money can buy happiness?
  10. Send your own!

For every  I receive, my muse will reveal a time they were angry.

Sinful Ask Meme

Original by ladys-roleplay-meme

Various Sins, old and new, from: Latin, Greek, The Inferno, and LaVeyan Satanism. Send a sin and I’ll answer when my muse committed that sin and why! Specify muse if applicable!

  • LIMBO - A time my muse acted faithless and disloyal.
  • LUST - A time my muse cheated, or was overwhelmed with sexual desire.
  • GLUTTONY - A time my muse spent too much money, time, or effort on something that was fruitless or materialistic.
  • GREED - A time my muse hoarded something selfishly and/or refused to give something away, materialistic or not.
  • ANGER - A time my muse wallowed in a dark emotional or mental place, refusing to get out.
  • HERESY - A time my muse went out of their way to troll or act contrarian, especially out of spite.
  • VIOLENCE - A time my muse attacked someone unprovoked or without reason.
  • FRAUD - A time my muse manipulated and outright lied or even gaslit someone.
  • TREACHERY - A time my muse betrayed someone after building up a relationship.
  • LUXURIA - A time my muse went out of their way to peacock their wealth.
  • GULA - A time my muse overindulged to the point of harming themselves.
  • AVARITA - A time my muse greatly envied wealth or a goal so insatiably they could not be stopped.
  • ACEDIA - A time my muse was extremely indifferent, apathetic, or bored to the point it hindered their progress in life.
  • IRA - A time my muse was impatient to the point of agitation or acting out.
  • INVIDIA - A time my muse was vindictive and held a grudge or wished harm upon others.
  • SUPERBIA - A time my muse put others down in order to boost themselves up.
  • TRISTITIA - A time my muse was overcome with needless self-pity.
  • VAINGLORIA - A time my muse was so jealous they acted out for attention or to divert attention from someone else.
  • STUPIDITY - A time my muse willingly acted without judging ahead of time.
  • PRETENTIOUSNESS  - A time my muse made an unnecessary scene of things or twisted a scene in order to be right.
  • SOLIPSISM - A time my muse didn’t or refused to realize that the sun didn’t revolve around them.
  • SELF-DECEIT - A time my muse lied to themselves to avoid the truth.
  • HERD CONFORMITY - A time my muse followed orders without question.
  • LACK OF PERSPECTIVE - A time my muse refused to acknowledge the impact of their words or deeds.
  • FORGETTING PAST ORTHODOXIES - A time my muse claimed an old idea, innovation, or otherwise as new (or claimed something new as something old) knowingly and purposefully to reach their goals.
  • COUNTERPRODUCTIVE PRIDE - A time my muse held themselves back for the sake of keeping an image.
  • LACK OF AESTHETICS - A time my muse lacked pleasant and harmonious balance to themselves and those around them.

Ask my character about their family!

Originaly by promptnebula

Send my muse(s) questions about their parents

Please be sure to specify a muse if you’re a multi

Send + a question about my muse’s family and my muse will have to answer with 100% honesty.
