#heartbeat fetish



A Fated Cardiophile Encounter (NSFW) PART 1

(Based on a story I just saw, I just wanted to build upon the idea)

The coffee shop was pretty empty. The sounds of the baristas moving cutlery and mugs around, the soft music playing over the speakers. The air was filled with the smell of freshly ground coffee beans.

A woman rushed in, her breathing heavy from just having ran across the street. The muscle in her chest pounding against her ribcage so hard she was worried someone might possibly hear.

A man, having recently just gotten his drink, was sitting not too far from the entrance and couldn’t help but have his attention diverted to her.

She did make quite the entrance.

His eyes slowly fell onto her bounding pulse in her neck.

He tightened his grip on his cup as he took notice.

Keep reading

Part 2:

Part 3:

Just so all the parts can be together ♡

Please feel free to leave comments and talk about it in the replies if you’d like

A Fated Cardiophile Encounter: Part 3 (Final) (VERY NSFW)

Quickly shaken from his trance, he followed her eagerly to her bedroom, sitting on the bed, as he was instructed.

She made her way over to him and sat on his lap, straddling him while he sits-eye level with her breasts.

“Now, listen.”

She suddenly pulled his head into her chest, his ear directly over her apex, nestled right between her breasts.

The sound of her heart boomed in his ear.

It was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.

He closed his eyes as the sound of her lifeforce thrashed against the side of his head, filling his ears with the beautiful cacophony of sounds coming from the contraction of her valves. 

She began bucking her hips against his dick, moving slowly at first.

As the sound crashed against his ear, he noticed it had gotten faster as his stiffened cock began rubbing against her clit, making her squirm on top of him. The more she moved, the harder it would pound.

He could feel it pushing against his face with each expansion, his face fitting so perfectly between her breasts, almost as if it was meant to be there.

She then tore her heart away from him and reached over to her nightstand.

He was out of breath from the experience. She stopped for a moment to listen to how his beating heart was interrupting his breathing and she smirked. 

Oh how she adored that. 

Within the drawer showed that she had a shiny new stethoscope awaiting this very moment.

She got off of him for just a moment, to take her jeans and bra off, then finally sliding her panties down her sleek legs.

He took this cue and slid his own pants off, his sizable cock being revealed.

She looked him up and down, seeing how his visible heartbeat was matching up perfectly with his cock’s beating.

She stood, looking down at him, her gaze drifting from his manhood to his protruding heart at regular intervals, 

This was heaven. 

She chuckled slightly as she slowly placed the stethoscope into her ears.

His expression must have shown her his disappointment as he felt he wouldn’t be able to hear her heavenly sounds again.

“Oh, don’t look so sad” she walked, flaunting every asset she had with each step, spinning the steth teasingly as she went. On top of her dresser she fetched another, slightly worn but still perfectly good stethoscope.

“I haven’t forgotten about you, darling”

She crawled onto the bed, laying on her back, beckoning him over.

He did as she asked, placing his hands on either side of her.

She then, with a touch as gentle as the wind placed the earpieces into their place in his ears.

She hissed “The only thing I want more than to hear you fuck me, is to watch you listen to me while you cum”.

She arched her back, forcing her heart outward, making it more visible than ever.

He shivered just the same as he did before. This was a dream come true.

Her breasts shook with each beat.

He couldn’t look away. This was perfect. 

As she placed her steth against his chest, he was brought out of his trance with the cold end of the bell

He shook himself into composure, placing the end of his own toy onto its rightful place in the center of her chest. 

The sounds of each of their hearts boomed in the other’s ear. 

He let his throbbing member slide against her begging pussy, feeling how slick the entire experience has made her.

He let her feel his pulsating dick

There would be more to come.

As he let out a deep breath, he slid himself into her, she heard his heart skip over itself. This made her entrance tighten for a second around his shaft.

His heart was at 130

Hers was at 120

Her heart threw a skip as he entered her.

He let out a pleasured groan, he was so overwhelmed. Nothing could be better.

He was wrong.

As he began moving his hips, their hearts began racing.

Both pounding in unison.

Both being heard.

His was 140

Hers was 130

She arched her back further and made eye contact with him as she reached for his hand, taking over holding the bell of his steth for him.

She placed his hand over her heart much the same as before “listen to my heart struggle” she breathlessly requested.

His was 145

Hers was 140

He gasped as she took a deep breath in, showing off how visible her heart becomes yet again, but this time she had no intention of letting her breath out so soon as she did before.

He locked eyes with her PMI as she placed his thumb directly over it, watching it move up and down with each labored movement.

It initially slowed, much like before, but it quickened so much faster.

She, still having her hand around his, pushed his thumb into her heart again, only harder this time.

With the sudden pressure, her heart let out a panicked PVC, which they both felt.

As they both moaned, her heart kept getting faster, more missed beats were being thrown about as her heart thrashed.

His was 140

Hers was 155

His hips bucked and thrusted into her. Her heart being squeezed under his thumb. It was so pronounced as its beats became more frantic from the lack of oxygen and the pressure of his hand.

He pushed into her ribcage with each thrust, with small fibrillation being thrown every so often.

He was in heaven.

She was in heaven.



Her chest heaved as her body craved air.

Her heart was begging for release.

Her body was lusting for more.



He began moving his cock in and out of her with each beat, which became increasingly difficult as her heart was out of control

They were both close.

As their climaxes rose, so did their heart rates.

Her heart was missing more beats that not, kicking and screaming against his steth and oppressive hand.

She couldn’t hold it anymore.

She let out her air and her heart let out a dozen fibrillated beats before she let out all the air in her lungs and held it out.



His eyes rolled back ad her heart stumbled, losing all rhythm, her entire left breast was being lifted by her straining heart. Her entire heart’s outline could be seen as it shook her entire body, her breasts quaking with the intense movement of the muscle beneath.

He was gonna cum

She was gonna cum

Faster and faster



She inhaled a gasp of air as she threw her head back and exclaimed;

 “My heart’s gonna fucking explode”

“Make my heart explode”

With the sudden rush of air to her system, her blood pressure skyrocketed, making her heart push out of her chest.

The pleasure was too much



Thrusting into her, hearing her screaming heart.

Feeling him inside of her, hearing his bellowing heart.

It was heaven.

They were in heaven.

Together, they came in the most beautiful unison.

Chests heaving, hearts slowing, they gazed into each others eyes. 

After a few minutes, she finally uttered “Wow…that was..”

“Yeah…wow…” he replied. 

He was still in disbelief. This couldn’t have been real. He was waiting to hear his alarm clock sound and for this dream to be over.

She pulled her hand up from its place on the steth and caressed his cheek. 

“Heh, come here”

She pulled him down on top of her, guiding his head to rest in the center of her chest. 

Her heart had slowed, but he could hear it was already recovering. 

The slow, powerful beats lulled his still hammering muscle into calming itself as well.

He could hear her voice vibrate through her chest as she spoke.

“We should do this again sometime” she said, her intention very clear in the lightness of her words.

“Yeah…yeah I think I’d like that”

A Fated Cardiophile Encounter: Part 2 (NSFW)

That was it.

That was the confirmation she was so desperately hoping for.

Her breast was shaking with each lustful pound. He finally had the consent to gaze upon it.

He felt his pants tighten as his member started to stiffen.

She smiled a very satisfied grin and, almost out of breath, spoke “Well, I don’t live too far from here. ‘Bout a two minute walk, you think your heart can handle that?”.

The way she said the word sent shivers down his spine. With how the word flowed between her lips, he could tell now how much she loved heartbeats. How she loved them just the same as he did.

He nodded and grabbed his stuff as the two of them practically ran out the door.

They jogged next to each other until they arrived at her apartment door a few minutes away. 

Both out of breath, hearts pounding, they looked at each other with pure lust. Knowing how the physical exertion has raised their blood pressure to make their already bursting hearts beat harder only made them yearn for each other more.

She fumbled with her keys and almost busted down her own door, slamming it behind her as she pushed him against the nearest wall. Her hand was firmly planted in the center of his chest, directly over his throbbing heart.

He let out an audible moan as his dick was already rock hard and was pulsating with each of his tortured beats.

“Y-you feel it?” He tried to squeak out.

“Oh god, yes” she breathed out as her hand bounced against his chest as his heart pounded against it.

Her eyes narrowed on his chest, almost transfixed on how it was almost punching her palm through every barrier between. 

She grabbed his hand and guided it under her shirt, his fingers finding their place between her ribs. He could feel her pericardium poking between two of her ribs as each beat thrusted itself out.

Before he could say anything, she took her other hand and greedily began lifting his shirt.

“I want to see it beating.” She demanded.

His cock had never been so hard.

He didn’t hesitate for a second and almost ripped his shirt off, revealing a smooth chest with slightly defined muscles.

It took her mere seconds to focus on his heart.

Unshielded by his shirt, she could see almost the entire outline of it with each of his breaths in.

She couldn’t help it. She was so wet, it had soaked through her panties as her pussy twitched with each of her heartbeats.

“Oh my god…oh my god yes” she cooed as she took her own shirt off, showing off her simple black bra and the heart pushing beneath it, returning the favor.

He could feel himself practically salivating at the sight of her breast quaking with every aching beat.

She looked at him similarly to how a lion would gaze at a wounded gazelle. Hungry.

As he reached out again to feel her, she had begun taking a deep breath in, and holding it.

His shaft began almost painfully hard as he watched as her heart emerged from the center of her sternum. The way it ballooned out from under her lower ribs.

It started out slow, pushing out with strong, steady beats.

She grabbed his hand impatiently and placed his thumb against her visible pulsation as it began to beat faster after being deprived of oxygen.

She pressed his thumb in harder as her heart began to stumble.

She quickly let her breath out as she moved his hand away.

“You. On my bed. Now.”

A Fated Cardiophile Encounter (NSFW) PART 1

(Based on a story I just saw, I just wanted to build upon the idea)

The coffee shop was pretty empty. The sounds of the baristas moving cutlery and mugs around, the soft music playing over the speakers. The air was filled with the smell of freshly ground coffee beans.

A woman rushed in, her breathing heavy from just having ran across the street. The muscle in her chest pounding against her ribcage so hard she was worried someone might possibly hear.

A man, having recently just gotten his drink, was sitting not too far from the entrance and couldn’t help but have his attention diverted to her.

She did make quite the entrance.

His eyes slowly fell onto her bounding pulse in her neck.

He tightened his grip on his cup as he took notice.

As if she had read his mind, she then tried to sneakily lay two fingers onto her carotid as she took a deep breath.

He saw her finger bounce as her artery bounded.

Time seemed to move slower, but as quickly as it started, her eyes fell on him as he stared at her pulse. In that split second, he sheepishly looked away, ashamed of himself.

She could feel the blood rush to her cheeks.

“Fuck, did he see?” She thought to herself.

He tried to shrug it off as someone who’s just into cardio workouts doing it out of habit and tried to not dwell on it.


She had gotten her drink and sat down.

He was trying his best not to sneak glances at her. Her heart was still recovering.

He knew this purely because of how her breast would leap with each beautiful beat.

He could see that the caffeine in the coffee was taking its toll on her heart, he could see it speeding up as time went on.

At least he thought it was the caffeine.

Little did he know, she drinking decaf.

He felt so imposing, he did his best to keep his eyes away. Eventually he took out his phone to distract himself.

He noticed his heart pounding with pure excitement and nervousness.

He looked down and saw that his well-fitted shirt was practically displaying each of its pounding beat.

This didn’t exactly make it beat any calmer.

He took one more glance at her, only to find her looking directly into the center of his chest, exactly where his heart seemed to be poking out of the middle of his ribcage with each rising breath.

She squirmed in her seat slightly, feeling the heat rise between her legs upon seeing this.

His face felt as though it was on fire. “Oh my god is she..is she looking at my..”

His heart was now practically leaping within the confines of his ribs, almost as if its calling out to the woman, begging to be closer to her.

As she locked eyes with him, her eyes widened and she, embarrassed as she was, found the confidence to smile slightly.

She swallowed nervously, her heart seeming to be trying to escape her chest.

Finally, after gathering as much confidence as she could, grabbed her things unceremoniously and made her way towards the almost shaking man.

He felt as though the muscle that was keeping him alive was also simultaneously trying to get him killed. It was trying to make itself known and he was worried it may have worked.

She leaned against the seat in front of him and took a deep breath, her frantic beats making her breath shake.

“This taken?”

There was a coolness to her voice. She sounded calm, but her relentless pump was saying otherwise, and both of them knew it.

He felt as though he was about to pass out.

“N-no! A-ah I mean, nah I’m here alone” as he let out a nervous chuckle, his heart skipped a single beat and he jumped slightly in his chair.

She, finding her eyes wandering once again, was lucky enough to see his perky little heart miss its beat. As a result, she felt her womanhood tingle.

“Would you mind if..?”

She couldn’t finish before he motioned towards the seat in approval “of course!”

She laughed and sat, her eyes tracing his almost quivering lips, then journeyed to his well-defined jawline, and then to the jugular vein that was almost popping out of his neck with each pulse of blood that ran through it.

She spoke with a gentle, yet knowing tone “I noticed you were looking at me. You a bit nerv-”

“I’m not nervous! N-not at all!” his own voice showing precisely how bad his lie was.

She gently bit her lip and her face reddened as she was slowly beginning to fail at hiding her excitement.

“Ah, well, you sure about that?” She smirked an evil grin as she deliberately eyed his now racing heart.

He couldn’t control it. He was almost panting at this point. He couldn’t believe it

She was almost going crazy. Her heart was going out of control. She couldn’t believe it.

Before he could say anything as a rebuttal, she picked up her hand and slowly reached across the table, holding her palm towards him as her eyes almost seemed to ask him a very particular question.

He knew what she was asking for.

He also knew the answer.

His eyes were wide open. His heart was almost reaching out to be felt by her soft hands. The way it was slamming against his skin. It was begging and so was he.

He gently pushed her hand away, swallowing his fear for a moment and finding some courage in himself.

“Not here. Let’s find someplace more private.”

[Hey hey! I wrote the rest of the story while helplessly horny so -i only had one hand writing at the time haha…yeah- if you guys want more, I’ll get right to editing that and getting it posted!!]



A Fated Cardiophile Encounter (NSFW) PART 1

(Based on a story I just saw, I just wanted to build upon the idea)

The coffee shop was pretty empty. The sounds of the baristas moving cutlery and mugs around, the soft music playing over the speakers. The air was filled with the smell of freshly ground coffee beans.

A woman rushed in, her breathing heavy from just having ran across the street. The muscle in her chest pounding against her ribcage so hard she was worried someone might possibly hear.

A man, having recently just gotten his drink, was sitting not too far from the entrance and couldn’t help but have his attention diverted to her.

She did make quite the entrance.

His eyes slowly fell onto her bounding pulse in her neck.

He tightened his grip on his cup as he took notice.

Keep reading

Part 2:

Part 3:

Just so all the parts can be together ♡

Please feel free to leave comments and talk about it in the replies if you’d like

A little bump for anyone who missed it
