

For @heavensenthale as part of the Malec Secret Santa 2021

This fic fought me for a good, long while. Ultimately, it turned out entirely different than originally planned.
I hope you still enjoy it, my friend - have some *wonderful* holidays.


Alec groaned as he more or less stumbled out of his room, only clad in a pair of comfortable and soft pyjama pants. He padded straight towards the kitchen on bare feet, passing his brother Jace who lounged on the living room sofa and typed away furiously on his phone.

“Mornin’,” Alec mumbled, running a hand through his hair. Jace didn’t even look up at him, apparently engrossed in the texts he was receiving.

“Good morning. Uh, coffee’s still hot, if you want any? I’m texting with Izzy right now.”

Alec gave a wordless sound of affirmation as he walked past the blonde, making a beeline for the coffee pot. Thankfully Jace – who was always the first to get up in the morning, even though he usually was the last to leave for his job as a personal trainer – always made more than enough for all three of the Lightwood siblings sharing the flat. As much as Alec occasionally cursed about his decision to move in with both Jace and Isabelle, all in all it had probably been the best idea of his adult life. At least he wouldn’t die alone, or of caffeine deprivation.

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