#hed make even an immortal sorcerer fear for his life



Barbatos, Solomon, Diavolo, Simeon, WC: 977 

Barbatos fancied himself a patient man. He took the antics of the seven Avatars in stride, he frequently bent to the strange whims of Lord Diavolo, even the sweeter tests like Luke; who was so excited to learn from him, yet would turn right around and denounce any affection towards demons. Barbatos rarely said anything beyond gentle corrections if anyone ever went a little too far. He merely smiled and allowed it, more often than not. Part of his duty was to put others before himself.

Barbatos fancied himself a caring man. Although he might not express it as openly as Asmodeus, or as foolishly as Levi, he was confident that those in his favor knew it. He was always sure that their preferred foods and drinks were available for their visits, fresh sheets, just the right amount of blankets, the proper thickness of pillow; anything to make them feel comfortable and at ease. He preferred the company of the knowledgeable and the less excitable, but even for those with higher energies there was a time and a place where Barbatos truly enjoyed entertaining them.

Barbatos fancied himself an observant man. Every new guest was watched closely, some were even asked more direct questions for Barbatos to log away. Even if he wasn’t fond of them, it was important to know who would be coming to his master’s house and what they liked. Preferences, talents, hobbies, dislikes, all locked away into the butler’s mind for those days when the information would finally be of use. He knew never to raise his voice with Luke, to always thank Lucifer for his help whenever it was given, and to avoid calling Mammon rude names if Barbatos wanted anything done.

Of course, the most important one:
Under no circumstances should Solomon be allowed in a kitchen.

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