#heizou fluff



perhaps calling yourself “inazuma’s most wanted criminal” is definitely an overstatement and not the brightest idea on your part — but if that’s all that takes to have shikanoin heizou on your back; then so be it.

  • heizou / gender neutral reader
  • fluff? bantering. reader is mayhaps overconfident but heizou loves it. reader is a thief. reader calls heizou “mr.detective” quite a lot. (written before the characters release!)

the first time you meet the detective, you were not expecting for that man with noodle arms to be that strong — to the point where you can’t move out of his grasp, your hands pinned over your head and his face shoved right into yours. you also definitely did not expect him to smile and laugh, laugh!, in your face and then to just let you off with a warning, a condescending look in his eyes. yes, you did have an innocent look on your face and yes, it was a convincing one, but the way he laughed and looked at you as if you were just a child, a hindrance, set off something in you.

and from that moment on, you decided that you’d make that weird detective respect you.

shikanoin heizou is his name, you learned once by accident during your night trips to the city. the number one detective in the tenryu commission! someone says the next time you’re out and gathering information. a man of wild imagination, you near a couple of weeks later while trailing your next victim, but he also has an extraordinary sense of intuition when it comes to solving cases! someonealmost screams the last part of the sentence into your ear. you flinch and then disappear between the people, focusing on your target once more.

“extraordinary sense of intuition my ass”, you mutter under your breath; you despise him to the core just after one meeting with him. is it quite childish? perhaps. but you don’t care.

sure, you’ve never really expected to become a criminal — and also one of the best, if you can say so yourself, but fate works in wonderful ways. the wonderful ways of fate meaning you were incredibly petty.

and today, you’re slightly fucked. not worse than the first, second, third and nth time after coming face to face with shikanoin heizou but the situation is definitely not ideal. shoved into the corner with no possible way of release and running away; it makes you feel like a caged animal. you’re plastered to the walls of the buildings next to you, searching for a way out. the detective is coming closer and closer, his eyes bearing the same condescending look as the first time you ever saw him.

it makes your blood boil.

“shouldn’t you be, i don’t know, sitting in and office and be taking care of all of your detective cases, mr. shikanoin?” you ask cutely, your eyes quickly scanning the surrounding. he doesn’t answer and just smiles (and damn it, it’s really pretty), he just approaches you.

“i truly doubt that chasing after me has anything to do with your job,” you continue your little monologue, deciding that today’s apparently the day when he’s not the most talkative, “considering i’m oh so honest with my crimes; there is nothing to solve there.”

you feign an innocent look and a crestfallen expression guests on your face; perhaps, if heizou did not know you that well, he would’ve fallen for it. the way he fell for it the first time.

“you stole weapons from the tenshukaku,” he says, his eyes brimming with something akin to excitement and it makes your heart flutter. “you stole weapons under the almighty shogun’s watch and i’d like to know how.”

“what, so you can steal them too?” you raise your brow and cock your face to the side. you slowly lift your hands higher the closer he gets to you. “i’m flattered, mr. detective, but the magician does not reveal their tricks that easily. you’ll have to try harder.”

“we’ll have all the time in the world after i take you to one of the cells; the food there may be not the best but i promise to spend a lot of time with you as you slowly tell me all your ways,” he tells you in a voice that makes him sound as if he’s making a sweet and not threatening promise. the issue? your heartbeat accelerates.

he’s only three steps away from you when you hop up and leap up into the air as if jumping on stairs, quickly placing yourself on the roof. you squat and look at the man under you, placing your chin on your hand.

“you’re really annoying, someone ever told you that?”

“yeah, a couple of times from this one guy called shikanoin heizou; ever heard of him? but truly, it’s a pity he’s someone that works under the law and not against it,” you sigh in disappointment.

“one day, i’ll catch you for good. and every time you use up one of your escape tricks, i get closer and closer to that day,” he says fiercely in a way that makes him sound as if he’s making an oath to his beloved.

you stand up and stretch lazily.

“y’know, if i didn’t know better, i’d say you have a crush on me, mr. detective,” you wink and disappear from his sight.

he’ll have you, one day. one day, you will be in his grasp — and he won’t let you go.
