

LATE AGAIN. AGAIN LATE FOR@naruto-smut-monday >.< I am so, so sorry, real life is hard rn, and summertime is always a busy period for me (and it’s hot outside and that means I’m completely deflated, with no will to move or do anything) This one isn’t that long, just 6,5k. I hope you will enjoy it anyway :D

Pairings: Nariko Mori/Obito Uchiha, F/M pairing
ChapterTW: Mafia AU, modern AU if you squint, sex in the forest, dirty talking, weapons - 1 (one) certain kunai, I probably destroyed Madara, I’m so sorry
Chapter word count: 6,545 (40,692 for all work)
Prompt for chapter: “Is that a kunai?”
Chapter summary: The universe is very stubborn about crossing Nariko and Obito paths. This time, he is a hitman for an Uchiha family, while she works as a hitman for Senjus. Yet, when they met at a certain masquerade ball organized by the Nara family, both with an order to fight to the death, the outcome might be… Quite different.

Tsunade Senju’s office was never a place Nariko liked to spend more time than necessary; even though the inside was comfortable and inviting. The walls were full of library-like shelves, almost bending under the heavy weight of books, statuettes, and framed pictures. Sofa and armchairs with cushions so soft, it was hard not to sink into them and fall asleep, looking at the window taking up the area of the whole main wall - the view of the wild green garden and the combination of old wood and creamy white color present everywhere made the inside so peaceful, it was hard to believe the office belonged to one of the most prominent and important people in the city - the granddaughter of the legendary Hashirama Senju herself. 

Cozy like home, making Nariko’s senses dull and chilled, instead of being aware of what’s happening around - a behavior not fitting for a young woman’s job nature and personality. But it was so comfortable, a perfect place to doze off, and let body and mind rest. And even Nariko - an assassin, high valued killer, the best of Tsunade’s soldiers let herself dream a little, letting her guard down for a tiny moment, dreaming about some forest and the warm water of a hot spring; and a man she had feelings for in this dream.

When Tsunade entered the room, making her heels click-clack rhythmically on the antique wooden floor, Nariko didn’t notice this at first, sinking in the plush cushions. Only when the portly figure appeared in the corner of her eye, she turned her head towards Tsunade.

“Tsunade-sama…-” Nariko put her hands on the armrests, ready to get up and salute, but the tall blonde only waved her hand.

“Don’t stand up,” the stack of papers and a carton box as well landed on the old desk with a thump. The woman sighed, “paperwork will kill me someday.”

“Should I take care of the paperwork? Or take care of the one who put so much on you, Tsunade-sama?”

“I wish,” Tsunade chuckled, “but I would need to kill you after.”

“Understood,” the young woman nodded, “so if not the dreadful amount of work, why am I being summoned if I may ask?”

“Straight to the point, as usual.”

“Why waste time?”

“There is plenty of time,” sitting down behind the desk, Tsunade started to ruffle the papers around, “and you’re impatient. That will get you killed someday.”

“With all due respect, but it’s unusual to call me and not expect imminent death of an enemy.”

Tsunade looked at the young woman and rolled her eyes, “the circumstances are different this time.”

“Different… How?”

“Pour us wine,” Tsunade sighed.

That was something new. Usually, whenever Tsunade called her, it was just to present Nariko the target, or targets, and if the trace was supposed to be wiped out, or the message is meant to be left so everyone would know not to fuck with Tsunade Senju or the Senju family. It was a quick meeting, not involving any small-talk. Just the details and get to work. Not to mention, Tsunade wasn’t so keen on sharing goods from her own stash.

So when the current head of the family told Nariko to pour wine, that meant some huge news was about to drop, and Nariko had a weird feeling in her stomach - a mix of excitement and uncertainty. 

Once she had the red wine in crystal glasses, engraved with the Senju crest and leafy motives, she handed one to Tsunade, and came back to her seat, patiently waiting for her employer to begin. Talking or drinking, whatever it would be, if Nariko would start before Tsunade, it would be rude; a common mistake made by newly employed, or those who were not close to the family and didn’t have the proper manners.

And Nariko wasn’t someone who just came to work for the family - it’s been years since she had the first contract, and started to earn the much needed trust.

Finally, after a moment of silence interrupted by the chirp of birds from the outside, the blonde woman took the glass in her hand. She took a sip, and opened her mouth, “it’s about the Uchihas.”

“Of course, it’s about the Uchihas,” she couldn’t stop herself from retorting and rolling her eyes, even if it earned a sharp look from Tsunade.

Whenever Tsunade brought up the Uchihas subject - it meant trouble. A lot. Usually, Madara’s thugs were causing problems, stealing resources, beating up informers, or just the lower-class soldiers were killed on both sides.

“What did Madara do this time? Another stealing of crates from the shipyard, or buying our people…?”

“It’s different,” Tsunade shook her head, “I think he feels death’s breath on his neck.”

“Oh? That’s new… He was always paranoid about his own safety. Why the sudden change?”

“Do I look like his therapist, Nariko?” the blonde snarled, taking another sip from the glass, and continued without expecting the young woman to answer anything, “it’s the letter that I received recently that makes me think that way,” she reached to the drawer, and threw an envelope on the desk.

Without additional questions, Nariko took it in her hands; the paper itself looked like an expensive one. Handmade for sure, and folded by hand too. Red letters on the back of the envelope were even and swirling, making fancy patterns, but being perfectly readable at the same time.

On the front, there was nothing more but a now useless broken wax seal. The color was typical to the Uchiha clan - blood red, and that very characteristic crest.

Inside - same paper, same ink, same handwriting.

Dignified head of the Senju family, Tsunade Senju.

As much as I want to speak with Hashirama himself, I know, after years of ignoring my invitations and letters, sending back my gifts and assassins, that it is impossible to speak with him directly.

As much as it hurts me, and I find it as slander, I’m willing to accept the fact that his granddaughter took the helm of the family business, and I put my hope in the rumors that your honor is as great as your skills.

As I grow old and my hope of facing Hashirama is fading away, I propose to end the quarrel between the great Uchiha clan and the Senju family, once and for all, until the next generations decide to renew the war and animosity.

Now, I know that someone not skilled in meanders of contacts, rules, and history of such families as yours or mine, would think, naively, that it’s the marriage suggestion

But fear not, Tsunade Senju, I’m not proposing to such a young lady as you. My days are numbered, and knowing that all rule and fortune would be in Senju hands fills me with disgust

That’s why, to determine which family is worthy of the name of the First Family of Konoha, I challenge your best assassin to take a battle with my champion. No guns, no tricks, just plain, good old white-weapon fight. The one who comes back home will bring the news which family has won.

In two weeks, Naras will throw a masquerade ball for the most dignified people in this city. I know for a fact that you and your entourage will be there. So will I. Let’s treat it as a neutral ground, and make our agents meet there. 

I would challenge your grandfather myself, if Hashirama wouldn’t ignore me, and accept my invitations.

I expect your answer by next Saturday.

Madara Uchiha, head of the Uchiha Clan.

Nariko scratched the back of her head, “that’s…”

“Odd. I know,” the older woman nodded, “that’s why I said, I suspect that Madara feels that death is near, and wants to end the animosity until he is alive. And by this, I mean that he believes he will achieve that victory he obsessively craves.”

“It’s Saturday. I guess I’m not here because you just wanted to show me that peculiar letter?” With her nimble fingers, Nariko held the letter up.

“You guess right. I agreed.”


Madara Uchiha’s office was a cold place; despite dark walls, elegant mahogany furniture, and a modern fireplace, put in the hollow in the wall, spreading across the whole length. A lion’s cave Obito avoided at any costs, especially recently, when his uncle’s paranoia and god complex got worse, and when all of his subordinates were under constant observation. How many times Obito heard about spies from other clans, wiping out the Senju family, taking control over the city, and completing his legacy before he will pass away…

Truth be told, many would be relieved hearing the news that Madara is not their problem anymore, and that circle included Obito. Of course, that is he could abdicate as soon as she would be anointed as the new head of the family.

But now, the young scarred man sat down in a leather chair, watching carefully the old head of the clan. And the more he stared at the old man sitting motionlessly, the more Madara looked like a wizened fruit, and the more concern was in Obito’s head. What if the old man went completely nuts? Or… Maybe he is already dead, and Obito should come up closer and check if there were any vital sing-

“You wonder why I summoned you,” the old man started with a hoarse voice, making Obito shiver in his seat.

“Yes,oyabun.”That stupid form of calling the head of the clan, Obito hated it. But it made Madara feel powerful, even if this was just a simple word.

“Heh. Of course, you do. You can’t be patient,” the old man coughed a few times, “it’s your biggest flaw, how many times have I already told you that?”

“I didn’t count-”

“Well, you should! Because it’s time to stop being childish!” 

Obito didn’t say anything, just sank into the uncomfortable chair. Childish. He, the best hitman that the Uchiha family had, the one that was being called to almost every unsolvable problem. If someone in this family was childish, it was that brat Sasuke, not him…

“It’s time to put that conflict with the Senju family to an end.”

“Oh?” So is that why he is being called here? To finally resolve the problem? Weird thing, that the old man didn’t bring Hashirama yet… “You have a plan, oyabun?”

“I do. It involves you and the other person working under Tsunade.”

“You are not thinking about setting up a marriage, right?” The younger man started to joke but quickly regretted it, seeing the fury and displeasement in Madara’s eyes.

“I told you to stop being childish!” Old palm slammed on the wooden desk, making unidentified objects clatter, “do you really think that I would come up with such a stupid fucking idea?” The slim and bony finger pointed at Obito like a macabre wand ready to kill him, “don’t even think about answering that, it was a rhetorical question, fool.”

“Forgive me, oyabun…

“Now, if you’re ready to stop being a clown, I will fill you in the details,” shuffling through some papers on the desk, Madara’s eyes left Obito, letting him breathe and let that single sweat drop to flow down from his forehead he’d been holding with a sheer force of will. The old man continued, without looking at his subordinate, “you remember, how I sent a letter to their estate?”

The younger man nodded. Of course, Obito did. He delivered it himself because that paranoid old prick didn’t let the courier carry a message of “such an importance and high value, making a mark in the history of an Uchiha clan”. 

“Good. Because I got the answer from the head of the Senju family. Of course, Hashirama,” on the sound of that name Obito rolled his eyes, ”is using her granddaughter as the new leader. I know that old fox too well. I know, I just know that he steers her from the shadows.”

The best thing was to not interrupt the old man now, not when he started to ramble about Hashirama. But Obito really wanted to know. He heard about some party that the Nara family was about to throw in a couple of days, and he really did want to go along with his cousins, meet a lady, and just… Pretend to be a normal guy for a moment, even with a face like his. But if Madara’s plan interfered with that event… “What was in that letter, oyabun?”



“Are you deaf or you just pretend to be a cockatoo and I need to close you in the cage?! I sent Tsunade Senju an invitation to the Nara masquerade ball!”

Well… Shit. “You want me to assassinate her there?”

“No you idiot,” Madara huffed, “you will face her best fighter in a death battle.”

Ah, great. Not only won’t he meet anyone and have fun, but now he would most likely come back wounded, “do we know who that is?” Nevertheless, even if disappointed and growing angry, Obito played to be still a composed professional.

“No,” he threw a piece of paper on the table.

“What’s that?”

“Tsunade’s answer.”

“This?” Obito took a slim piece of paper in his hands, “rather small.”

“Read it.”

Dear head of the Uchiha clan, Madara Uchiha!

I accept your offer. Let’s announce our champions during the ball. I agree to terms: no guns, no tricks, just plain, good old white-weapon fight. I would like to add also the pure physical combat, without weapons to be allowed too.

I believe you don’t take me only as a youngling, and I don’t have to assure you that I won’t violate these rules, so I don’t have to ask you. I believe that the Nara family is as much concerned about the stability of our city as we are, and won’t interfere in our fight, and let our agents use their vast parks and unused buildings as the arena. 

Who comes back alive, determines which family wins. But I must warn you - I have the best one.

I hope to see you in good health on the ball.


Tsunade Senju, head of the Senju family

p.s. Grandpa sends his regards too!

Laughing out loud would bring him the old man’s wrath, so he was lucky his lips curved into a grimace like something was hurting him while he shifted in his seat. The impertinence of this woman… Oh, what a shame, that he wasn’t there when the old man received this letter, and Obito couldn’t witness Madara going nuts about the post scriptum. On the other hand, he would be the one to take all the verbal beating on behalf of the old prick’s enemy…

“You understand what it means,” that was rather a statement than a question, so Obito just kept on remaining silent, still trying hard not to snicker, imagining the older man raging across the room, “Tsunade agreed. We’re going to the masquerade ball. Get yourself ready.”

“As you wish, oyabun,”instantly, Obito stood up and performed a deep bow. 

He spun on his foot, and left the room. Even if bitterness grew in his throat, he couldn’t stop himself from releasing that long-held snicker, still having the image of the old man’s rage on Tsunade’s letter and post scriptum mentioning Hashirama.


Days left until the ball passed quicker than Nariko would like to admit. Spend on training and preparation so she wouldn’t bring Tsunade shame and disappointment. 

Since it was the masquerade party, the mask was the obligatory thing she had to wear. And unfortunately - a more official outfit. Luckily for her, the knee-long skirt was loose enough so she could perform a high kick, and she was allowed to have flat shoes. The only problem was weapons - the Nara family was strict when it came to having weapons inside their estate, so everyone, even important figures such as Tsunade, had to leave their weapons outside, guarded by Nara thugs. 

Luckily, she had written permission to get the weapon, once she would step out of the estate. 

Unluckily, so had her opponent…

The bright dancing hall was filled by people, with their faces covered in various ways. Most of the families urged their members to wear similar-styled ones - mainly when it came to shape, size, coverage, or just as simple a thing as a theme. The only thing that was obligatory was the crest of a clan they were part of, or they pledged allegiance to; everything for a so-called status quo, so everyone could know who is standing in front of them, who they are about to ask for dance and avoid the unpleasant and often harmful gossip.

Tsunade seemed to gleam among the whole crowd, radiating with energy and self-confidence many could and should be envious about, finding new subjects to discuss astoundingly freely. Standing out from the mass of people, it seemed careless and natural for Tsunade, and for the young woman, it was just equal to painting a big cross on the back just screaming to take aim and shoot… On the other hand, that’s what Nariko was supposed to do. Walking just by her, standing in her shadow, watching her back, taking a bullet if needed. And it sure as hell wasn’t an easy task since Tsunade moved swiftly around the crowd, rolling between people until she spotted who she was looking for.

Madara Uchiha himself, an old crumpled man, trying to beam the glory he thought he had and everyone would be thrilled to bask in. But, he was just an old man, his posture, the wrinkled bony hands holding a cane that was barely a stylish addon by this point, the long shag of gray thin hair - residuum of the powerful man he once had been.

“Wait here,” a short command left from behind Tsunade’s mask, startling Nariko.


“Oh, don’t be so paranoid. Madara maybe is crazy but he is not a fool, he won’t make any move while at the Nara estate.”

Well, she had a point. It would be at least stupid to openly attack someone in the crowd. But on the other hand, Madara wasa lunatic…

“The Lynx mask is mine,” she pointed at Nariko standing between people, looking carefully from behind the thin crevices of the cat-like masque, “where is yours?”

“Orange one. It that idiotic swirl and one eye,” the creaky voice sounded from behind the mask that didn’t reassemble anything, skeletal finger pointing at Obito like a ghastly wand.

“I see,” the older woman nodded shortly, before she turned her back, “I’ll let her know. They can begin the fight at any moment.”

Her?Now that was something Obito could use. Maybe, there was a chance to have some fun after all that evening? Two birds, one stone, right?

“Oyabun,”Obito leaned to Madara once the woman went a few steps away, “let me approach her. I’ll put on some… Entertaining, let’s say. Maybe I’ll be able to distract her before the fight.”

“Finally,” without looking at Obito the old man snorted, like there was something funny in what younger Uchiha just said, “starting to think. Go, maybe with that mask you’ll be able to charm someone at least once,” again, that obnoxious snort, “I bet that kid has already started to form a plan on how to eliminate you and then me.”

Of course, the never-ending paranoia. What else did he expect from this old prick? Without picking any verbal fight with his boss, following the blonde woman, maneuvering through the crowd. There was no chance for him to reach the Lynx-masked mysterious woman before her employer, but, at least, once the eyes of a feral cat pointed at him, he knew he was noticed as he meant to.

“Tsunade-sama? Is everything alright? Which one from this masked mass is my opponent?” The man following Tsunade wasn’t a threat now, but still, he was clearly stalking her.

“One-eyed mask, swirl pattern-”

“The one that is heading here?” Nariko was still looking behind the blonde’s back, not leaving her eyes from the approaching man.

“Yes. That one,” Nariko could hear the tune of amusement in her employee’s voice, “good luck, Nariko. And, oh,” she grabbed Nariko’s elbow, passing by, “one more thing, come back before sunrise. I bet on you quite a sum with some people here. Your victory will win me some money too.”

And with a light chuckle, Tsunade was gone. 

Great. So Nariko was a betting horse now too. Oh, what an honor to work for the Senju family…

But she didn’t have much time to ponder about how lucky she was, as the masked persona came closer. At first the attention of a tall man seemed to be focused on the head of the Senju family, but, as he came closer to Nariko, she couldn’t help but notice that his attention was directed on someone else: her. 

Right, because after all, it’s her who the man will fight to death. It’s her who he should kill, or on the contrary, she will be the one to blow a killing strike. 

It was a surprise, when the man bowed before her and reached a hand to her. She did expect something more of a statement that he is ready, and good to go for a fight. Maybe he was just being polite?

“How nice of you,” she chuckled, making the little hairs on the man’s neck stand. Even if distorted by the mask, her voice sounded out of this world, almost angelic, the tune he could keep on listening even if she could just laugh, moan or hum, “but, I thought we could have a use from the party first before one of us will say farewell to this realm?”

“That’s why I am asking you for a dance right now,” if she could see him, she would see a playful smile blooming on his lips. For now, the only thing that betrayed any emotion, was the barely visible single eye, in the depths of his mask. Black orb sprinkled with frisky sparks. “The night is young, and it would be a shame to waste it.”

Nariko was well-aware that it could only be a distraction, an act of confusion made for her senses to become dull and not alert. But, if she would be careful… Would it be a harm to dance with her opponent? 

“Hmmm… Last dance of arch enemies?” Nariko grabbed the man’s hand, letting him lead her to the dance floor.

“Oh, how poetic,” Obito chuckled, grabbing her waist once they reached the swirling mass of people, “may I ask for your name, or it’s a top-secret knowledge?”

“It’s not. It’s Nariko. Nariko Mori.”

“Ah, I’ve heard about you, but I can’t recall if it was associated with the Senju family.”

“I’m just that good,” she chuckled, spinning as his hand led her. Once he pulled her closer, she continued, “and you must go by the name of Uchiha, am I right?”

“Wanna guess which one of us I am? But I must warn you, I might get very offended.”

“How many chances will you give me?”

“That depends,” his arm squeezed the woman’s waist tighter, and if only their masks wouldn’t be in the way, the tips of their noses would brush, bringing their faces dangerously close, “on how much I will be offended.”

“Hmmm…” Nariko wasn’t abashed by the man’s behavior. On the contrary, his touch was electric, bringing shivers to her spine whenever fingers dug into her skin, “I feel if I were to say that you’re the new family’s hope Sasuke, you would be very, very offended.”

“That would be correct.”

“And too young to be his brother… Shisui went missing a few weeks ago…”

“Eliminating options, I see.”

“Well, that’s pretty much it, from what I’ve heard,” she chuckled again, “any hint that you could give me, so I could avoid embarrassment?”

“How about,” he leaned closer to her ear, like what he was about to was, was a secret, “I had a terrible accident when I was a kid-”

That was enough for Nariko to know who her opponent was, “oh! You’re Obito Uchiha! I’ve always wanted to meet you, and frankly, fight you. I’ve heard stories about you.”

“Well, it seems like it is your lucky night. And trust me, the pleasure is mine.”

“We’ll see about that,” Nariko chuckled, letting him snatch her into another dance.


For how long they have been dancing - Nariko couldn’t tell. Their bodies seemed to connect on every level; their moves were perfect like they understood each other without words. They small-talked, a lot, deliberately avoiding the problematic subject of their employees and families they have been serving or, like in Obito’s case, born into. Shame, they had masks on - a few times they managed to bang one into another, just like they were about to dive into a passionate kiss, but the matter of façades were successfully blocking them.

Besides… It wasn’t that good an idea anyway. They were enemies. Killers. Hunters, Assassins. They were supposed to fight for their lives, letting only one be able to walk in this world… Yet, neither of them could make the move, to suggest even the possibility of them moving from the ballroom, interrupting their dance, and becoming enemies again.

And when Tsunade only followed Nariko with her eyes, waiting calmly for her subordinate to pick the best moment, Madara did not have such patience. Once he had the opportunity, skeletal fingers grabbed Obito’s elbow, and dragged him to the side.

“What the hell are you thinking?!” The old man hissed from behind his white mask, “it’s almost morning, and all you do is play and have fun! Get to work before I kill Tsunade and that pathetic little whore myself!”

“Yes,oyabun,”Obito barked back, having a sincere urge to strangle the old Uchiha on the spot. Fighting the feeling, he moved away quickly, spotting the enemy he has already fallen in love with, and caught Nariko in his arms.

“Oh? Another dance perhaps?” The woman chirped, putting her hands around his neck without any sign of hesitation, “seems like we are among the few who still have the strength to do so.”

“Yes, about that… We should-”

He turned his face towards the doors outside, and Nariko cathed the suggestion right away, “oh- Right, we have work to do… Well then, it was fun while it lasted,” she chuckled once again, and rushed towards the doors, inside screaming, tearing her soul apart with a mere thought that the man who made her heart skip a beat, who made her feel the famous butterflies in her stomach, must die from her hand before the sunrise.

“Yes… It was…” Or maybe, it may still be? Obito couldn’t stop thinking about other solutions to the problem. Everything depended on how loyal Nariko was.


Nariko didn’t wait for the man to catch up with her. She had work to do, and even if she had a broken heart now, it had to be done. The forest around the Nara’s estate was vast and dense, providing many hiding spots and opportunities to put on some traps. Yet, Nariko was rather the person who would hide and attack from the shadows, rather than dig a hole, hoping that the careless enemy would step into it. 

Another thing was that she was more used to fighting in the city, under the shelter of buildings, with countless floors, staircases, elevators, and roofs she could use. 

But forest… Forest was a completely different thing. Nobody could see them here. No cameras, no machines, no human beings… Unknown territory, making the fight much harder.

On the other hand… Was it worth the fight? For how long Nariko could be a hitman? How long would she live? Certainly, she would not be given the opportunity to grow old, have a family, lover, or whatever. Not with this life. But, what if… What if she could make an offer to the Uchiha man? He didn’t seem to be much loyal to Madara, and the gossip of the coup was more frequent lately. What if… They both were in a perfect position to run, and search for a new life?

She was thinking too much. She always did, overthinking every little detail, imagining possible outcomes. Although when it came to work, she managed to maintain focus on her target.

Until today.

When the man appeared behind her, she couldn’t tell. She only felt how his body pushed her onto the large tree she was using as a temporary hideout, and something sharp was pressing to her back. He took his mask off - she could feel the warm breath tickling her ear. But why didn’t he kill her on the spot? The weapon he had was small. Perfect for a knife, or a kunai Uchiha family loved to use. 50/50 chance that she would guess.

“Is that a kunai?” Nariko swallowed thickly, and slowly, carefully, she moved her hips, rubbing them onto his pressed crotch. “Or you’re just happy to be here with me, alone?”

“Maybe both?”

“Both?” The woman chuckled, “then I’m terribly sorry for you, one of these things is dreadfully small.”

He couldn’t let this woman joke about his manhood like that! Throwing the weapon away, he turned her around and tore the mask off her face. He could barely see the details of her face, but deep in his guts he just knew how she looked. Brown round eyes, plump lips, a few freckles here and there… Strange, but he would swear he knew her before. 

“What?” Nariko asked, tilting her head. Pretty sure about his intentions, she didn’t even pull her own weapon from the holster, only put on a playful smile, “are you going to kiss me or just stare at me until the sun comes up?”

“Shut up,” he leaned to her, doing exactly what he wanted to do the whole evening, and exactly what she suggested.

It wasn’t a surprise for Nariko, that their lips met. It wasn’t a surprise, that from touch they went into a heated kiss right away. There was no time to waste, and in the kiss, in the heat of their bodies, in the way their hands wandered unhesitatingly, they both knew the exact same thing: they wanted each other bad.

It was a matter of moments when Nariko’s pants were shoved away, and her vest was unstrapped enough to show off her breasts. Man’s fingers played with one of the nipples, while the other grabbed Nariko’s hand, leading it to his own pants, to the bulge that grew the moment he took off her mask. His cock twitched, once her nimble fingers touched him, wrapping around through the material. 

“Is this small?”

Oh, how she wanted to tease him more. How she wanted to make him squirm, bring him to the edge just enough to drive him mad and feral, “what a shame, I barely can feel anyth-“ His hand moved from nipple to her chin, startling Nariko a little bit. Well, that was rather quick. Deep inside, Nariko was happy that he seemed to be starving just like her.

“Seems like you’d like to feel it in a different way, hm?”

“You want me to beg?”

“In a moment,” the man chuckled, raising her leg high enough to press her knee to her chest, “you’re a stretched one, nice surprise,” he purred, pulling his pants down, pressing the aching tip to her wet, dripping slit.

In a moment? Oh, she could beg right away if he didn’t move. She would beg, plea, cry just to make the man fuck her. So when she felt the thick member spreading her lower lips apart, pushing deep inside, she only let out a sigh full of relief and ecstasy. The only problem she had was to keep quiet. 

He felt so good, brushing her sensitive spot every time he moved, Nariko couldn’t stop herself from moaning in a bliss. And the finger he put onto her clit wasn’t helping either. Small slow circles he slowly drew with calloused fingers, bringing additional stimulus were just too perfect. Like he knew exactly what she wanted, like he knew her body right across, flawlessly knowing how to touch her to bring the most pleasure.

Nariko didn’t stop her body from reacting either. She didn’t try to stop the pleasurable waves, growing inside, crashing over her with more force with every move. Her body shivered, her arms tighten around his neck, and her pussy started to clamp down on the thick cock, urging him to bring her to the edge.

But Obito had other plans in mind. He wanted her to beg. 

His movement slowed, his hips only moved a tiny bit, to keep her on the delightful edge; and much to her dismay - his finger disappeared from the little puffy nub, earning the disappointed mewl from the woman’s chest.

“Can we run away?” The man leaned closer to her, almost touching her lips with his. 

What did he just ask? Was he serious? Would he? Was he reading her mind? Haziness that grew along with the pleasure, didn’t stop her from understanding the meaning of Obito’s words. “Would you do that?”

“Can you answer without questioning me? Would I ask if I wouldn’t?”

“I don’t know,” holding his arms she moved her hips, almost jumping on his cock, “would you?”

“Oh you-” That was a surprise for the man. He was close to his high too, but if Nariko could keep this up, he would cum on the spot. And he just couldn’t let her, not yet. Pushing himself harder, he shoved his cock deeper than before, earning another blissful moan from her. Quite loud, enough for someone to hear, but at least, she couldn’t move on her own anymore, pressed to the tree like that. “Shhh… Or they will hear us.”

“Then just let me cum- I’ll be quiet- I promise-”

“Answer my question. Can we run away? Would you run away with me?”

Anything for that orgasm. Nariko was desperate, and the fact she was in fact immobilized at the moment only made her squirm more, “mmppf-” literally, anything, she will agree. She would without it anyway, but here, on the edge, she was able to think only about one thing only, “yes!”

“Good girl,” satisfied with the outcome, Obito could start fucking her again… But seeing Nariko squirm like that… Oh what a wonderful sight, especially since the forest around started to turn gray, ready to embrace the morning.

“Shut up already and make me cum already, please, please, please…” She managed to catch his lips with her teeth, pulling closer, biting almost to the blood. 

“Oh, you impatient, woman-!” He breathed into her mouth. The pain pulsed like a bright light under his skull, making him turn on even more. Grabbing her other leg, Obito brought it up, making both her knees rest in the curve of his elbows, making her open wide for him. She want it? Then she shall have it. “Is that how you like it? Do you like being fucked like that? Knocked up in some park, leaned on the tree?”

“Yes-! Yes, yes, yes- Fuck, yes-” Nariko repeated like a blissful mantra.

“Really?” His moves became more erratic, feeling how her walls started to squeeze him more and more. God, he was so close, but he wanted to give her the pleasure so badly… “Any man would do- Hey!” The gentle slap on his face was a surprise for him.

“Shut up. Stop talking and just fuck me,” Nariko plead, and Obito complied, “I want you- Only you- Obito- Just keep- You- My god-!”

Her back arched, making her shoulder blades scratch on the rough bark of a tree. Whole body shook, while her fingers dipped into the man’s shoulders. Her pussy tightened around the twitching dick, milking it to the last drop. Mixed juices dripped down the round curve of her ass, and on the man’s muscular thighs, while Obito held them both in the same position, bary able to stand on his own legs. 

It took a moment before Nariko looked at him; floating on cloud nine, she didn’t want to come back to reality. Because, what if he lied? What if he wasn’t going to leave? What if they will need to fight now?

She loved him, she was sure. And if he would die, her heart would shatter in a thousand pieces, and her world would become gray and senseless, without any point in living further.

She. Loved. Him.

But… Would he share that feeling?

“I know I did a bloody good job but calling me a god…” A cocky chuckle escaped the man’s chest, once he put the woman standing on the ground, passing to her pants that were tossed aside.

“Idiot,” she huffed, but with a soft smile, and a blush tinting her cheeks, feverishly putting her pants on, “I wasn’t calling you that.”

“Yeah right.”

“So… Look, the sun is going up, do you really-”

Obito interrupted her immediately, “didn’t we agree already?”

“You really want to do it? Run away, and put two biggest families into a very troubling position?”

“I don’t know why, I don’t know how,” as soon as he buckled the belt of his pants, he started to strap back Nariko’s vest. Now Obito could notice that this one wasn’t suited for cutting weapons. Bullets, shrapnels - yes. That kunai would go through it like butter, probably killing her. He was millimeters from losing the love of his life. Even if he barely knew her, he knew. He never felt it towards anyone but her. He loved her, with all of his heart. Obito shook his head, chasing away the dreadful image of Nariko laying on the forest bed, bloodied, lifeless body, and Madara standing nearby, congratulating him on a job well done. How could he… Scared of his own thoughts, he grasped her cheeks into his hands, looking straight into her eyes. “Look, Nariko, the moment I heard your voice, and I was granted the privilege of seeing your beautiful face… Everything else just- Stopped having any meaning. I just know deep inside that somehow we fit together. Like a-”

“-piece of the puzzle that suddenly fits in place?” Nariko interrupted him, knowing exactly what Obito was about to say. She felt it too. Even though he didn’t say it out loud, there was a loving feeling in his voice. She knew… Because the feeling was mutual.

“Yes. Yes, exactly like that,” Obito couldn’t help but smile softly to her, leaning, kissing her temple, “let’s go, before they notice we are gone.”

“Let’s go,” he nodded, taking her small hand into his palm, turning into the rising sun.

When the first sun rays started to shine on leaves, birds began their morning odes, alarming everyone that the new day had come. Breaking through the woods, the warm beams of light fell on the pair running through the woods, just reaching the suburbs of the city of Konoha, making their whole world become white.


Thank you for reading!
Proofread by @kissmekakashi
And big thanks
to@half-baked-biscuit - without her, this OC wouldn’t exist in the form she is now. Be sure to check her works too!

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