#helena bennet



Elle was late. And she was never late. She was up training with Steve and Nat. Plus she was working on a paper that she needed to had in to her essay teacher. So she quickly got up, putting on some skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbing her backpack before running out of her apartment which was just down the road from the avengers tower. She usually spent nights there but she did have an apartment as well. So her cover wasn’t blown. Running down the road as she made it towards the school gates. She was meant to meet Peter but she guessed that he had already gone to his lesson, so that’s what she decided to go. Walking into class she apologised for being late, sitting down in her seat before she took out her books starting to take notes from what the teacher was telling them about, shooting Peter a small frown since she felt bad for over sleeping and leaving him to wait for her out in the cold. Shaking her head as she looked back at her notes, sort of doodling as she listened to the lecture that they were sitting through. Looking back at Peter for a second, “I’m sorry.” She mouthed towards him.

Bucky on the other hand had a good night sleep. Taking it easy on himself in the morning. Grabbing a quick breakfast before he made his way down to the training room. He did this often, train, since he was good at it, and he liked to keep himself in shape and ready for anything. Making himself do some weights, going on the treadmill and rowing machine before he decided to lift more weights then moving onto the punching bag. He did this more or less all morning as he knew that he couldn’t do it in the afternoon due to having a meeting with Sheila and the other avengers. He had no idea what it was about though. Tony told him just to show up and made sure he listened. He knew the kid was at school so he knew that someone would have to tell her what was going on. That person wouldn’t be him though. It would mainly be Nat or Wanda. But he knew that Helena was coming to the meeting so Bucky needed to look fit, and his best. Since she always said that she did a better job Than him, but Bucky knew that definitely wasn’t the case. Walking into the main meeting room seeing most of them already there. Shaking his head a little as he sat down in one of the swirly chairs.


The meeting between all of the Avengers and the preperation was going well. There was discussion, talk, screens, pictures, videos, maps, weapons- Everything. Voiced were overlapping each other as the night grew darker and the team would soon be getting out to the designated area. The back-up team was already setting their stuff up on nearby rooftops and hidden in buildings an alleyways, it was mostly just the Avengers themselves that now had to place their final puzzle piece. Peter was nervous, to say the least. Though they all were beyond kind and welcoming, he couldn’t help but be nervous as he stepped into the conference room where final things were being put in place. He was to be stationed just nearby, upstairs and above the club itself to be exact. He’d been given a small and easily portable screen, so he had both eyes and ears on everything and everyone. It was nerve-wracking, but the team assured him he’d do his best and that was all they could ask of him. Everyone couldn’t stress it enough to him that it was his first mission, and that though he was nervous and understandable, it’d be okay. Perhaps what made him most queasy was the thought of something happening to Elle, and the whole… situation she had to be put in along with the other girls who were going to be placed in the club. He hated the idea of having to watch some disgusting, old men grasp after her, eyes longing for her. It sent shivers down his spine. But he knew it had to be done, no matter how much he wanted to protect her and stay by her side. Steve offered him a pat on the shoulder and a small smile before handing Peter an earpiece as he was adjusting the neckline of his spider-suit, placing the piece in his ear. Him and Bucky had been very helpful with explaining his position in greater details, and he soon felt in place there with everyone. He spotted Elle as she walked into the room, and he had to be honest, it was hard not to let his jaw fall agape. She looked beyond stunning, but she always did no matter what she did or wore. It perhaps also just surprising to see her wear anything so fancy and club-ish. It was… different. But that dress most certainly suited her, and he had to hide the small bit of blush coating his cheeks as their eyes met and he approached her. “Hey, you look… yeah- just-, amazing.” Peter said genuinely with a warm smile, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “How are you feeling about the mission?”

Making sure she had a couple of rounds for her gun, Helena tucked her sleek gun and weapon of choice under the holster that was hidden beneath her silky, navy blue dress. It wad barely noticable, not noticable at all, even to the touch. Strapping her heels in place too, she touched up her make-up. She had opted to bring her dagger as well, but since she hadn’t picked any boots, since it didn’t really fit the setting, she couldn’t hide it there, which was where she preferred to hide her dagger. And besides, with back-up too, she knew it’d be just fine. But she had to avoid using her other abilities for this one, just due to the circumstances of the mission and whatnot. She made sure to memorize her fake name, letting it roll off of her tongue a couple of times as practice until it sounded natural for her to say. Memorizing all exits too, she knew she was ready to go, and placed the small, barely visible earpiece in her ear and let it click gently. The mission was most certainly going to be… interesting, and uncomfortable at times too. The girls, her, Elle, Natasha and Wanda, got ready together, all making sure weapons and shoes were in place. Funny world they had to live in and work in. It wasn’t a new type of situation they had to be thrown into, and not the first time they had to get ready for a mission like that one, though having two new additions to the mission - Elle and Peter - was going to be a bit new. Elle had been brought along on other missions, yet not one quite like that one. Helena figured it was Tony’s doing, after all, he was like a father to the kid. It was sweet. And she knew it would be odd for her to have Peter with her too. There were changes, but she was sure that it’d all work out and that they would get what they needed and get the hell out of there- discreetly. And to be frank, she already couldn’t wait to get out of those heels, and she knew sleeping that night would be an easy task after a mission like that one. And she also wanted to get to talk more with Bucky, especially after the whole thing that occurred in the gym. They got to talk a bit before and after the meeting earlier on in the day, but then preperations and planning started, and not much time was left for chit-chat. Helena followed the others out of the dressing room of sorts, fluffing out her soft brown waves. She hated having to look desirable for men she absolutely didn’t want to look desirable to, but that was just a part of it. She tried not to think too much of it though, shaking the worries away as she made her way into the conference room where everyone was getting the final things ready before leaving. Smiling to Elle as Peter approached her, she offered a playful and teasing wink, letting the two be as she walked to one of the screens and did a live scan of the place.



Elle was late. And she was never late. She was up training with Steve and Nat. Plus she was working on a paper that she needed to had in to her essay teacher. So she quickly got up, putting on some skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbing her backpack before running out of her apartment which was just down the road from the avengers tower. She usually spent nights there but she did have an apartment as well. So her cover wasn’t blown. Running down the road as she made it towards the school gates. She was meant to meet Peter but she guessed that he had already gone to his lesson, so that’s what she decided to go. Walking into class she apologised for being late, sitting down in her seat before she took out her books starting to take notes from what the teacher was telling them about, shooting Peter a small frown since she felt bad for over sleeping and leaving him to wait for her out in the cold. Shaking her head as she looked back at her notes, sort of doodling as she listened to the lecture that they were sitting through. Looking back at Peter for a second, “I’m sorry.” She mouthed towards him.

Bucky on the other hand had a good night sleep. Taking it easy on himself in the morning. Grabbing a quick breakfast before he made his way down to the training room. He did this often, train, since he was good at it, and he liked to keep himself in shape and ready for anything. Making himself do some weights, going on the treadmill and rowing machine before he decided to lift more weights then moving onto the punching bag. He did this more or less all morning as he knew that he couldn’t do it in the afternoon due to having a meeting with Sheila and the other avengers. He had no idea what it was about though. Tony told him just to show up and made sure he listened. He knew the kid was at school so he knew that someone would have to tell her what was going on. That person wouldn’t be him though. It would mainly be Nat or Wanda. But he knew that Helena was coming to the meeting so Bucky needed to look fit, and his best. Since she always said that she did a better job Than him, but Bucky knew that definitely wasn’t the case. Walking into the main meeting room seeing most of them already there. Shaking his head a little as he sat down in one of the swirly chairs.


Helena liked to send the clothes off to local thrift stores or the local homeless shelters, or at least the most helpful and best items of clothing. Some of the things, such as the small dress and big gowns were perhaps not too much avail or something stores or shelters could use for much, but she still liked to give what she could. After all, after a certain amount of time and after a certain amount of missions, the clothes would barely be utilised, and with so little being used, and so much new stuff coming in, she could as well. It was the least the team could do.
She looked at the dress she held in front of her, hand sifting down the soft, silky fabric. It felt so slippery and delicate in her hands, yet the fabric was strong and sturdy, but it could still keep that slithery look to it. And as she let it reflect with its purple hues and main navy colour, she found herself liking it. It wasn’t often she though much of what she wore for missions, after all, it was just work. Just their job, a job that was to be done, and outfits, costume and fake identities just had to be convincing, it didn’t matter much about the personal appeal. But she quite liked that one dress, and she was sure to bargain with Tony to be able to keep it. If not, then she’d just keep it anyways.
“Thank you,” Helena smiled warmly to Elle as she looked back to her, throwing the dress over her arm as she began to look through the shelves with shoes. Those were needed too. She caught her grin and wide eyes, laughing softly as she could tell the other had realised what she meant. “I suppose I do- Just never thought he’d like me too,” She admitted with a hum, then listening closer as she’d asked about Peter. To be frank, she’d been worried about the two, despite not knowing much of their friendship or relation to each other. She could simply tell that the two were close, perhaps more close than friends. But she just hoped that the two had worked their… secrets out and whatnot.
“I know he still feels the same way about you, I mean, look at the kid. He has heart eyes just listening to you,” She couldn’t help but tease her and nudge her shoulder with a grin, picking out a pair of shoes. Just some simply heels, a very dark blue, elegant and classic.

Peter knew he was talking a lot, or rather he was rambling a lot, but he did that when he was nervous. He could go on for beyond minutes just talking and going on tangents and sidetracks sometimes when anxious. It was like he wanted to correct himself- Or whenever there was something he could say, he said it, just in case so he didn’t miss anything. It sounded foolish and silly, but that was just the way it was, even though he knew he didn’t really have a huge reason to be so nervous. Well, other than the fact that his first mission was just later that evening, that Elle was technically an Avenger, now he was technically an Avenger too, the two were to be living the same place, and he was to be living the same place as Earths mightiest heroes. It was a mouthful. But he had a feeling that he felt welcome, and he wanted to be relaxed and laidback, but he couldn’t help his awkward nature.
After all, he’d practically been led blindly into the tower, not much information or insight at all. He supposed Stark was just like that, throwing himself and others into situations and just… flowing and going along with it. Peter supposed he had to learn to do the same instead of overthinking. It was certainly a good time and place to practice those ‘go with the flow’ skills, to say the least.
“Okay, makes sense, I think. Thank you, Mr. Bucky.” He said with a small smile and a curt nod, signifying that he understood his advice and what to do. He had no idea where the mission was to take place, hell, he didn’t even know who the target was or the targets were. He suppose he’d just have to wait a small while for the meeting and get the info there, while meeting everyone on the team too. Big day. “I guess I can just wait here and see if Elle and Helena come back,” Said Peter, still leaning against the doorway. His spider-sense - or tingles, a more silly way to address them - told him the two would return to the kitchen.




“You’re very right,” Helena nodded along to his words, looking down at her hands momentarily. She usually wore quite a few rings on her fingers, having them adorned almost every day, but she found them to be distracting and decided it was good to leave them at home. Except for one ring with a tiger’s eye in it.

She was beyond thankful for finally having discovered Strange and found her… calling, she supposed was what she could call it. Standing there in the midst of trees, a light breeze and in an area where she was to train and learn, she could just faintly reminisce the feelings she’d felt not too long ago. That feeling of complete and utter despair, on the verge of giving up and deciding her fate was to be lost. It was odd how quickly things could change, and, luckily, for the better too. And she was more than glad to know those feelings were in her past, and now there was only forward.

“Thank you,” Helena smiled warmly, glancing momentarily to the hand he’d placed on her shoulder as a form of reassurance. “I think feeling lost is the beginning to a lot of things… All I know is that I am more than determined to get past that feeling now.”


She looked to the pedestals as her mentor gestured to them, eyes flickering from object to object once more. They seemed to be quite random items, not being consistent in theme or category, but she supposed it made sense to try out different things. Listening and nodding, she took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment and letting her shoulders relax. 

“I apologise in advance if I end up flinging things away,” She joked light-heartedly before she raised her hands, a bronze coloured glow emitting from them. It wasn’t quite a steady glow, it was shaky, almost quivering. But if she could concentrate just enough, it could stay somewhat consistent.

Helena focused on one of the objects, a steel cup of sorts, slender fingers moving upwards along with the cup as it started to levitate from the pedestal.

Strange watched with intense focus as Helena trained her mind on the object on one of the pedestals.  He observed the bronze light emanating from her hands and was reminded of his portal training, when he too was struggling to create one.  He remembered seeing the first sparks fly from his fingers as he tried so desperately to concentrate.

He couldn’t read Helena’s mind, but he could sense the ebbs and flows of her mystical energy as she tried to channel it.  As the cup began to levitate from the pedestal, Stephen smiled.

“Very good, Helena,” he said calmly, softly.  “Keep your mind and energy focused on the cup.  Try to move it away from the pedestal and place it somewhere else.  Remember to breathe deeply, relax your body, and concentrate.”


Helena bit the insides of her cheeks as she focused intently on the old-fashioned goblet or cup of sorts, letting it levitate. It was a bit shaky, and she accidentally let it fly too much to the right, which lead her to lifting it up way higher in the air than she’d meant to. Her eyes followed the cup as it swiftly became a small spot above her and Strange, quickly managing to get it down once more and at a more suitable level, still just above the pedestal.

The bronze light almost flickered at times, and for a moment she was scared that she would lose control of the goblet. Sometimes it seemed as if her abilities had a mind of its own, but she knew she’d gain control - or certainly better control - of it all soon, although the road was long and wide.

“Thank you,” She hummed, then trying to follow his instructions as she closed her eyes momentarily. With a deep breath, she slowly let the cup levitate closer to a log, still shaky, sometimes faltering to one side or the other, sometimes sinking. With tensed hands and fingers, she lead the item to a nearby willow tree, wanting to gently place it right beside the trees roots, but it was more like a falland a clinking sound.


Elle was late. And she was never late. She was up training with Steve and Nat. Plus she was working on a paper that she needed to had in to her essay teacher. So she quickly got up, putting on some skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbing her backpack before running out of her apartment which was just down the road from the avengers tower. She usually spent nights there but she did have an apartment as well. So her cover wasn’t blown. Running down the road as she made it towards the school gates. She was meant to meet Peter but she guessed that he had already gone to his lesson, so that’s what she decided to go. Walking into class she apologised for being late, sitting down in her seat before she took out her books starting to take notes from what the teacher was telling them about, shooting Peter a small frown since she felt bad for over sleeping and leaving him to wait for her out in the cold. Shaking her head as she looked back at her notes, sort of doodling as she listened to the lecture that they were sitting through. Looking back at Peter for a second, “I’m sorry.” She mouthed towards him.

Bucky on the other hand had a good night sleep. Taking it easy on himself in the morning. Grabbing a quick breakfast before he made his way down to the training room. He did this often, train, since he was good at it, and he liked to keep himself in shape and ready for anything. Making himself do some weights, going on the treadmill and rowing machine before he decided to lift more weights then moving onto the punching bag. He did this more or less all morning as he knew that he couldn’t do it in the afternoon due to having a meeting with Sheila and the other avengers. He had no idea what it was about though. Tony told him just to show up and made sure he listened. He knew the kid was at school so he knew that someone would have to tell her what was going on. That person wouldn’t be him though. It would mainly be Nat or Wanda. But he knew that Helena was coming to the meeting so Bucky needed to look fit, and his best. Since she always said that she did a better job Than him, but Bucky knew that definitely wasn’t the case. Walking into the main meeting room seeing most of them already there. Shaking his head a little as he sat down in one of the swirly chairs.


Helena yawned as she opened up the fridge, eyebrows furrowed as she scanned through the various food items that were there. After all, they were many people living together, all with different tastes in food, so there was a lot. It looked funny sometimes, how different their choice of meals were. Yet they made it work; Like they always did. They were a team, after all. She ended up grabbing the small bottle of orange juice along with a pear from the fruit bowl. She tended not to eat a lot fro breakfast, bad habit maybe, but that was the way she was. Glancing over her shoulder, she spotted Elle and she smiled, though a bit tiredly. “Hey, morning.” Greeting her, she lifted herself up off the ground and onto the counter, taking a deat there as she took a bite out of her pear and drank her juice. The want to ask her about the whole Peter thing was strong, but she didn’t want to pry or make her feel awkward by it, since she knew she could be a bit too curious at times. But she genuinely just wanted to make sure the two were okay, but she’d rather want her to talk about it herself than let her pry. Helena spotted Bucky who walked in and took a seat at the counter with his drink, offering him a ‘Morning,’ as well. It wasn’t common for him to be up early, and it did make her wonder if it was either unintentional or some prank, but she just let him be as he woke up. She couldn’t help but think of nothing but their moments down in the gym just that previous evening as their gazes met momentarily, and she had to stop herself from smiling too much. She looked back to Elle as she spoke of the outfits, nodding along with a slight grin. She could tell that she was excited, or at least thrilled, about the mission, and she couldn’t blame her. There was something about the adrenaline that kicked in on missions, the action of it all- It felt great and rewarding. At least most of the time when things went according to plan. “Let me know and I’ll punch them too,” She laughed lightly, placing the empty bottle of juice back down on the counter before hopping off of it. “Come, I’ll show you the dresses we have to choose from. There’s some different ones, different styles, so despite being on a mission we can still wear something we like.” Helena assured Elle with a smile, beckoning for her to follow down the hall where there was a walk-in closet of sorts. Opening the door, she reveaveld racks upon racks of dresses and clothing for missions, costumes and fake identities essentially. It could be a bit fun to practically be playing dress-up and getting ready for a mission, she couldn’t lie.

Peter groaned as he pulled the blinds from the window, although the view was beyond fantastic. Skylines, tall buildings, blue skies, parks, people- New York, more or less. He doubted he’d ever seen a view like that one before, at least not from that high up. If he just positioned himself correctly, it could almost seem as if he was standing on top of a building with no glass surrounding him. That’s how clear the windows and glass were too. It amazed him, and he knew it would continue not to fail to amaze him for a long time. He made sure to call Aunt May after getting dressed, telling her about having his own room while having the ‘internship’. It was half-truth, half-lie, a bit better than before he supposed. She sounded very happy for him over the phone, though he could tell she missed him. After all, they were as close as a mother and son, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss his aunt too. He said goodbye to her once the knock at the door came, opening the door and realising it was Tony Stark. Well, he’d expected it, but then again, what could he expect? It was all so new, so unknown, so thrilling too. It was most certainly an experience and a time of his life that was more than memorable. “Good morning, kid. So, I’m here to fill you in on some things. Boring, I know, ugh, all that.” Said Stark, making Peter laugh a bit. He felt it was all surreal, especially as he glanced down every side of the hall. He was there. Actually there. It hadn’t all been some realistic, amazing dream. It was his newfound reality. “Anyways, we’re gonna have a meeting around ten. What you spend your time on afterwards doesn’t concern me too much, you can just walk around, explore, hangout with Elle - Just know I’m keeping an eye on you two - and then we’ll be starting to get prepared for the mission around seven or eight. Early, yeah maybe, but we have to double-check everything, get stuff set up both here and at the location, yada, yada. And we’re glad to have you here, kid.” Tony patted him on the shoulder, Peter smiling proudly. He could tell he was obviously protective of Elle, and it was sweet, but maybe also a bit scary. He wanted to assure him that he would always be there for her, and he truly meant it. But maybe that was a talk for another time. “Yeah- That sounds good, Mr. Stark. I’ll remember the times and yeah.” After that little talk, he wandered a bit around the tower, getting a bit lost along the way. He eventually found his way to the kitchen, where he found Bucky sitting by the counter. He hadn’t really met anyone other than Tony, Elle and Helena- So, he did feel a bit nervous and awkward about it. “Oh- Uh, hi. I’m Peter. Peter Parker.”




@helenabennet​ liked the thing for a starter

Fuck!” Happy swore loudly and repeatedly, car swerving halfway across the street and then the other way as he tried to regain control of the wheel. The road had been clear, he knew that much. There hadn’t been anyone in the road and then there was a flash and a woman was stood there.

As soon as he could feel all four wheels back on the ground again, he slammed the breaks, grateful that for once he wasn’t carting around someone with international importance; just his coffees which were- he glanced at the backseat- thank God, safe and sound.

Are you okay?” he yelled, jumping from the car and jogging over. At least she was still standing, although that could have been shock, the car had almost ran through her. Happy had yanked the wheel so hard he was sure the suspension would be shot.

Nodding as he listened, Happy sighed. Being fired was one of the worst feeling in the world as far as he was concerned, and he had been knocked out in the aftermath of what had been triggered by an angry person literally exploding on him and tearing down a mall on his head. It left a weight in your gut nothing could really lift, not for a while anyway.

There’s uh,” he started, clearing his throat, “some of those fruit snack things in the glove compartment if you want it.”

Stark had taken a liking to them- several generations of the family, actually- and so Happy kept them on hand to diffuse any bad moods that made his job more difficult: Being a bodyguard was a lot closer to being a nanny then people seemed to think.

What did you do?”

Helena let out a deep, yet quiet sigh, rubbing her temples in thought. It really had been one of the most confusing days - or rather nights - she’d had in a while. One of the worst ones too, but she felt a bit better when sitting in that car, getting to vent a little bit to someone, despite almost just having gotten run down. And despite almost being killed in that teleporting accident, but she had more things to worry about anyways.

“Hmm? Oh my god, you’re kidding.” She couldn’t help but say as she carefully opened the glove compartment, surprised to actually see those funny fruit-stick snacks. They reminded her of her roots and background, funnily enough. And she didn’t mind enjoying one of them for the ride, and she appreciated the gesture. “Thank you. Oddly enough, it’s comforting.”

Helena had a habit of either stress-eating or striking from eating when under immense preassure or stress. It was a bit up and down, maybe a bit concerning too at times, but that was just the way she was. A fruit snack thing was maybe what she needed to cool down a bit. A sort of middle thing.

“I don’t know. They just told me there had to be down-sizing, and despite my okay rank and good effort, they had to let me go. Said some bullshit about complaints from others for working too many hours than allowed, and doing other peoples tasks now and then. Valid, I guess, but eh.”




Elle was late. And she was never late. She was up training with Steve and Nat. Plus she was working on a paper that she needed to had in to her essay teacher. So she quickly got up, putting on some skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbing her backpack before running out of her apartment which was just down the road from the avengers tower. She usually spent nights there but she did have an apartment as well. So her cover wasn’t blown. Running down the road as she made it towards the school gates. She was meant to meet Peter but she guessed that he had already gone to his lesson, so that’s what she decided to go. Walking into class she apologised for being late, sitting down in her seat before she took out her books starting to take notes from what the teacher was telling them about, shooting Peter a small frown since she felt bad for over sleeping and leaving him to wait for her out in the cold. Shaking her head as she looked back at her notes, sort of doodling as she listened to the lecture that they were sitting through. Looking back at Peter for a second, “I’m sorry.” She mouthed towards him.

Bucky on the other hand had a good night sleep. Taking it easy on himself in the morning. Grabbing a quick breakfast before he made his way down to the training room. He did this often, train, since he was good at it, and he liked to keep himself in shape and ready for anything. Making himself do some weights, going on the treadmill and rowing machine before he decided to lift more weights then moving onto the punching bag. He did this more or less all morning as he knew that he couldn’t do it in the afternoon due to having a meeting with Sheila and the other avengers. He had no idea what it was about though. Tony told him just to show up and made sure he listened. He knew the kid was at school so he knew that someone would have to tell her what was going on. That person wouldn’t be him though. It would mainly be Nat or Wanda. But he knew that Helena was coming to the meeting so Bucky needed to look fit, and his best. Since she always said that she did a better job Than him, but Bucky knew that definitely wasn’t the case. Walking into the main meeting room seeing most of them already there. Shaking his head a little as he sat down in one of the swirly chairs.


To say Peter was in a mild state of shock was most certainly an understatement. He could barely believe his eyes once the door to his room, his newfound room, swung open and Elle was standing there. Of all people, he hadn’t ever expected it to be her to barge into his new room. Not at the Avengers Tower in the middle of the city- It felt so unreal, but then again some things started to make sense. They’d never hung out at… ‘her place’ before, and now he understood why. Trust me, he didn’t feel angry at all, rather he felt confused and he in an instant didn’t blame her at all for keeping it from him. After all, he had been keeping things from her too, and she did it for both of their own safeties, and he had the same intentions too.
He gauged her reaction as he finally confessed that he was the guy swinging around and shooting webs across the city, helping fight and catch small, local criminals. He could tell she wasn’t mad about it, perhaps more confused- Just like him. But he supposed that things started to add up for her as well, and he couldn’t help but laugh sheepishly and rub the back of his neck. He smiled lightly as her hand reached for his, and he gladly took her hand and held it in his.
Peter listened intently as Elle spoke, eyes widening as she told him the details of why she was there and lived there. Wow, was all he could think. But he also felt a sense of being amazed too, and a feeling of proudness at the same time. And worry too. “I… wow. This was a plot-twist for both of us.” He laughed a bit, shaking his head. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she felt the same sense of guilt as he did. “Listen, just know that you shouldn’t feel guilty, okay? I just, yeah… This is a big surprise. All of it. But now both of us got something big off of our chests, so that’s all for the better. Right?”

Helena listened intently to Steve as they spoke of Elle. She was one of the first to welcome her and show her around, and she couldn’t help but be quite protective of her like an older sibling would be. It was just in her instincts, and she regretted that they didn’t spend enough time hanging out together, but she wanted to make that change. It was important for her to let Elle know she was there for her.
“And we won’t let you two forget this little situation here,” Added Sam playfully, before adding: “I think it’s a good idea to check up on her.”
Helena scoffed and laughed, though she nodded along to his last sentence. It would be better for her to sleep on it instead of finding out first thing in the morning or the middle of the day whilst preparing for the mission. It was already going to be one hell of a mission, and it would add more to it if she didn’t get to know that her friend was Spider-Man. It would for sure make the mission perhaps more… complicated, or maybe even awkward, though she hoped the two would get along and communicate despite the new dynamic. The mission was going to be a bit tough, the environment wasn’t one they weren’t used to, but it was not exactly comfortable. The people, men and their main targets were some of the most unpleasant people, disgusting to say the least, but that also gave them an advantage. They had to see it as an advantage.
“Hey, you guys aren’t useless. It’s all just… feelings. But I think I understand,” She said with a small smile as she looked up at Bucky. Grabbing her bag and water bottle, she placed a soft peck on his cheek. “I’ll be heading up to talk to Elle and then get a good nights sleep. So, see you tomorrow, fellas.”


Elle was scared to say the least, she didn’t want Peter being mad or scared. Or even worried, she didn’t want him to think she lied or kept secrets from him. She wanted to make sure he still trusted her. Watching as he laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. Elle smiled a little as she watched him, he always looked so god damn cute. Watching as his eyes widened when she was telling him about her story, which she kind of regretted she had told him after she saw his reaction. She did feel a wave of relief over her as she spoke to her best friend about her life and what had happened. Listening to what he said she looked a little confused if she was honest, then nodding and smiling a little as she giggled. He was totally right, it was a massive plot twist for them both. And no one had even seen it all coming. Then listening to what he said as he spoke again, she looked into his eyes to nod a little to show she completely understood. “Yes. Yes you’re right. I just. I didn’t mean to lie or keep things from you. I just thought it would be better. And I didn’t want to get you into trouble or anything. Plus I don’t like having attention my way.” Elle told him quietly a she looked back at him for a second with a small frown on her face. “S-so your Spider-Man huh? How did you even get here?” Elle asked with a confused face, she didn’t even know how he got into the building? I go had left him in and who knew that he was even in the building? Elle shook her head and stood up, she really wasn’t ready to sleep. At all. Maybe she would go and grab something to eat? Order a pizza or soemthing? She had trained she earned to add some more calories, or maybe she could sit and chill watching a film, nah she needed to sleep, they had a big mission tomorrow and she needed all the focus that she could get. “Goodnight Pete.” She said as she kissed his cheek before she made her way towards the door slowly. She didn’t really want to leave but she needed to sleep. Going to her room getting changed and going to sleep.

As Bucky listened to Steve he nodded his head, his gaze going from Steve back to Helena every now and again to see that she was listening to the conversation and her concentration was heavy. Then looking at Sam as he started to speak, rolling his eyes a little before he shook his head and scoffed, hearing Helena do the same at the same time which made Bucky smile and chuckle for a second. Watching as she laughed looking her way, seeing her nodding her head. Listening to what she was saying and nodding his head since he totally understood. The boys were completely useless, especially Tony and Thor too. They’re just useless and says stupid things that they call advice but it definitely doesn’t do anyone any favours. Watching as she walked over to her bag, picking it up as well as picking up her bottle. Walking back to kiss his cheek making him smile, he moved closer and pecked her lips with a smile listening as she spoke. Nodding his head as he listened to her, “Goodnight.” He told her calmly in a soft voice and a smile that was on his face. Steve nodded his head with a smile and waved Helena goodbye, “Get a good sleep Helena. You guys are gonna need all the focus and concentration tomorrow!” Steve said calmly. Bucky watched as she walked away, he decided to get some sleep as well. Saying bye to the boys he walked to his own room and got into some pj’s getting comfy on his bed. He couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss that they shared in the gym. That would stay in Bucky’s memory forever. He will never let that go. Bucky couldn’t even stop smiling, he just kept replaying the kiss in his head, it was so amzing, he could still feel the softness of her lips on his, he could taste a bit of her lip balm still on his lips. He loved it. He was totally falling for her. But he wasn’t looking forward to the mission tomorrow. He needed to keep his calm and stay in control.


Peter slept through the night with ease for once- Or at least somewhat. Having finally told Elle his large secret, or at least the second largest one since he’d already confessed the other, it lifted a big boulder off of his shoulders. He felt like he could breathe a bit easier, his mind was more clear, he didn’t have to come up with any excuses anymore, he didn’t have to lie anymore. It felt so relaxing and comforting. And it seemed he wasn’t the only one he got things off of his chest too.
He’d been beyond surprised to find out that she lived at the Tower, though things did seem to add up a bit, yet it was still perhaps a bigger surprise and shock than he had imagined. He was simply happy that he could sleep knowing the two only left of stronger, and hey, living the same place as the girl he really liked, perhaps his girlfriend though they hadn’t really made it official yet, knowing he would very soon though, it was a great thing too. Now he could get to see her more often, spend more time with her, both have her in his ‘work’ life of sorts and private life. But it also added a few more worries to the mix. Peter would never want to see her get hurt. Never. And he vowed to her before they parted ways for the night, that he would always be there for her no matter what. And that kiss on his cheek still lingered. And Helena popping in to say hello had certainly been something too. He had no idea of who she was, but he could tell her and Elle were close, and she’d soon left to leave the two to talk.
He woke up to the sound of an automatic alarm, realising it was early morning. His first day. He was going to be meeting everyone AND going on his first real mission. It was something. Yet he couldn’t help but be most excited about seeing Elle. Peter then heard a knock at his door after he’d gotten himself dressed and somewhat ready, heading to open it.

Helena had made sure to pop by Elle’s room to talk with her, surprised to see she wasn’t there, which only meant one thing. She’d easily found the kid’s bedroom, and simply peeked in to check on them. She could definitely tell there was something going on between the two of them, and she could also tell they probably felt like she was like an intruding mother who wanted to check up on them. So, she’d quickly left and told Elle she could always come to her to talk if she needed anything, of course introducing herself briefly to the new kid, Peter, too.
After that she’d hopped in the shower, which helped her sleep a bit easier. But one thing that kept her up was the thought of Bucky, his warm, soothing voice, his somehow soft yet roughened hands on her waist and those lovely lips of his. To be frank, she hadn’t ever quite known she was capable of having such strong, hearty feelings for someone. Her past had been more than just lonely, empty and beyond broken. Similar to his in that sense and way. Joining the team had been one grand joy she never thought she would be able to feel or achieve earlier in her life, so this newfound joy caught her by surprise as well, to say the least. And she didn’t mind it one bit. She would be lying if she said the thought of the mission hadn’t kept her up along with that other reason. She was one to overthink and plan things to the final, smallest detail, and she wanted to make sure that nothing could go wrong. Alibis, lies, maps, files, targets. It all circled around and around.
Helena woke up the next morning earlier than the others, the warm sun peeking through her minds, as all she could reminisce was the events of yesterday. She headed to the kitchen, it was quiet and she knew no one else was up. She had a bad habit of waking up too early, especially after a long night of overthinking.



Elle was late. And she was never late. She was up training with Steve and Nat. Plus she was working on a paper that she needed to had in to her essay teacher. So she quickly got up, putting on some skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbing her backpack before running out of her apartment which was just down the road from the avengers tower. She usually spent nights there but she did have an apartment as well. So her cover wasn’t blown. Running down the road as she made it towards the school gates. She was meant to meet Peter but she guessed that he had already gone to his lesson, so that’s what she decided to go. Walking into class she apologised for being late, sitting down in her seat before she took out her books starting to take notes from what the teacher was telling them about, shooting Peter a small frown since she felt bad for over sleeping and leaving him to wait for her out in the cold. Shaking her head as she looked back at her notes, sort of doodling as she listened to the lecture that they were sitting through. Looking back at Peter for a second, “I’m sorry.” She mouthed towards him.

Bucky on the other hand had a good night sleep. Taking it easy on himself in the morning. Grabbing a quick breakfast before he made his way down to the training room. He did this often, train, since he was good at it, and he liked to keep himself in shape and ready for anything. Making himself do some weights, going on the treadmill and rowing machine before he decided to lift more weights then moving onto the punching bag. He did this more or less all morning as he knew that he couldn’t do it in the afternoon due to having a meeting with Sheila and the other avengers. He had no idea what it was about though. Tony told him just to show up and made sure he listened. He knew the kid was at school so he knew that someone would have to tell her what was going on. That person wouldn’t be him though. It would mainly be Nat or Wanda. But he knew that Helena was coming to the meeting so Bucky needed to look fit, and his best. Since she always said that she did a better job Than him, but Bucky knew that definitely wasn’t the case. Walking into the main meeting room seeing most of them already there. Shaking his head a little as he sat down in one of the swirly chairs.


To say Peter was in a mild state of shock was most certainly an understatement. He could barely believe his eyes once the door to his room, his newfound room, swung open and Elle was standing there. Of all people, he hadn’t ever expected it to be her to barge into his new room. Not at the Avengers Tower in the middle of the city- It felt so unreal, but then again some things started to make sense. They’d never hung out at… ‘her place’ before, and now he understood why. Trust me, he didn’t feel angry at all, rather he felt confused and he in an instant didn’t blame her at all for keeping it from him. After all, he had been keeping things from her too, and she did it for both of their own safeties, and he had the same intentions too.
He gauged her reaction as he finally confessed that he was the guy swinging around and shooting webs across the city, helping fight and catch small, local criminals. He could tell she wasn’t mad about it, perhaps more confused- Just like him. But he supposed that things started to add up for her as well, and he couldn’t help but laugh sheepishly and rub the back of his neck. He smiled lightly as her hand reached for his, and he gladly took her hand and held it in his.
Peter listened intently as Elle spoke, eyes widening as she told him the details of why she was there and lived there. Wow, was all he could think. But he also felt a sense of being amazed too, and a feeling of proudness at the same time. And worry too. “I… wow. This was a plot-twist for both of us.” He laughed a bit, shaking his head. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she felt the same sense of guilt as he did. “Listen, just know that you shouldn’t feel guilty, okay? I just, yeah… This is a big surprise. All of it. But now both of us got something big off of our chests, so that’s all for the better. Right?”

Helena listened intently to Steve as they spoke of Elle. She was one of the first to welcome her and show her around, and she couldn’t help but be quite protective of her like an older sibling would be. It was just in her instincts, and she regretted that they didn’t spend enough time hanging out together, but she wanted to make that change. It was important for her to let Elle know she was there for her.
“And we won’t let you two forget this little situation here,” Added Sam playfully, before adding: “I think it’s a good idea to check up on her.”
Helena scoffed and laughed, though she nodded along to his last sentence. It would be better for her to sleep on it instead of finding out first thing in the morning or the middle of the day whilst preparing for the mission. It was already going to be one hell of a mission, and it would add more to it if she didn’t get to know that her friend was Spider-Man. It would for sure make the mission perhaps more… complicated, or maybe even awkward, though she hoped the two would get along and communicate despite the new dynamic. The mission was going to be a bit tough, the environment wasn’t one they weren’t used to, but it was not exactly comfortable. The people, men and their main targets were some of the most unpleasant people, disgusting to say the least, but that also gave them an advantage. They had to see it as an advantage.
“Hey, you guys aren’t useless. It’s all just… feelings. But I think I understand,” She said with a small smile as she looked up at Bucky. Grabbing her bag and water bottle, she placed a soft peck on his cheek. “I’ll be heading up to talk to Elle and then get a good nights sleep. So, see you tomorrow, fellas.”




Despite having that nervous, tingling feeling at the pit of her stomach and a slight fear og the completely unknown, she felt a soaring sensation too. Helena was where she wanted to be- Maybe even needed to be. It was certainly going to be an exciting and maybe nerve-racking journey, and she simply kept her head forward.

“Morning,” She smiled as the door opened, stepping inside as Strange, her new mentor, greeted her. “And of course, that was the least I could do. And believe me, I think eager is an understatement.”


Following the sorcerer, she couldn’t help but let her eyes wander about. The sanctum seemed even larger from the inside, and she didn’t quite know if it was her eyes and mind together playing tricks on her, or if it was simply like that. 

She knew that he had most likely planned for what they would be doing and how she would be training, and it was a bit odd for her how it all was becoming reality for her. For a very long time she’d truly believed that perhaps there was no path for her and she would simply have to deal with it all alone, so when her wishes seemed to come true it almost seemed… surreal. Despite how surreal the world already was.

“I understand. It feels great that I just… have this journey now, and that I know for sure that it’s ahead of me.” Helena nodded with a hum, looking out the window and down to the streets and people that walked by. Hell, she was beyond nervous, and she didn’t quite know how much it was showing.

Her eyes widened as Strange conjured a portal, the golden sparks that ignited from the portal making it seem even more wondrous. She laughed softly as he told her he wouldn’t want to risk anything getting broken, which was only very understandable. After all, she didn’t quite have much control and she didn’t quite know how much she was capable of either. “Makes sense,”

She stepped inside the portal, her first step into it all, her first step onto the path. She glanced behind her and looked at the portal, almost trying to convince herself of how powerful arts as such truly could be. The surroundings left her in awe, awakening a sense of peace within her. Looking to the items resting on pedestals, she looked to each one, each a random object it seemed.

“Yeah, this feels like a movie, I’m not going to lie.” She smiled, looking up to the tall trees with blossoms momentarily as she spoke. “But I trust this. I trust you. And I might be a little lost, but I trust that this will all make sense- Hopefully soon.”

“All knowledge takes time and effort, but the rewards gained from that knowledge are worth it,” Strange assured Helena. 

The two of them met each other’s gazes, and Strange could see the innocence and wonder in them, and behind that, the thirst for understanding.  He was thankful that Helena had found the determination within herself to seek him out.  He would give to her what the Ancient One had been so determined to give him.

Stephen smiled and rested a hand on Helena’s shoulder.  “It’s okay to feel a bit lost.  I’ll do everything I can to help you find your path.”  He pulled his hand away and added,  “So…let’s get started.”

The Sorcerer Supreme gestured to the pedestals surrounding them.  “I’ve placed some objects on these pedestals that I want you to move for me.  Doesn’t matter how far, how fast or slow.  We’ll just start with one.  I want you to focus your body and mind on any single object and channel your ability to move it.  I want to get an understanding of where within your body and mind your power comes from, what inspires or inhibits it.”

He took a position next to Helena and went silent so he wouldn’t be a distraction to her, and waited…


“You’re very right,” Helena nodded along to his words, looking down at her hands momentarily. She usually wore quite a few rings on her fingers, having them adorned almost every day, but she found them to be distracting and decided it was good to leave them at home. Except for one ring with a tiger’s eye in it.

She was beyond thankful for finally having discovered Strange and found her… calling, she supposed was what she could call it. Standing there in the midst of trees, a light breeze and in an area where she was to train and learn, she could just faintly reminisce the feelings she’d felt not too long ago. That feeling of complete and utter despair, on the verge of giving up and deciding her fate was to be lost. It was odd how quickly things could change, and, luckily, for the better too. And she was more than glad to know those feelings were in her past, and now there was only forward.

“Thank you,” Helena smiled warmly, glancing momentarily to the hand he’d placed on her shoulder as a form of reassurance. “I think feeling lost is the beginning to a lot of things… All I know is that I am more than determined to get past that feeling now.”

She looked to the pedestals as her mentor gestured to them, eyes flickering from object to object once more. They seemed to be quite random items, not being consistent in theme or category, but she supposed it made sense to try out different things. Listening and nodding, she took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment and letting her shoulders relax. 

“I apologise in advance if I end up flinging things away,” She joked light-heartedly before she raised her hands, a bronze coloured glow emitting from them. It wasn’t quite a steady glow, it was shaky, almost quivering. But if she could concentrate just enough, it could stay somewhat consistent.

Helena focused on one of the objects, a steel cup of sorts, slender fingers moving upwards along with the cup as it started to levitate from the pedestal.



Even with most missions, Helena was almost picky. It wasn’t often she went out onto the field physically, for she would rather do the technological work behind cases and missions. The coding, the infiltrating, the gathering information. She was more than capable on the field physically, she’d just always liked the slight feeling of comfort when she was behind a screen rather then out there. It made her sleep easier at night, made her nightmares less harsh. Made things a bit easier.
But when Steve had come to her with this mission request, she couldn’t decline. She wouldn’t let herself decline.

She watched as the other counted the items, and though she didn’t quite understand the labels, she still attempted to practically make a mental spreadsheet of the items as he counted them. A habit. Keeping track of things was important, even if it was just meals and temporary pieces.

“We’ll all take a couple of shifts, you don’t need to take the full thirty-six hours.” Steve said, checking his watch. He had to keep track of time, and he knew not having sunlight could possibly mess with their perception of it. It shouldn’t since they wouldn’t be down there for all too long, but he was taking his precautions.
“I’ll be taking the second shift.” Though Helena was entirely too used to staying up for very long periods at a time, especially behind a screen, she knew she needed a rest before staying up. It was going to be two long nights.

He always, always needed to be ready. That was the point of his life. In HYDRA, whenever he was not in the tube, he was meant to be mission ready the moment his handlers needed him. Only injury could prevent him from being deployed and that had to serious enough to affect his mission functioning. Here, he was more… free to determine his mission status, although he constantly felt the need to be ready to run, thus his stashing of bags and supplies throughout the city. 

Firearms would be almost useless in such a small, echoing space. They would be heard instantly if they discharged anything and there was too great a risk of a bullet bouncing off of the piping or walls and hitting an ally. “We must use silent combat,” he stated, working through their escape like any other mission. In the field, he had been given just slightly more freedom only because HYDRA had trusted their weapon to perform correctly at all times. 

“Understood,” he stated, moving to a slightly more open area. From there, he could see in both directions down the tunnel in his peripheral vision. “I will remain awake first.” He glanced back toward the other two, something human in his eyes for a moment before it was replaced by the unfeeling machine he needed to be for them to survive. 

Ever since Helena had decided to join the team, it had changed her life immensely. She preferred to work alone most of the time, staying more on the technological side of things. And being part of a team was a change, a positive one though. There was the loss of feeling alone and isolated, there was the support, there was a lot. She could often tend to be a bit closed-off or seem distant, but it was never her intention, for she valued the group of people she was proud to be part of more than anything. Despite the new split between them all.

She glanced down to her boot, checking her knife was still there and along with the gun she’d tucked under her belt. Despite having other, perhaps more powerful, abilities, she knew it was good to keep hands-on weapons too. After all, it could cause more commotion, cause more reason for recognition. And that wasn’t something they quite needed at that moment when having to hide and be blank faces and identities to the people up above on ground.
“Guess the shield works for silent combat,” She remarked, Steve shrugging slightly. It would have to work, they didn’t know what was to come of it if they became surrounded, and they couldn’t risk much. Not if they wanted an assured escape.

“You sure you want to take the first shift?” Asked the Captain as he looked to the former soldier and friend of his. The two could both tell what that momentary look in the other’s eyes meant, they knew what story it told. It almost made Helena feel guilty.




Elle was late. And she was never late. She was up training with Steve and Nat. Plus she was working on a paper that she needed to had in to her essay teacher. So she quickly got up, putting on some skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbing her backpack before running out of her apartment which was just down the road from the avengers tower. She usually spent nights there but she did have an apartment as well. So her cover wasn’t blown. Running down the road as she made it towards the school gates. She was meant to meet Peter but she guessed that he had already gone to his lesson, so that’s what she decided to go. Walking into class she apologised for being late, sitting down in her seat before she took out her books starting to take notes from what the teacher was telling them about, shooting Peter a small frown since she felt bad for over sleeping and leaving him to wait for her out in the cold. Shaking her head as she looked back at her notes, sort of doodling as she listened to the lecture that they were sitting through. Looking back at Peter for a second, “I’m sorry.” She mouthed towards him.

Bucky on the other hand had a good night sleep. Taking it easy on himself in the morning. Grabbing a quick breakfast before he made his way down to the training room. He did this often, train, since he was good at it, and he liked to keep himself in shape and ready for anything. Making himself do some weights, going on the treadmill and rowing machine before he decided to lift more weights then moving onto the punching bag. He did this more or less all morning as he knew that he couldn’t do it in the afternoon due to having a meeting with Sheila and the other avengers. He had no idea what it was about though. Tony told him just to show up and made sure he listened. He knew the kid was at school so he knew that someone would have to tell her what was going on. That person wouldn’t be him though. It would mainly be Nat or Wanda. But he knew that Helena was coming to the meeting so Bucky needed to look fit, and his best. Since she always said that she did a better job Than him, but Bucky knew that definitely wasn’t the case. Walking into the main meeting room seeing most of them already there. Shaking his head a little as he sat down in one of the swirly chairs.


Peter let out a short breath as he stepped out of the elevator, the dinging sound echoing in his head for a moment. He swore he could also hear it echo over the phone and on her side, though he supposed it was just because of the wifi or technical things. It was weird though, ‘cause his phone never really echoed like that and for just one specific sound or something. He didn’t dwell much on it and pushed the small wonders and concerns aside, though it did make him a bit curious.
He still couldn’t get the thoughts of his lying out of his head as the two spoke, feeling that crumbling guilt grow larger and larger. He often just wanted to spill the beans, lay his cards down face-up, confess. Yet there was that nervousness of how she would react and what she would say. Though the larger part of him knew she probably wouldn’t react too badly wanted to speak louder, his concerns and insecurities had a larger voice. What if she would become mad at him for not telling her before? He shook himself out of his thoughts as he slipped his shoes off and placed his bag on his bed. His new bed.
“Oh… Yeah, that’s totally okay. I hope you can swing by some other time then, whenever you want.” Peter smiled lightly, genuinely sad about the fact that he wouldn’t be seeing her tomorrow. But then again, he had no idea what was in store for him tomorrow. He paused his breath as he heard the elevator that stopped on his floor, wondering if it was someone that was going to say something to him or who just also lived on the floor.

Helena had no idea of what the others on the team would think of the two, after all it was quite and very unexpected- For them as well. She knew no one would object to them, for they were all so close, and it seemed as if bets being made weren’t exactly the worst signs. Though she could be closed-off and distant at times, she truly adored and cared for her team. They were a family that she could not live without, one she’d never properly had and one she would do anything for. She knew they all would always be there for each other, whenever and wherever. That was just how they were, like a silent vow they’d made. Despite how different they were from one another, so individualistic, it was the loveliest home. She knew they’d be supportive, and she could easily push her worries aside.
“It’s fine,” She laughed softly at the red hue that coated Bucky’s cheeks, scoffing as well as Sam and Steve seemed to laugh as well. Seeing him get embarrassed that easily by a bit of teasing was a bit humorous, though a bit cute too. Maybe more than just a bit.
“Good, I almost got worried. And that sounds complicated- I might have to schedule that lunch with her sooner than later.” Helena hummed in thought, eyebrows slightly furrowed. She wondered who would tell who, and it certainly didn’t seem like that secret could go on for too long. “Are we going to let them… straighten the truth out or are we waiting for them to figure it out?”


When Elle was walking to her room. From the elevator she could hear Peter speaking. Listening to him closer as he spoke about not being able to see her tomorrow, Elle pulled the phone away from her ear as he had continued to talk. Looking at the door from where the voice was coming from. The elevator and now this? Was her brain playing funny tricks on her because she was missing him? Or was this real? She had no idea but being the girl she was she wanted to find out. She put the phone back to her ear for a second, “Pete. Can I call you back? I only need a second.” She said and with that she ended the call. But the way she talked into the phone was a whisper, almost like she didn’t want him to hear her if it was him on the other side of the wall. Elle walked slowly, and very quietly towards the door, a note had been hung on it for someone, Elle tilted her head had wondering it who was that was in there. She leant her head slowly against the door to see if she could hear anything. Before hesitantly grabbing the door knob and flinging the door open. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was. Peter?! It was Peter?! Why was he here? What had happened?? What was he doing there? Had he found out about her? “P-Peter?” She asked quietly as she looked over at him with a shocked face. Standing at the door very confused. “W-what….what….why are you here?” Elle asked quietly but also pretty loud. She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her, “What are you doing here?” She added looking at him still with a complete shocked face. Oh my god she was done for. He knows about her. Oh god he knows. She frowned a little as she watched him. “So this is what you were doing? Instead of doing homework?” She asked with a frown but to be honest she knew she had no reason to judge at all. She had been hiding things from him too and it didn’t make it any better. She felt guilty for lying to him she really did.

Bucky smiled as he looked, while the two boys played around he thought about the future, he thought about his future with her. What would happen with them, how long would they last. Would they fight together? How would their friends react? Surely they would be supportive like they always are. If he was honest though, he kind of felt protective of her. And he knew that she could handle herself but at the same time he wouldn’t want her to be getting hurt or injured, or worse. The thought scared him. Looking away as Helena started to talk to Steve. Bucky frowned and looked away from them all, he didn’t want her to get hurt. Or even be on the front lines when this mission goes wrong. He remembered that he was gonna be inside the club with the girls. Meaning if anyone had touched her or even looked of her wrong Bucky would have them. With no hesitation. And he wouldn’t be bothered if he just hurt or killed those people. Frowning a little more and sighing as he shook his head while he looked down at the floor. Steve had noticed bucky’s expressions but decided to just focus on what it was that Helena was saying. Nodding his head a little as he thought, “Ahh yes you may have too. She would like that too. You and Wanda are the only people she’s properly close too. I mean she is close to Nat but that’s a different story. She see’s you two as Sisters.” Steve added with a small smile before hearing her question, Steve raised his eyebrow. Looking at Bucky before looking back at Helena. “Well. Let’s just say Elle is on the same floor. That Tony put the kid in. They’re really close. I can’t believe Tony even brought the kid back. Apparently he’s coming on the mission with us too.” He told her calmly shaking his head a little.


Peter couldn’t help but focus on the noise from the elevator that corresponded to the noise he was hearing on the phone too, and that ding he’d just heard earlier when in the elevator himself repeated on her end. Something was up. He pinched his arm to make sure it wasn’t some weird, wondrous or strange dream, yet he found himself truly in reality: Awake and real. The sounds had been real. He couldn’t help but wonder if she was getting the same ideas or thinking the same thoughts, and simply listened as she spoke quietly over the phone. “Yeah, sure-” Before he knew it Elle ended the call. He could hear steps coming towards his door and just before she’d hung up he heard a faint, soft voice. A familiar one. Holy shit, he thought, was what he was thinking was happening really happening?
Peter’s eyes widened as the door open, and his jaw along with his mouth fell agape as he saw Elle. What the hell was she doing there? Did she live there? So many questions were racing through his mind, his heartbeat racing along with his thoughts too. He couldn’t believe his eyes, even pinching himself on the arm just one more time to make sure. He abruptly stood up, bottom lip quivering as he tried to find something to say. “Wait- Why are you also here???” He couldn’t help but ask her too, taking a deep sigh as he rubbed his temples. It seemed he hadn’t been the only one keeping a secret- And it eased his guilt just a little bit. Covering his face slightly with his hands, he sat back down on the mattress, feeling it sink beneath him. “Elle, I’m… I- I’m Spider-Man.” Peter confessed, looking back up at her, his eyes showing both guilt and adoration. He’d never meant to let it get this far, to let his secrets get so far- But it suddenly seemed to envelop his mind how she was there too. In the Avengers Tower. Was she a part of their team too?

It was an odd yet thrilling thought to have, that Helena and him would perhaps be more together both on battlefield and when at home in the Tower. It was certainly thrilling and exciting, but a part of her was nervous too. She knew relationships and… whatever they had, and that seemed to be growing, was no exception to challenges. Their private life and career path was the same, but also tough to balance. She could remember when being on missions alone, missing her team, but also finding herself missing Bucky’s stupid comments and remarks as well, despite convincing herself it was, well, stupid and foolish. Without realising it back then, she had actually been missing him. And she could only imagine how that feeling would  only grow and become heavier now that they’d let their feelings be said.
Despite knowing of these challenges that there perhaps and most likely would be, Helena knew there was much more beauty and joy to it too. And it outweighed the challenges by a hundred times at least, and she didn’t bother to worry. At least not yet. And the thought of the mission left her even more nervous, perhaps it was bad timing, but perhaps it could also be fun to see how they worked together on the field and on a mission.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll go talk to her as soon as I can- You know what, I think it’d be best for me to talk to her now. We only have tonight and some of the day tomorrow, and I think she’d prefer to sleep on it.” Helena said, head leaning against Bucky’s upper-arm and shoulder slightly in thought. Elle meant a lot to her, and she truly was like a sister to her, they both knew they were there for each other. And it would be best for her to know as soon as possible before the mission. “I think I’m going to drop by her room now before she heads to bed.”







Next Door

(starter for @frozenandhandsome)

Helena fiddled with her brown shoulder bag, rummaging through it for her keys. The faint sound and symphony of a classical song could be heard next door, making her smile slightly, though it was as faint as it was.

She eventually got ahold of her keys and keychain, them making a slight jingling noise as she inserted the key and unlocked her door. With a sigh, she closed the door behind her, placing her bag down on the ground. Days seemed to melt together, though she could feel something was bubbling under the surface. Waiting to rise and burst. It wasn’t that she had proof of that feeling or thought being rational, it was just her gut. Her gut telling her to listen and trust.

That was what it usually told her anyway. And she found it useful most of the time.

Helena had been an agent for a while, dabbling in missions here and there, though she usually was behind a screen doing her work. She’d always had a touch for the technological things, almost always preferring that over being on the field physically. She found that it was simply her forté and it came natural to her, like a sixth sense. As if it was written on the back of her hand. But this time she was assigned a slightly different job, for she was assigned to protect Steve Rogers.

So, she’d been placed in the flat beside him. Having usually always done her work behind screens gave her the perk that he wouldn’t recognise her, and she wasn’t a very assuming character. She’d moved in with ease, even without truly knowing why she’d been assigned to this particular mission. She hadn’t been told a motive from her boss, but she supposed it was just too risky to tell her, for some reason.

Helena double-checked where she kept her weapons of choice, which she always did every day at least three times. Safety. Security. It was never 100%. That’s when something caught her off-guard; A knock at her door.

Helena hadn’t a mission like this before; Both where she basically had to be a bodyguard and where she was on the field physically. She didn’t quite know how to react to it at first, and she certainly didn’t quite know it now either. She was more than capable for it and had been trained a lot, it wasn’t that. It was more why someone who preferred to do the technological things on missions and things was picked instead of someone else. Codes, screens and tech where her thing, most people knew. But not daring to pick up a discussion or question her boss, she simply let it slide and did as told.

Within a very short amount of time, her flat had become her former flat, and though all her things would still be there for when she returned, she missed it. It was basically leaving her home and the safety and comfort she knew there. Almost everything had been provided for her, but she still brought some of her own stuff as well. Just so it felt more like hers. Though it was a temporary place for a temporary mission, she still wanted to make it her own. Would make her feel better for the time being. So, with her fingers practically tangled up in her hair, she moved things around and tried to make the place good.
She felt almost a bit silly for doing so, but hey, no one would notice anyways.

The knock caught her by surprise, though she felt like she knew who was going to be at her door. Opening the door after checking the peephole, and sure enough it was the person she’d guessed it would be. None other than Steve Rogers. And she didn’t quite know if she should feel nervous, excited or awkward.
“Hi, pleasure to meet you too. You’re right, the circumstances are peculiar- unsettling maybe. I’m Helena. Helena Bennet.” She returned the smile, her hand shaking his.

Steve tried to appear professional but he was standing in a top and sweatpants, this was his night off and he did just want to at least introduce himself to the other before all this started. “Yeah, you can say that again. Well, I don’t want this to be anymore weird than it needs to be.” Steve chuckled a little, he already felt awkward and honestly the more they spoke about it the worse it seemed to get. “Have you been with SHIELD, long?” He asked, trying to make polite conversation.

Helena hadn’t been expecting the knock at his door, and though her flat still was a bit of a mess, she’d started to get things in the right place and composed right. She probably looked a mess too, having her hair tied up lazily and wearing her home clothes. It comforted her though that he seemed to be wearing loungewear as well. And after all, she was just human. They were just human.

“For a while now, yeah, this is my fourth year with them. I’m usually more on the technical sides of things, since I changed division. So, I’m usually more behind the scenes.” She practically explained, smiling a bit. Not wanting to be annoying or ramble, she put things simply. 
Glancing over her shoulder before turning back to look at him, she offered him politely and light-heartedly: “You’re welcome to come inside. You know, just in case the doorway is tiring.”

Steve nodded his head at her friendly offer as he followed her inside the apartment, it was a nice little apartment even if it wasn’t completely unpacked yet. “Do you have to move around a lot?” He asked, not enjoying the idea of her having to give up anything in order to take this mission. “This mission must be a little different than what you’re used to then?” 

Helena guided him inside and beckoned for him to follow, leading him to the soon to be finished living room area. It was quaint, but after all she’d be living alone, and she didn’t mind it. It made it almost a bit more cozy.

“Sometimes. I’ve had my fair share of moves- But mostly due to protection programs, like if something got wrong and I could risk getting tracked.” She explained and elaborated a bit. Moves weren’t a huge part for her in missions, it was mostly after or during she could risk being forced to move unexpectedly; Almost like in a witness protection program of sorts. “But those moves usually don’t last too long.” She smiled.

Helena took a seat on the couch, crossing one leg over the other as she listened to him speak. She hadn’t imagined having to be face-to-face with him just yet, and, to be frank, she’d been a bit nervous for it. After all, they were strangers and it could be awkward. It did lift weight on her shoulders though that they already seemed to be getting along just fine.
“Very different, trust me. But I don’t mind, change is good too. Would you like something to drink? Tea, coffee, water?”



Helena nodded along to what Strange said, standing up as well as she brushed her pants off out of habit before shaking his hand. “Right, I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll be here as soon as I can, I’m looking forward to my first lesson.” She said genuinely, smiling warmly. “Thank you. Again. I truly appreciate it.”

As she headed out to the streets once more and the door closed behind her, she let out a deep sigh. What a day. She had been so desperate for answers, desperate to learn and grow, desperate to find her path. So desperate that she felt so odd now that she finally knew where to go and gain what she yearned for: Control over her abilities. It was odd to finally have that opportunity in her hands, and she wouldn’t let it slip through the gaps between her fingers. Though she perhaps could have questioned Strange or questioned the source of the whisper, she didn’t. She simply trusted her stroke of luck and fate.

Finally her shoulders could seem to relax and her eyes rested easily that night as she slept.


Helena woke up earlier than usual to finish some work she had to do. Luckily, her job was flexible, and with only a seat deadline she could choose her hours. It made it all easier to manage, especially when she now had to have lessons on her abilities as well.

She finished off her work, feeling the nerves set in. After all, she didn’t know what to expect, she didn’t know what expectations to set at all. Slipping her coat and shoes on, slinging a bag over her shoulder and heading out of her flat, she decided there was only one way to know. She had no idea what sort of attire was meant to be worn, so she opted for something casual- That couldn’t go too wrong.

Before she knew it, she was stood outside Bleecker Street outside that specific door, knocking.


Strange was already on his way down the Sanctum’s main staircase when he heard knocking at the door, and a grin curved his lips.  He instantly knew who’d be on the other side, and when he opened the door, he gestured for Helena to enter.

“Good morning!  Thank you for coming early,” Stephen greeted as she walked in.  “I hope you’re eager to get started.  We have a lot to cover.  C’mon; follow me.”

The sorcerer had worked out a basic plan to follow for training Helena, with just enough flexibility in case they needed to cover other areas related to her powers.  He felt confident that by the time the last lesson was completed, she’d feel in control of her abilities.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Strange led Helena to the large circular window that faced the street.  In its frame was displayed the symbol of the Masters of the Mystic Arts, the same as that of the Eye of Agamotto.

“This is the beginning, your first steps into a much larger and challenging world.  If you’re nervous, that’s good…you should be.  This path isn’t an easy one…but it can be greatly rewarding.”

Strange faced the window and began to conjure a portal.  It grew in size and strength, and harmless golden sparks flew outward.  “I’ve created a training area for us.  No offense, but I can’t risk any objects in the Sanctum getting damaged.”

Stephen stepped through and then gestured for Helena to follow.  Beyond the portal was an area similar in appearance to a Japanese garden near a gently babbling brook.  A gentle breeze swayed tall trees, and around them stood pedestals with simple objects resting upon them.

“This will be where you’ll learn to harness your powers, control their intensity, and make them respond to your whims.  It will also be the focal point from which you’ll begin to strengthen your connection to the mystical realm.”  He chuckled softly.  “Sounds crazy; I know, like something out of a comic book.  But, I promise you, it’s very real, and you’re going to experience it firsthand very soon.”


Despite having that nervous, tingling feeling at the pit of her stomach and a slight fear og the completely unknown, she felt a soaring sensation too. Helena was where she wanted to be- Maybe even needed to be. It was certainly going to be an exciting and maybe nerve-racking journey, and she simply kept her head forward.

“Morning,” She smiled as the door opened, stepping inside as Strange, her new mentor, greeted her. “And of course, that was the least I could do. And believe me, I think eager is an understatement.”

Following the sorcerer, she couldn’t help but let her eyes wander about. The sanctum seemed even larger from the inside, and she didn’t quite know if it was her eyes and mind together playing tricks on her, or if it was simply like that. 

She knew that he had most likely planned for what they would be doing and how she would be training, and it was a bit odd for her how it all was becoming reality for her. For a very long time she’d truly believed that perhaps there was no path for her and she would simply have to deal with it all alone, so when her wishes seemed to come true it almost seemed… surreal. Despite how surreal the world already was.

“I understand. It feels great that I just… have this journey now, and that I know for sure that it’s ahead of me.” Helena nodded with a hum, looking out the window and down to the streets and people that walked by. Hell, she was beyond nervous, and she didn’t quite know how much it was showing.

Her eyes widened as Strange conjured a portal, the golden sparks that ignited from the portal making it seem even more wondrous. She laughed softly as he told her he wouldn’t want to risk anything getting broken, which was only very understandable. After all, she didn’t quite have much control and she didn’t quite know how much she was capable of either. “Makes sense,”

She stepped inside the portal, her first step into it all, her first step onto the path. She glanced behind her and looked at the portal, almost trying to convince herself of how powerful arts as such truly could be. The surroundings left her in awe, awakening a sense of peace within her. Looking to the items resting on pedestals, she looked to each one, each a random object it seemed.

“Yeah, this feels like a movie, I’m not going to lie.” She smiled, looking up to the tall trees with blossoms momentarily as she spoke. “But I trust this. I trust you. And I might be a little lost, but I trust that this will all make sense- Hopefully soon.”


Elle was late. And she was never late. She was up training with Steve and Nat. Plus she was working on a paper that she needed to had in to her essay teacher. So she quickly got up, putting on some skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbing her backpack before running out of her apartment which was just down the road from the avengers tower. She usually spent nights there but she did have an apartment as well. So her cover wasn’t blown. Running down the road as she made it towards the school gates. She was meant to meet Peter but she guessed that he had already gone to his lesson, so that’s what she decided to go. Walking into class she apologised for being late, sitting down in her seat before she took out her books starting to take notes from what the teacher was telling them about, shooting Peter a small frown since she felt bad for over sleeping and leaving him to wait for her out in the cold. Shaking her head as she looked back at her notes, sort of doodling as she listened to the lecture that they were sitting through. Looking back at Peter for a second, “I’m sorry.” She mouthed towards him.

Bucky on the other hand had a good night sleep. Taking it easy on himself in the morning. Grabbing a quick breakfast before he made his way down to the training room. He did this often, train, since he was good at it, and he liked to keep himself in shape and ready for anything. Making himself do some weights, going on the treadmill and rowing machine before he decided to lift more weights then moving onto the punching bag. He did this more or less all morning as he knew that he couldn’t do it in the afternoon due to having a meeting with Sheila and the other avengers. He had no idea what it was about though. Tony told him just to show up and made sure he listened. He knew the kid was at school so he knew that someone would have to tell her what was going on. That person wouldn’t be him though. It would mainly be Nat or Wanda. But he knew that Helena was coming to the meeting so Bucky needed to look fit, and his best. Since she always said that she did a better job Than him, but Bucky knew that definitely wasn’t the case. Walking into the main meeting room seeing most of them already there. Shaking his head a little as he sat down in one of the swirly chairs.


Peter let out a short breath as he stepped out of the elevator, the dinging sound echoing in his head for a moment. He swore he could also hear it echo over the phone and on her side, though he supposed it was just because of the wifi or technical things. It was weird though, ‘cause his phone never really echoed like that and for just one specific sound or something. He didn’t dwell much on it and pushed the small wonders and concerns aside, though it did make him a bit curious.
He still couldn’t get the thoughts of his lying out of his head as the two spoke, feeling that crumbling guilt grow larger and larger. He often just wanted to spill the beans, lay his cards down face-up, confess. Yet there was that nervousness of how she would react and what she would say. Though the larger part of him knew she probably wouldn’t react too badly wanted to speak louder, his concerns and insecurities had a larger voice. What if she would become mad at him for not telling her before? He shook himself out of his thoughts as he slipped his shoes off and placed his bag on his bed. His new bed.
“Oh… Yeah, that’s totally okay. I hope you can swing by some other time then, whenever you want.” Peter smiled lightly, genuinely sad about the fact that he wouldn’t be seeing her tomorrow. But then again, he had no idea what was in store for him tomorrow. He paused his breath as he heard the elevator that stopped on his floor, wondering if it was someone that was going to say something to him or who just also lived on the floor.

Helena had no idea of what the others on the team would think of the two, after all it was quite and very unexpected- For them as well. She knew no one would object to them, for they were all so close, and it seemed as if bets being made weren’t exactly the worst signs. Though she could be closed-off and distant at times, she truly adored and cared for her team. They were a family that she could not live without, one she’d never properly had and one she would do anything for. She knew they all would always be there for each other, whenever and wherever. That was just how they were, like a silent vow they’d made. Despite how different they were from one another, so individualistic, it was the loveliest home. She knew they’d be supportive, and she could easily push her worries aside.
“It’s fine,” She laughed softly at the red hue that coated Bucky’s cheeks, scoffing as well as Sam and Steve seemed to laugh as well. Seeing him get embarrassed that easily by a bit of teasing was a bit humorous, though a bit cute too. Maybe more than just a bit.
“Good, I almost got worried. And that sounds complicated- I might have to schedule that lunch with her sooner than later.” Helena hummed in thought, eyebrows slightly furrowed. She wondered who would tell who, and it certainly didn’t seem like that secret could go on for too long. “Are we going to let them… straighten the truth out or are we waiting for them to figure it out?”









Elle was late. And she was never late. She was up training with Steve and Nat. Plus she was working on a paper that she needed to had in to her essay teacher. So she quickly got up, putting on some skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbing her backpack before running out of her apartment which was just down the road from the avengers tower. She usually spent nights there but she did have an apartment as well. So her cover wasn’t blown. Running down the road as she made it towards the school gates. She was meant to meet Peter but she guessed that he had already gone to his lesson, so that’s what she decided to go. Walking into class she apologised for being late, sitting down in her seat before she took out her books starting to take notes from what the teacher was telling them about, shooting Peter a small frown since she felt bad for over sleeping and leaving him to wait for her out in the cold. Shaking her head as she looked back at her notes, sort of doodling as she listened to the lecture that they were sitting through. Looking back at Peter for a second, “I’m sorry.” She mouthed towards him.

Bucky on the other hand had a good night sleep. Taking it easy on himself in the morning. Grabbing a quick breakfast before he made his way down to the training room. He did this often, train, since he was good at it, and he liked to keep himself in shape and ready for anything. Making himself do some weights, going on the treadmill and rowing machine before he decided to lift more weights then moving onto the punching bag. He did this more or less all morning as he knew that he couldn’t do it in the afternoon due to having a meeting with Sheila and the other avengers. He had no idea what it was about though. Tony told him just to show up and made sure he listened. He knew the kid was at school so he knew that someone would have to tell her what was going on. That person wouldn’t be him though. It would mainly be Nat or Wanda. But he knew that Helena was coming to the meeting so Bucky needed to look fit, and his best. Since she always said that she did a better job Than him, but Bucky knew that definitely wasn’t the case. Walking into the main meeting room seeing most of them already there. Shaking his head a little as he sat down in one of the swirly chairs.


Peter truly wanted to accept the offer and so he did, yet he did feel an ounce of guilt. After all, it was another thing he’d have to hide from Elle, an even larger thing. It would be even tougher for him to mask his identity and keep a very low profile as he did then, it would be tougher with being recognised and he knew it would become harder for him. It was just an opportunity he couldn’t let slip through his fingers and down into the drain, only a fool would say no to an offer like the one Tony gave him. Perhaps a fool who hated lying. Or a fool who didn’t want to hurt people with secrets. Although he knew very well his secret wasn’t one of ill-intent or fueled with hatred, no not at all actually, and knowing it was only a good secret of the sorts, he couldn’t help but still feel bad for not even letting Elle know. And he just couldn’t stop thinking about her and what she would think of it.
“Sorry- I mean, its just that you’re well… Tony Stark, I don’t know, I’m just overthinking.” He let out a light laugh, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He felt less awkward though, he felt like he didn’t have to be uptight or anything. He was just still trying to process everything. Hell, what was he going to tell May? Would he be gone on, well, missions often? There was so much to sift through and figure out. He just wished he could tell everything to his dear Elle and have someone to confide in, but he knew it was maybe good to wait a bit before telling her. Just in case for some reason. She kept coming back to his mind.
“Yeah, yeah, makes sense, I guess. And really? Interesting,” Peter commented when Tony mentioned that there was someone else his age on the team, though he had to admit that made him intimidated too. Sure, it would certainly be nice to have someone his age alongside him, but striking up new friendships wasn’t his forte. Though it was an odd, and to him unreasonable and unrealistic wish, he almost wished that it could be her. How amazing that would be. But he knew it wouldn’t be. Or at least he thought. “What am I gonna tell my Aunt?”

Helena didn’t know if she was overstepping a boundary as her hands simply and gently wandered along his shoulders and the base of his neck, and she certainly didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. She trusted though that he would tell her if he felt that way, and as she gauged his reaction, he didn’t seem to mind, but he did seem curious of her actions. She and her actions only meant to say that she was admiring him, wanting to take in every little detail she could. She’d never had a want for such a thing before, not in the same way, not in an unprofessional way.
She laughed softly as Bucky raised his eyebrow at her, cheeks still flushed, the tips of her ears gaining the rosy colour as well. She felt so… closed off from reality in that moment. Just for those minutes and moments. Her mind fell quiet as well, heartbeat heavy, but steady and calm. She almost felt as if her mind fell into this sinking, warm sand, becoming enveloped in it entirely, captured by it. The few sounds of someone perhaps being in the elevator or heading down a flight of stairs didn’t quite catch her attention. She noted it, yet she didn’t think of it.
Hazel eyes set on that strand of hair as she curled it around her finger, she let loose of it once more, the strand spiralling a bit. Spiralling like her sometimes. “Very strange in a good way… I like that.” Helena smiled fondly, looking up at him once more. She loved those striking blue eyes of his, Hell, she could stand there and look at them for ages just to try and decipher what exact colour of blue it was. Instinctively tilting her head slightly, she leaned closer and their lips united, a rush of warmth washing over her. She hadn’t realised until then how much she’d perhaps wished for that to happen.


Elle started to punch down the punching bag, kicking it a few times but mainly just punching it to work on her arm strength, she never usually did this during the night, but if she had something on her min this was where she would go and this is what she would do. Elle still couldn’t get Peter out of her mind, and it was driving her crazy to the point where she punched that hard the punching bag fell off the hook. Elle sighed and looked down shaking her head with a frown. Why couldn’t she stop thinking about him?? She was sure that he was completely fine shaking her head a little as she thought. Tony looked at the boy as he started to speak, still hearing him stumbling with his words, watching as he rubbed the back of his neck. Tony sighed and shook his head. Listening to what he was saying, nodding his head a little, “I wouldn’t over think this. I mean yeh its a little dangerous but oh well.” He said shrugging his shoulders, “You’d be apart of the team but you would still have us to protect you.” Tony added as he saw the boy thinking in his own head, then listening to what he said when he had mentioned the same aged person that was on the team. Then listening to the question that he had asked, Tony just simply smiled and walked out of his room, “Mrs Parker. I am offering your son for an internship, he accepted my offer so if you don’t mind I will be taking him to the tower tonight so that he can get ready for the field trip tomorrow. Do not worry Mrs Parker, I will take very good care of him!!” Tony shouted but still quietly with a big smile as he grabbed Peter’s back pack and grabbed Peter too, taking him out of the apartment and towards his car, “I told you I had it sorted.” Tony took him from the car to the tower, “Have a look around kid, and then we’ll talk about the mission tomorrow.” Tony told him with a nod, “Your room is on the third floor, number 124.” He added before he walked off towards his study.

Bucky listened to the girls soft laugh as he had his eyebrows raised, his cheeks still pretty red from the way she was acting with him. Looked like her face was pretty red too, even the top of her ears were a little red. Bucky also heard someone also coming downstairs although he didn’t know which way. He knew to was probably Elle or Steve going downstairs to train or something. But he wasn’t really bothered about who it was, they were in a moment and no one would be able to ruin it for him. Looking into her Hazel eyes, getting captivated by them, lost in them like a galaxy. Feeling her finger around the strand of his hair. Spiralling it around her finger. Listening to what it was that she was saying, nodding his head a little. Seeing her look up at him into his eyes too, he was taken back a little by it but at the same time he loved it. As they kissed he loved it, he loved the way her lips felt on his, the way their bodies were very close, the way that everything either seemed to just stop around them or that it just turns to slow motion around them like some sort of TV movie, he continued to kiss her, deepening the kiss with passion, and he was so in the moment that he hardly heard someone talking. Steve and Sam had walked into the room to try and find Elle, but what they found was much funnier. Steve’s eyes widened as he looked at the two, “I thought you hated each other!!’ He shouted loudly with a small smirk as he crossed his arms and leant against the door frame. Bucky heard the man but only a little, he pulled away from the amazing kiss that he was having to look at the two boys in the door way, he shrugged a little, “Things change I guess.” He said to Steve and Sam.


Peter nodded along to what Tony said, listening closely. He didn’t want to miss one bit of information, especially since he had a lot on his mind at that moment. His day had already been eventful enough, luckily in a very good and pleasant way. He had to admit though that it was just bit tough to focus, for there was one thing that he couldn’t help but keep think of: Elle. It was like the situation and the words they exchanged kept replaying in his head, like a song stuck in his head, constantly replaying. But a song he could never get tired of, a song he could listen to constantly. Her voice reminded him of a song he could listen to forever.
He practically kept having to bring himself back to reality every time his mind strayed and thought of that lovely gal he was so lucky to have in his life, kept straying to what she would think of it all, what she would have to say. If only he could tell her and ask for her advice.
“I trust you, guys.” Peter let Stark know with a curt nod as he shortly explained the dangers. He could only imagine how it would be having to go on missions- actual missions. It wouldn’t just be catching people stealing bikes or stealing sodas from the store and being rewarded with churros. It was serious, or at least more serious than that. He furrowed his eyebrows a bit as the man came with a good and easy excuse, though the part about leaving right then and there was what confused him. It was all so soon, and he felt beyond nervous. He couldn’t wait to call Elle, just to hear her voice.
He let Tony grab him by the shoulder and lead him out, Aunt May obviously a bit surprised of the sudden leave. “Oh wow- I’m happy for you, kid! Oh, you’re leaving, okay well- Be good and have fun and call me when you can!” May told him, giving him a motherly kiss, despite her being an aunt, on the cheek and waved him goodbye.
As they pulled up to the tower, Peter’s eyes were wide, antsy and nervous. He followed Stark into the tower, being handed his backpack before being left to find his room. “O-Okay, thank you, Mr. Stark!” He just managed to say, before he disappeared off to his study. With a sigh, he walked to the elevator. What a day. And he couldn’t believe a room was already there, waiting for him. As soon as he stepped inside the elevator, he brought his phone up to his ear and called Elle.

Helena couldn’t help but want to be close to him, she couldn’t help but want to be right there, his hands resting on her waist, just enjoying each other’s presence as they simply looked at one another. If anyone had ever told her that she’d be standing there, in Bucky’s arms in that bloody gym, she wouldn’t have believed it. Not one bit. Not even if someone had told her only a few hours ago, yet there she was. And she didn’t regret anything, not one bit. Not one bit.
She felt a rush of spontaneousness flicker through her, as her hand carefully and with gentle motions travelled up the side of his neck, reaching to cup his cheek as their lips neared each other and finally united. She wasn’t typically a very spontaneous person, she didn’t like doing things without a second thought, she preferred to think things properly thing through, yet this time she wasn’t acting like herself or going by her typical behaviour. It was as if something had locked her mind in place, her heart controlling her actions, though she had to admit her mind had a part in it too.
Tilting her head as he deepened the kiss, she was standing on her tip-toes, so caught up in it all. She felt as if she was stuck in a trance, a lovely one that she didn’t want to be undone. Their lips felt as if they had been moulded for one another, just… perfect. As her thumb brushed against his cheek, the sound og Steve’s voice seemed to pull her away from his lips and pull her back into reality. “Holy shit. Clint owes me forty bucks.” Laughed Sam, mouth a bit agape at what the two just had walked into. Helena looked up to Bucky, smiling at what he said. “Don’t look at us like that. Just be happy that we won’t act like five-year-olds anymore- Some of the time at least.” She grinned a bit.


Tony was happy that his aunt had accepted that they were taking him, because otherwise it probably would have been a little bit of an issue, so he was happy that it all seemed to work out. Smiling at May before they may their way back to the car, driving back to the tower. Watching as they got out seeing the kid’s eyes widen, he knew that he was worried, handing him his backpack. Going into his study, Tony was working on new tech for his suit, new stuff for Elle but also working on weapons with both Scott and Bruce as well. Tony usually didn’t like working with others, he liked working on his own, but at the same time, they were very intelligent and they bounced ideas off each other, especially since they were all intelligent in different subjects and aspects. Scott had knowledge on his suit and the quantum realm, Bruce had all of his degree’s and Tony, well we all know that Tony is extremely smart. Elle had finished with the punch bag and then decided to go onto the treadmill for a run, but just as she was about to do that her phone started to ring, she made her way from the treadmill towards her phone, it was Peter. Elle’s eyes widened a little as she looked down at her phone, rising her eyebrow a little bit, picking up the phone slowly, she debated whether to actually answer it or not, I know crazy. But she didn’t know if she had made it awkward between the two and plus he wasn’t answering her to begin with when she had tried messaging him earlier that night. But she decided to answer it, obviously, she couldn’t leave him on read it would completely kill her if she did that to him, plus it would probably upset him too, or worry him at least, as she was very quick when it came to replying or answering to Peter, so she answered, putting the phone to her ear, “H-hey Pete..” She said sounding pretty out of breath due to working out for a while.

Bucky smiled to himself as they kissed, feeling her hands slowly moving up towards the side of his neck, moving her hand to cup his cheeky, smiling into the kiss. Her touch was intoxicating, feeling her tilting her own head as he had deepened the kiss, feeling her on her tip toes which made him smirk a little and then smile again as he continued to kiss her. He wasn’t bothered about anything else or anyone else that was in the room with them, he was in a complete trance and he was happy about it, Her lips were so soft and they felt amazing against his. Bucky wasn’t a cringe person but if he was honest, them kissing felt like a jigsaw puzzle that was pieced together perfectly, and their relationship at the moment was like playing a jigsaw but you couldn’t find where a certain piece went, you spent hours looking for the right place and then suddenly, you find it putting it down in the place it is meant to be in, the happiness and refreshing feeling you get from just doing that simple thing, that’s how Bucky felt in this moment that he was having with her. Feeling her thumb brushing against his cheek just as she pulled away from the kiss, he did the same but pointed and frowned a little as he looked towards Steve and Sam. Listening to what it was that Sam said, Bucky shook his head, “You bet on us?” he asked not looking with he happiest face at the two boys before he saw Helena looking up at him before listening to what it was that she was saying. See that, he was happy with. Chuckling and shaking his head a little with a smile. Steve nodded his head as he heard what Helena said, nodding his head as he chuckled, “Yes okay that is fair enough, I am just glad you two have some to your differences and stopped fighting.” He told them both shaking his head.


Though Aunt May was a bit surprised, she also knew that Peter could handle a lot. After all, though he could emotionally be a soft kid, he still had tough bones. Especially due to his past and the things he’d experienced. If she’d known of Spider-Man that would just have convince her even more.
Peter felt bewildered as he was brought into the tower, it was even bigger than he’d expected. Bigger than any picture or article could describe. He could hear the sounds of faint voices coming from left and right, and he couldn’t help but be nervous. After all, it was all quite overwhelming and it was all a big mouth-full for him right then and there. As he stepped into the elevator, he noticed the camera up in the corner and almost foolishly smiled at it. What the hell was he doing. He both felt as if he’d grow to belong there, but he also felt completely out of place. Some kid from Queens, living in a small apartment in a not so good neighbourhood, and suddenly being brought to a place like that; Well, it was a big change. No more small windows, no more practically trash-diving for tech items and things, no more feeling alone and isolated about his abilities. No more actually being alone about his abilities. No more fighting alone. He just hoped time wouldn’t lessen for him, though he could figure out it maybe would, and it made his heart sink. That was the only thing he didn’t want lessened, he wanted time with Elle.
As he heard her pick up, a smile instantly appeared on his lips. “Elle! I’m so, so sorry I didn’t see your messages until now- My phone was accidentally on silent, and you know I’m bad at checking my phone when it’s on that mode… and I was just, uhh, finishing up one of my small projects and helping May with cleaning- I’m rambling, anyways I’m just sorry. And I miss you. Like, a lot.” Peter felt like he’d been talking too long, and he couldn’t wait to her her voice again, it sounded as beautiful as a piece of classical music. He hated making her worried or concerned, and he just hoped she could forgive him.

Helena tried not to smirk as she felt him smile against the warmth of her lips, the thumb that was brushing his cheek lightly also tucking a strand of his brown hair aside. She loved being close to him - both physically but emotionally too -, and she only yearned to be impossibly closer to him. The trance that seemed to fall over both of them couldn’t last long enough, at least that’s what she thought after hearing Steve and Sam commenting at the situation at hand. Though it did make her perhaps a bit awkward or flustered, she couldn’t help but practically be proud and, obviously, full of joy. She felt lucky to have him, beyond that and thankful too. She simply couldn’t wait for whatever they were to develop and grow even more- Though they had that mission just the next day and night. That would surely be interesting too with the… emotional development between the two.
Rolling her eyes at Sam as he talked about a bet he’d made, she shook her head with a laugh, hands retreating to her sides as she placed them on her hips. She had no idea what any of this would mean for Bucky and her- Would he want to be with her? Would he regret it later on when they retreated to their separate rooms? She hoped not, and she knew pushing the thoughts aside was best. After all, nothing could conclude that; At least not yet.
“Maybe I did, but all you need to know is I just earned forty bucks, because of you two. So, thanks a lot. I owe you guys one.” Sam continued to tease and taunt the two in a playful manner, grinning from ear to ear, perhaps acting a bit childish, but it was all just for the fun of it. “Well, glad we could help with your salary bonus.” Helena joked with a smile, shoulder nudging the man beside her as she saw the not-very-happy-and-maybe-annoyed face he made. “And thanks, Steve.”


Elle didn’t really know what was going on with Peter. In fact she was very confused since he had just called her even though she had tried to message him before hand. It all seemed very suspicious but Elle didn’t really think about it. Even though she was surprised when she saw his name come up on her phone when she was training. Listening to what it was that he was saying, she could tell he had a smile on his face just by listening to the sound of his voice and the pitch too. Raising her eyebrow as she listened to the excuse that he had made. But she did know how he was when his phone was on silent. So she nodded along as she continued to listen to the boy speaking, he was doing small projects? But he had told her before he had no work to be doing? But cleaning she couldn’t argue with, she just shrugged for a second, “it’s okay Pete. I was just worried that was all. But I thought you had gone to sleep or that you were busy. So you’re free now?” She asked him calmly as she started to pack up her gym bag since she was probably going to go back to her room so that she could talk to Peter more, putting her bag over her shoulder and making her way out of the room up towards the stairs, “I’m happy you helped your aunt. She needs help from time to time. And plus you’re the man of the house.” Elle teased with a smile as she continued to walk. Going past the room that Helena, Bucky, Steve and Sam were in. She didn’t take the elevator though. She decided to take the long way around and up the stairs was the best place. It would give her more exercise and training that she needed.

Bucky watched as the girl was rolling her eyes at the betting comment that Sam was making. Watching as she shook her head with a laugh, Bucky rolled his eyes a little before raising an eyebrow when he heard her laughing. He loved the sound of her laugh, it was just way too cute. Watching as her hands and arms moved away from him back towards herself putting them on her hips, he smiled and chuckled shaking his head. Focusing his attention over to the man that was talking, listening to what Sam was saying, it made him roll his eyes again. Seeing the childish grin that was on his face. Bucky rolled his eyes again shaking his head before he looked back over at Helena as she was speaking, now that was soemthing that he could happily laugh at, even her jokers were funny. Steve nodded his head with a smile, “You’re welcome. And also. Just to let you know we weren’t actually coming down here for you. We were coming down to try and find the moody teenager.” Steve told them both with a smile as he shrugged his shoulders, “Girls were never this high maintenance before right buck?” Steve added with a smirk. Bucky looked and listened to Steve with wide eyes, looking back at Helena and gulping before he looked back at Steve, “I….I don’t think all girls are like that.” Bucky answered with a small smile looking back at Helena for approval.


Peter knew that he wasn’t good at lying or coming up with excuses, and with each word of an excuse or cover-up he spoke, an ounce of guilt came along with it. He felt more than just guilty for lying, he practically felt like a bad person. He knew that his reason for covering things up wasn’t a particularly bad reason, yet he found dishonesty to be hard to deal with, no matter what situation it was, no matter what topic was being dealt with. He hated lying either way, and a part of him tugged at him to just tell him, almost as if he had a devil and an angel, both on one of his shoulders, trying to tell him what to do. He would have to sleep on it, he knew that. At least for know, then maybe his mind could clear up a bit more.
He noted how she almost seemed out of breath when she picked up the phone, though he didn’t pay much attention to it or dwell on it. He couldn’t stop thinking about how long it would take for either him to finally tell or for her to find out. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to make you worried. And, uhh, I’m technically free, but I was about to head to bed soon, so I don’t know how much fun I am when asleep.” Peter joked with a light chuckle, phone still to his ear as the elevator dinged and he cringed a bit. Had the sound been too loud or noticeable? He had no idea how to play that one off if she asked. He stepped out of the elevator, taking a look down the hall.
Third floor. His floor. It was weird, and though he could tell there were other rooms too, he had no idea who they belonged to, there was only a sign at his door. It didn’t even say his name, just said: ‘This one’. He stepped inside, listening to Elle as she spoke, making sure to keep his focus on her. Hell, he’d do anything to see that stunning face of hers again, match it to her lovely voice too. “You’re right: Man of the house. Yeah, that sounds weird and something that could be brought up in a debate about misogyny.” He smiled as he spoke and joked. Peter looked around the room, it was very large, larger than he was used to. Everything was kept within the same blue and orange sort of colour scheme, modern and way nicer than he was used to as well. Hell of a day. Or did it make more sense to say heaven of a day.

Though the situation was positively a bit awkward and unexpected for sure, it was nice that the four didn’t get into any weird conversation. That was something Helena adored about their team, how close everyone actually was and how practically everyone seemed to click or at least did while in the same room. She truly appreciated how she had never felt uncomfortable with them before, and especially Bucky. Though she perhaps hadn’t been ready or wanted to admit it before, she’d always felt that feeling of being able to relax in his company, despite their banter and remarks and despite her slightly closed-off behaviour. It had almost worked as a last wall, a last facade of sorts. And it’d ended up being pulled down, much easier than she herself had perhaps expected.
Helena shook her head at the two who were standing at the doorway, laughing along with them. The tension had definitely been eased, but she just wondered about what was to come of it all afterwards. Tomorrow. On the mission. It’d certainly be… something.
“Never this high maintenance before? My, I didn’t know you saw women as some road work or something.” She nudged Bucky with a cheeky and playful grin, obviously teasing him, though it was with a different tone than when she usually did. This time her tone was hearty, her words soft, though still playful. “Wow, and they say you guys are the gentlemen of our time.” Sam said with a smirk and a laugh, hands in the air in a joking manner. As the two mentioned looking for a moody teenager as well, of course, only one came to mind, and she was almost a bit concerned. Worried. After all, she cared for Elle and she often treated her like a little sister, so it concerned her they were looking for her. “Is she okay?” Helena asked then with a more serious tone, referring to the girl.







Elle was late. And she was never late. She was up training with Steve and Nat. Plus she was working on a paper that she needed to had in to her essay teacher. So she quickly got up, putting on some skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbing her backpack before running out of her apartment which was just down the road from the avengers tower. She usually spent nights there but she did have an apartment as well. So her cover wasn’t blown. Running down the road as she made it towards the school gates. She was meant to meet Peter but she guessed that he had already gone to his lesson, so that’s what she decided to go. Walking into class she apologised for being late, sitting down in her seat before she took out her books starting to take notes from what the teacher was telling them about, shooting Peter a small frown since she felt bad for over sleeping and leaving him to wait for her out in the cold. Shaking her head as she looked back at her notes, sort of doodling as she listened to the lecture that they were sitting through. Looking back at Peter for a second, “I’m sorry.” She mouthed towards him.

Bucky on the other hand had a good night sleep. Taking it easy on himself in the morning. Grabbing a quick breakfast before he made his way down to the training room. He did this often, train, since he was good at it, and he liked to keep himself in shape and ready for anything. Making himself do some weights, going on the treadmill and rowing machine before he decided to lift more weights then moving onto the punching bag. He did this more or less all morning as he knew that he couldn’t do it in the afternoon due to having a meeting with Sheila and the other avengers. He had no idea what it was about though. Tony told him just to show up and made sure he listened. He knew the kid was at school so he knew that someone would have to tell her what was going on. That person wouldn’t be him though. It would mainly be Nat or Wanda. But he knew that Helena was coming to the meeting so Bucky needed to look fit, and his best. Since she always said that she did a better job Than him, but Bucky knew that definitely wasn’t the case. Walking into the main meeting room seeing most of them already there. Shaking his head a little as he sat down in one of the swirly chairs.


Peter truly wanted to accept the offer and so he did, yet he did feel an ounce of guilt. After all, it was another thing he’d have to hide from Elle, an even larger thing. It would be even tougher for him to mask his identity and keep a very low profile as he did then, it would be tougher with being recognised and he knew it would become harder for him. It was just an opportunity he couldn’t let slip through his fingers and down into the drain, only a fool would say no to an offer like the one Tony gave him. Perhaps a fool who hated lying. Or a fool who didn’t want to hurt people with secrets. Although he knew very well his secret wasn’t one of ill-intent or fueled with hatred, no not at all actually, and knowing it was only a good secret of the sorts, he couldn’t help but still feel bad for not even letting Elle know. And he just couldn’t stop thinking about her and what she would think of it.
“Sorry- I mean, its just that you’re well… Tony Stark, I don’t know, I’m just overthinking.” He let out a light laugh, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He felt less awkward though, he felt like he didn’t have to be uptight or anything. He was just still trying to process everything. Hell, what was he going to tell May? Would he be gone on, well, missions often? There was so much to sift through and figure out. He just wished he could tell everything to his dear Elle and have someone to confide in, but he knew it was maybe good to wait a bit before telling her. Just in case for some reason. She kept coming back to his mind.
“Yeah, yeah, makes sense, I guess. And really? Interesting,” Peter commented when Tony mentioned that there was someone else his age on the team, though he had to admit that made him intimidated too. Sure, it would certainly be nice to have someone his age alongside him, but striking up new friendships wasn’t his forte. Though it was an odd, and to him unreasonable and unrealistic wish, he almost wished that it could be her. How amazing that would be. But he knew it wouldn’t be. Or at least he thought. “What am I gonna tell my Aunt?”

Helena didn’t know if she was overstepping a boundary as her hands simply and gently wandered along his shoulders and the base of his neck, and she certainly didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. She trusted though that he would tell her if he felt that way, and as she gauged his reaction, he didn’t seem to mind, but he did seem curious of her actions. She and her actions only meant to say that she was admiring him, wanting to take in every little detail she could. She’d never had a want for such a thing before, not in the same way, not in an unprofessional way.
She laughed softly as Bucky raised his eyebrow at her, cheeks still flushed, the tips of her ears gaining the rosy colour as well. She felt so… closed off from reality in that moment. Just for those minutes and moments. Her mind fell quiet as well, heartbeat heavy, but steady and calm. She almost felt as if her mind fell into this sinking, warm sand, becoming enveloped in it entirely, captured by it. The few sounds of someone perhaps being in the elevator or heading down a flight of stairs didn’t quite catch her attention. She noted it, yet she didn’t think of it.
Hazel eyes set on that strand of hair as she curled it around her finger, she let loose of it once more, the strand spiralling a bit. Spiralling like her sometimes. “Very strange in a good way… I like that.” Helena smiled fondly, looking up at him once more. She loved those striking blue eyes of his, Hell, she could stand there and look at them for ages just to try and decipher what exact colour of blue it was. Instinctively tilting her head slightly, she leaned closer and their lips united, a rush of warmth washing over her. She hadn’t realised until then how much she’d perhaps wished for that to happen.


Elle started to punch down the punching bag, kicking it a few times but mainly just punching it to work on her arm strength, she never usually did this during the night, but if she had something on her min this was where she would go and this is what she would do. Elle still couldn’t get Peter out of her mind, and it was driving her crazy to the point where she punched that hard the punching bag fell off the hook. Elle sighed and looked down shaking her head with a frown. Why couldn’t she stop thinking about him?? She was sure that he was completely fine shaking her head a little as she thought. Tony looked at the boy as he started to speak, still hearing him stumbling with his words, watching as he rubbed the back of his neck. Tony sighed and shook his head. Listening to what he was saying, nodding his head a little, “I wouldn’t over think this. I mean yeh its a little dangerous but oh well.” He said shrugging his shoulders, “You’d be apart of the team but you would still have us to protect you.” Tony added as he saw the boy thinking in his own head, then listening to what he said when he had mentioned the same aged person that was on the team. Then listening to the question that he had asked, Tony just simply smiled and walked out of his room, “Mrs Parker. I am offering your son for an internship, he accepted my offer so if you don’t mind I will be taking him to the tower tonight so that he can get ready for the field trip tomorrow. Do not worry Mrs Parker, I will take very good care of him!!” Tony shouted but still quietly with a big smile as he grabbed Peter’s back pack and grabbed Peter too, taking him out of the apartment and towards his car, “I told you I had it sorted.” Tony took him from the car to the tower, “Have a look around kid, and then we’ll talk about the mission tomorrow.” Tony told him with a nod, “Your room is on the third floor, number 124.” He added before he walked off towards his study.

Bucky listened to the girls soft laugh as he had his eyebrows raised, his cheeks still pretty red from the way she was acting with him. Looked like her face was pretty red too, even the top of her ears were a little red. Bucky also heard someone also coming downstairs although he didn’t know which way. He knew to was probably Elle or Steve going downstairs to train or something. But he wasn’t really bothered about who it was, they were in a moment and no one would be able to ruin it for him. Looking into her Hazel eyes, getting captivated by them, lost in them like a galaxy. Feeling her finger around the strand of his hair. Spiralling it around her finger. Listening to what it was that she was saying, nodding his head a little. Seeing her look up at him into his eyes too, he was taken back a little by it but at the same time he loved it. As they kissed he loved it, he loved the way her lips felt on his, the way their bodies were very close, the way that everything either seemed to just stop around them or that it just turns to slow motion around them like some sort of TV movie, he continued to kiss her, deepening the kiss with passion, and he was so in the moment that he hardly heard someone talking. Steve and Sam had walked into the room to try and find Elle, but what they found was much funnier. Steve’s eyes widened as he looked at the two, “I thought you hated each other!!’ He shouted loudly with a small smirk as he crossed his arms and leant against the door frame. Bucky heard the man but only a little, he pulled away from the amazing kiss that he was having to look at the two boys in the door way, he shrugged a little, “Things change I guess.” He said to Steve and Sam.


Peter nodded along to what Tony said, listening closely. He didn’t want to miss one bit of information, especially since he had a lot on his mind at that moment. His day had already been eventful enough, luckily in a very good and pleasant way. He had to admit though that it was just bit tough to focus, for there was one thing that he couldn’t help but keep think of: Elle. It was like the situation and the words they exchanged kept replaying in his head, like a song stuck in his head, constantly replaying. But a song he could never get tired of, a song he could listen to constantly. Her voice reminded him of a song he could listen to forever.
He practically kept having to bring himself back to reality every time his mind strayed and thought of that lovely gal he was so lucky to have in his life, kept straying to what she would think of it all, what she would have to say. If only he could tell her and ask for her advice.
“I trust you, guys.” Peter let Stark know with a curt nod as he shortly explained the dangers. He could only imagine how it would be having to go on missions- actual missions. It wouldn’t just be catching people stealing bikes or stealing sodas from the store and being rewarded with churros. It was serious, or at least more serious than that. He furrowed his eyebrows a bit as the man came with a good and easy excuse, though the part about leaving right then and there was what confused him. It was all so soon, and he felt beyond nervous. He couldn’t wait to call Elle, just to hear her voice.
He let Tony grab him by the shoulder and lead him out, Aunt May obviously a bit surprised of the sudden leave. “Oh wow- I’m happy for you, kid! Oh, you’re leaving, okay well- Be good and have fun and call me when you can!” May told him, giving him a motherly kiss, despite her being an aunt, on the cheek and waved him goodbye.
As they pulled up to the tower, Peter’s eyes were wide, antsy and nervous. He followed Stark into the tower, being handed his backpack before being left to find his room. “O-Okay, thank you, Mr. Stark!” He just managed to say, before he disappeared off to his study. With a sigh, he walked to the elevator. What a day. And he couldn’t believe a room was already there, waiting for him. As soon as he stepped inside the elevator, he brought his phone up to his ear and called Elle.

Helena couldn’t help but want to be close to him, she couldn’t help but want to be right there, his hands resting on her waist, just enjoying each other’s presence as they simply looked at one another. If anyone had ever told her that she’d be standing there, in Bucky’s arms in that bloody gym, she wouldn’t have believed it. Not one bit. Not even if someone had told her only a few hours ago, yet there she was. And she didn’t regret anything, not one bit. Not one bit.
She felt a rush of spontaneousness flicker through her, as her hand carefully and with gentle motions travelled up the side of his neck, reaching to cup his cheek as their lips neared each other and finally united. She wasn’t typically a very spontaneous person, she didn’t like doing things without a second thought, she preferred to think things properly thing through, yet this time she wasn’t acting like herself or going by her typical behaviour. It was as if something had locked her mind in place, her heart controlling her actions, though she had to admit her mind had a part in it too.
Tilting her head as he deepened the kiss, she was standing on her tip-toes, so caught up in it all. She felt as if she was stuck in a trance, a lovely one that she didn’t want to be undone. Their lips felt as if they had been moulded for one another, just… perfect. As her thumb brushed against his cheek, the sound og Steve’s voice seemed to pull her away from his lips and pull her back into reality. “Holy shit. Clint owes me forty bucks.” Laughed Sam, mouth a bit agape at what the two just had walked into. Helena looked up to Bucky, smiling at what he said. “Don’t look at us like that. Just be happy that we won’t act like five-year-olds anymore- Some of the time at least.” She grinned a bit.


Tony was happy that his aunt had accepted that they were taking him, because otherwise it probably would have been a little bit of an issue, so he was happy that it all seemed to work out. Smiling at May before they may their way back to the car, driving back to the tower. Watching as they got out seeing the kid’s eyes widen, he knew that he was worried, handing him his backpack. Going into his study, Tony was working on new tech for his suit, new stuff for Elle but also working on weapons with both Scott and Bruce as well. Tony usually didn’t like working with others, he liked working on his own, but at the same time, they were very intelligent and they bounced ideas off each other, especially since they were all intelligent in different subjects and aspects. Scott had knowledge on his suit and the quantum realm, Bruce had all of his degree’s and Tony, well we all know that Tony is extremely smart. Elle had finished with the punch bag and then decided to go onto the treadmill for a run, but just as she was about to do that her phone started to ring, she made her way from the treadmill towards her phone, it was Peter. Elle’s eyes widened a little as she looked down at her phone, rising her eyebrow a little bit, picking up the phone slowly, she debated whether to actually answer it or not, I know crazy. But she didn’t know if she had made it awkward between the two and plus he wasn’t answering her to begin with when she had tried messaging him earlier that night. But she decided to answer it, obviously, she couldn’t leave him on read it would completely kill her if she did that to him, plus it would probably upset him too, or worry him at least, as she was very quick when it came to replying or answering to Peter, so she answered, putting the phone to her ear, “H-hey Pete..” She said sounding pretty out of breath due to working out for a while.

Bucky smiled to himself as they kissed, feeling her hands slowly moving up towards the side of his neck, moving her hand to cup his cheeky, smiling into the kiss. Her touch was intoxicating, feeling her tilting her own head as he had deepened the kiss, feeling her on her tip toes which made him smirk a little and then smile again as he continued to kiss her. He wasn’t bothered about anything else or anyone else that was in the room with them, he was in a complete trance and he was happy about it, Her lips were so soft and they felt amazing against his. Bucky wasn’t a cringe person but if he was honest, them kissing felt like a jigsaw puzzle that was pieced together perfectly, and their relationship at the moment was like playing a jigsaw but you couldn’t find where a certain piece went, you spent hours looking for the right place and then suddenly, you find it putting it down in the place it is meant to be in, the happiness and refreshing feeling you get from just doing that simple thing, that’s how Bucky felt in this moment that he was having with her. Feeling her thumb brushing against his cheek just as she pulled away from the kiss, he did the same but pointed and frowned a little as he looked towards Steve and Sam. Listening to what it was that Sam said, Bucky shook his head, “You bet on us?” he asked not looking with he happiest face at the two boys before he saw Helena looking up at him before listening to what it was that she was saying. See that, he was happy with. Chuckling and shaking his head a little with a smile. Steve nodded his head as he heard what Helena said, nodding his head as he chuckled, “Yes okay that is fair enough, I am just glad you two have some to your differences and stopped fighting.” He told them both shaking his head.


Though Aunt May was a bit surprised, she also knew that Peter could handle a lot. After all, though he could emotionally be a soft kid, he still had tough bones. Especially due to his past and the things he’d experienced. If she’d known of Spider-Man that would just have convince her even more.
Peter felt bewildered as he was brought into the tower, it was even bigger than he’d expected. Bigger than any picture or article could describe. He could hear the sounds of faint voices coming from left and right, and he couldn’t help but be nervous. After all, it was all quite overwhelming and it was all a big mouth-full for him right then and there. As he stepped into the elevator, he noticed the camera up in the corner and almost foolishly smiled at it. What the hell was he doing. He both felt as if he’d grow to belong there, but he also felt completely out of place. Some kid from Queens, living in a small apartment in a not so good neighbourhood, and suddenly being brought to a place like that; Well, it was a big change. No more small windows, no more practically trash-diving for tech items and things, no more feeling alone and isolated about his abilities. No more actually being alone about his abilities. No more fighting alone. He just hoped time wouldn’t lessen for him, though he could figure out it maybe would, and it made his heart sink. That was the only thing he didn’t want lessened, he wanted time with Elle.
As he heard her pick up, a smile instantly appeared on his lips. "Elle! I’m so, so sorry I didn’t see your messages until now- My phone was accidentally on silent, and you know I’m bad at checking my phone when it’s on that mode… and I was just, uhh, finishing up one of my small projects and helping May with cleaning- I’m rambling, anyways I’m just sorry. And I miss you. Like, a lot.” Peter felt like he’d been talking too long, and he couldn’t wait to her her voice again, it sounded as beautiful as a piece of classical music. He hated making her worried or concerned, and he just hoped she could forgive him.

Helena tried not to smirk as she felt him smile against the warmth of her lips, the thumb that was brushing his cheek lightly also tucking a strand of his brown hair aside. She loved being close to him - both physically but emotionally too -, and she only yearned to be impossibly closer to him. The trance that seemed to fall over both of them couldn’t last long enough, at least that’s what she thought after hearing Steve and Sam commenting at the situation at hand. Though it did make her perhaps a bit awkward or flustered, she couldn’t help but practically be proud and, obviously, full of joy. She felt lucky to have him, beyond that and thankful too. She simply couldn’t wait for whatever they were to develop and grow even more- Though they had that mission just the next day and night. That would surely be interesting too with the… emotional development between the two.
Rolling her eyes at Sam as he talked about a bet he’d made, she shook her head with a laugh, hands retreating to her sides as she placed them on her hips. She had no idea what any of this would mean for Bucky and her- Would he want to be with her? Would he regret it later on when they retreated to their separate rooms? She hoped not, and she knew pushing the thoughts aside was best. After all, nothing could conclude that; At least not yet.
“Maybe I did, but all you need to know is I just earned forty bucks, because of you two. So, thanks a lot. I owe you guys one.” Sam continued to tease and taunt the two in a playful manner, grinning from ear to ear, perhaps acting a bit childish, but it was all just for the fun of it. “Well, glad we could help with your salary bonus.” Helena joked with a smile, shoulder nudging the man beside her as she saw the not-very-happy-and-maybe-annoyed face he made. “And thanks, Steve.”




“I truly hope so, and I don’t doubt it. I’m excited to know and learn, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit nervous. But I trust that it’ll work out and hopefully this… journey will go well.” Helena hummed, chin resting on the palm of her hand.

She was eager to learn, eager to get as much information and learn as much as she could. Patience was going to be key to it, and she knew it very well. Just knowing that in the end everything would be okay and her abilities would be in place encouraged her, and though the road seemed long, at least the road was finally visible to her. Finally the road was actuallythere. And it would all be worth it.


“Tomorrow works for me. What time should I be here?”

“I don’t know your schedule, so whenever you don’t have other commitments,” Strange replied.  “The earlier, the better, though.”  He stood and offered a hand for Helena to shake.  “There’s nothing wrong with being nervous to start, but with time, you’ll find the peace within yourself that you’ll need to control and focus your abilities.”  He offered a friendly grin and said, “See you tomorrow, Helena.”

He saw Helena to the door.  After closing it, he found Wong waiting at the foot of the stairs.  “Taking on a pupil?”

“Yeah,” Stephen answered.  “Her abilities are manifesting outside of her control.  I’m going to show her how to manage them.”

“I hope you’re a better teacher than you were a student,” Wong remarked, giving him a side-eye glance before heading back towards the library.

“Oh, go read a book, Bono,” Strange retorted, rolling his eyes as he headed up the stairs.

“Never gets old!”  Wong called back in a loud monotone.


Doctor Strange was up early for meditation and attunement of his mind and body, and a revitalizing cup of tea.  He had no idea when to expect Helena, since they had not set a specific hour.  To his surprise, he felt a bit nervous about the task he was undertaking.  Helena was putting her trust in him, and Stephen hoped that he wouldn’t let her down.

Helena nodded along to what Strange said, standing up as well as she brushed her pants off out of habit before shaking his hand. “Right, I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll be here as soon as I can, I’m looking forward to my first lesson.” She said genuinely, smiling warmly. “Thank you. Again. I truly appreciate it.”

As she headed out to the streets once more and the door closed behind her, she let out a deep sigh. What a day. She had been so desperate for answers, desperate to learn and grow, desperate to find her path. So desperate that she felt so odd now that she finally knew where to go and gain what she yearned for: Control over her abilities. It was odd to finally have that opportunity in her hands, and she wouldn’t let it slip through the gaps between her fingers. Though she perhaps could have questioned Strange or questioned the source of the whisper, she didn’t. She simply trusted her stroke of luck and fate.

Finally her shoulders could seem to relax and her eyes rested easily that night as she slept.


Helena woke up earlier than usual to finish some work she had to do. Luckily, her job was flexible, and with only a seat deadline she could choose her hours. It made it all easier to manage, especially when she now had to have lessons on her abilities as well.

She finished off her work, feeling the nerves set in. After all, she didn’t know what to expect, she didn’t know what expectations to set at all. Slipping her coat and shoes on, slinging a bag over her shoulder and heading out of her flat, she decided there was only one way to know. She had no idea what sort of attire was meant to be worn, so she opted for something casual- That couldn’t go too wrong.

Before she knew it, she was stood outside Bleecker Street outside that specific door, knocking.




Elle was late. And she was never late. She was up training with Steve and Nat. Plus she was working on a paper that she needed to had in to her essay teacher. So she quickly got up, putting on some skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbing her backpack before running out of her apartment which was just down the road from the avengers tower. She usually spent nights there but she did have an apartment as well. So her cover wasn’t blown. Running down the road as she made it towards the school gates. She was meant to meet Peter but she guessed that he had already gone to his lesson, so that’s what she decided to go. Walking into class she apologised for being late, sitting down in her seat before she took out her books starting to take notes from what the teacher was telling them about, shooting Peter a small frown since she felt bad for over sleeping and leaving him to wait for her out in the cold. Shaking her head as she looked back at her notes, sort of doodling as she listened to the lecture that they were sitting through. Looking back at Peter for a second, “I’m sorry.” She mouthed towards him.

Bucky on the other hand had a good night sleep. Taking it easy on himself in the morning. Grabbing a quick breakfast before he made his way down to the training room. He did this often, train, since he was good at it, and he liked to keep himself in shape and ready for anything. Making himself do some weights, going on the treadmill and rowing machine before he decided to lift more weights then moving onto the punching bag. He did this more or less all morning as he knew that he couldn’t do it in the afternoon due to having a meeting with Sheila and the other avengers. He had no idea what it was about though. Tony told him just to show up and made sure he listened. He knew the kid was at school so he knew that someone would have to tell her what was going on. That person wouldn’t be him though. It would mainly be Nat or Wanda. But he knew that Helena was coming to the meeting so Bucky needed to look fit, and his best. Since she always said that she did a better job Than him, but Bucky knew that definitely wasn’t the case. Walking into the main meeting room seeing most of them already there. Shaking his head a little as he sat down in one of the swirly chairs.


Peter truly wanted to accept the offer and so he did, yet he did feel an ounce of guilt. After all, it was another thing he’d have to hide from Elle, an even larger thing. It would be even tougher for him to mask his identity and keep a very low profile as he did then, it would be tougher with being recognised and he knew it would become harder for him. It was just an opportunity he couldn’t let slip through his fingers and down into the drain, only a fool would say no to an offer like the one Tony gave him. Perhaps a fool who hated lying. Or a fool who didn’t want to hurt people with secrets. Although he knew very well his secret wasn’t one of ill-intent or fueled with hatred, no not at all actually, and knowing it was only a good secret of the sorts, he couldn’t help but still feel bad for not even letting Elle know. And he just couldn’t stop thinking about her and what she would think of it.
“Sorry- I mean, its just that you’re well… Tony Stark, I don’t know, I’m just overthinking.” He let out a light laugh, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He felt less awkward though, he felt like he didn’t have to be uptight or anything. He was just still trying to process everything. Hell, what was he going to tell May? Would he be gone on, well, missions often? There was so much to sift through and figure out. He just wished he could tell everything to his dear Elle and have someone to confide in, but he knew it was maybe good to wait a bit before telling her. Just in case for some reason. She kept coming back to his mind.
“Yeah, yeah, makes sense, I guess. And really? Interesting,” Peter commented when Tony mentioned that there was someone else his age on the team, though he had to admit that made him intimidated too. Sure, it would certainly be nice to have someone his age alongside him, but striking up new friendships wasn’t his forte. Though it was an odd, and to him unreasonable and unrealistic wish, he almost wished that it could be her. How amazing that would be. But he knew it wouldn’t be. Or at least he thought. “What am I gonna tell my Aunt?”

Helena didn’t know if she was overstepping a boundary as her hands simply and gently wandered along his shoulders and the base of his neck, and she certainly didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. She trusted though that he would tell her if he felt that way, and as she gauged his reaction, he didn’t seem to mind, but he did seem curious of her actions. She and her actions only meant to say that she was admiring him, wanting to take in every little detail she could. She’d never had a want for such a thing before, not in the same way, not in an unprofessional way.
She laughed softly as Bucky raised his eyebrow at her, cheeks still flushed, the tips of her ears gaining the rosy colour as well. She felt so… closed off from reality in that moment. Just for those minutes and moments. Her mind fell quiet as well, heartbeat heavy, but steady and calm. She almost felt as if her mind fell into this sinking, warm sand, becoming enveloped in it entirely, captured by it. The few sounds of someone perhaps being in the elevator or heading down a flight of stairs didn’t quite catch her attention. She noted it, yet she didn’t think of it.
Hazel eyes set on that strand of hair as she curled it around her finger, she let loose of it once more, the strand spiralling a bit. Spiralling like her sometimes. “Very strange in a good way… I like that.” Helena smiled fondly, looking up at him once more. She loved those striking blue eyes of his, Hell, she could stand there and look at them for ages just to try and decipher what exact colour of blue it was. Instinctively tilting her head slightly, she leaned closer and their lips united, a rush of warmth washing over her. She hadn’t realised until then how much she’d perhaps wished for that to happen.


Elle started to punch down the punching bag, kicking it a few times but mainly just punching it to work on her arm strength, she never usually did this during the night, but if she had something on her min this was where she would go and this is what she would do. Elle still couldn’t get Peter out of her mind, and it was driving her crazy to the point where she punched that hard the punching bag fell off the hook. Elle sighed and looked down shaking her head with a frown. Why couldn’t she stop thinking about him?? She was sure that he was completely fine shaking her head a little as she thought. Tony looked at the boy as he started to speak, still hearing him stumbling with his words, watching as he rubbed the back of his neck. Tony sighed and shook his head. Listening to what he was saying, nodding his head a little, “I wouldn’t over think this. I mean yeh its a little dangerous but oh well.” He said shrugging his shoulders, “You’d be apart of the team but you would still have us to protect you.” Tony added as he saw the boy thinking in his own head, then listening to what he said when he had mentioned the same aged person that was on the team. Then listening to the question that he had asked, Tony just simply smiled and walked out of his room, “Mrs Parker. I am offering your son for an internship, he accepted my offer so if you don’t mind I will be taking him to the tower tonight so that he can get ready for the field trip tomorrow. Do not worry Mrs Parker, I will take very good care of him!!” Tony shouted but still quietly with a big smile as he grabbed Peter’s back pack and grabbed Peter too, taking him out of the apartment and towards his car, “I told you I had it sorted.” Tony took him from the car to the tower, “Have a look around kid, and then we’ll talk about the mission tomorrow.” Tony told him with a nod, “Your room is on the third floor, number 124.” He added before he walked off towards his study.

Bucky listened to the girls soft laugh as he had his eyebrows raised, his cheeks still pretty red from the way she was acting with him. Looked like her face was pretty red too, even the top of her ears were a little red. Bucky also heard someone also coming downstairs although he didn’t know which way. He knew to was probably Elle or Steve going downstairs to train or something. But he wasn’t really bothered about who it was, they were in a moment and no one would be able to ruin it for him. Looking into her Hazel eyes, getting captivated by them, lost in them like a galaxy. Feeling her finger around the strand of his hair. Spiralling it around her finger. Listening to what it was that she was saying, nodding his head a little. Seeing her look up at him into his eyes too, he was taken back a little by it but at the same time he loved it. As they kissed he loved it, he loved the way her lips felt on his, the way their bodies were very close, the way that everything either seemed to just stop around them or that it just turns to slow motion around them like some sort of TV movie, he continued to kiss her, deepening the kiss with passion, and he was so in the moment that he hardly heard someone talking. Steve and Sam had walked into the room to try and find Elle, but what they found was much funnier. Steve’s eyes widened as he looked at the two, “I thought you hated each other!!’ He shouted loudly with a small smirk as he crossed his arms and leant against the door frame. Bucky heard the man but only a little, he pulled away from the amazing kiss that he was having to look at the two boys in the door way, he shrugged a little, “Things change I guess.” He said to Steve and Sam.


Peter nodded along to what Tony said, listening closely. He didn’t want to miss one bit of information, especially since he had a lot on his mind at that moment. His day had already been eventful enough, luckily in a very good and pleasant way. He had to admit though that it was just bit tough to focus, for there was one thing that he couldn’t help but keep think of: Elle. It was like the situation and the words they exchanged kept replaying in his head, like a song stuck in his head, constantly replaying. But a song he could never get tired of, a song he could listen to constantly. Her voice reminded him of a song he could listen to forever.
He practically kept having to bring himself back to reality every time his mind strayed and thought of that lovely gal he was so lucky to have in his life, kept straying to what she would think of it all, what she would have to say. If only he could tell her and ask for her advice.
"I trust you, guys.” Peter let Stark know with a curt nod as he shortly explained the dangers. He could only imagine how it would be having to go on missions- actual missions. It wouldn’t just be catching people stealing bikes or stealing sodas from the store and being rewarded with churros. It was serious, or at least more serious than that. He furrowed his eyebrows a bit as the man came with a good and easy excuse, though the part about leaving right then and there was what confused him. It was all so soon, and he felt beyond nervous. He couldn’t wait to call Elle, just to hear her voice.
He let Tony grab him by the shoulder and lead him out, Aunt May obviously a bit surprised of the sudden leave. “Oh wow- I’m happy for you, kid! Oh, you’re leaving, okay well- Be good and have fun and call me when you can!” May told him, giving him a motherly kiss, despite her being an aunt, on the cheek and waved him goodbye.
As they pulled up to the tower, Peter’s eyes were wide, antsy and nervous. He followed Stark into the tower, being handed his backpack before being left to find his room. “O-Okay, thank you, Mr. Stark!” He just managed to say, before he disappeared off to his study. With a sigh, he walked to the elevator. What a day. And he couldn’t believe a room was already there, waiting for him. As soon as he stepped inside the elevator, he brought his phone up to his ear and called Elle.

Helena couldn’t help but want to be close to him, she couldn’t help but want to be right there, his hands resting on her waist, just enjoying each other’s presence as they simply looked at one another. If anyone had ever told her that she’d be standing there, in Bucky’s arms in that bloody gym, she wouldn’t have believed it. Not one bit. Not even if someone had told her only a few hours ago, yet there she was. And she didn’t regret anything, not one bit. Not one bit.
She felt a rush of spontaneousness flicker through her, as her hand carefully and with gentle motions travelled up the side of his neck, reaching to cup his cheek as their lips neared each other and finally united. She wasn’t typically a very spontaneous person, she didn’t like doing things without a second thought, she preferred to think things properly thing through, yet this time she wasn’t acting like herself or going by her typical behaviour. It was as if something had locked her mind in place, her heart controlling her actions, though she had to admit her mind had a part in it too.
Tilting her head as he deepened the kiss, she was standing on her tip-toes, so caught up in it all. She felt as if she was stuck in a trance, a lovely one that she didn’t want to be undone. Their lips felt as if they had been moulded for one another, just… perfect. As her thumb brushed against his cheek, the sound og Steve’s voice seemed to pull her away from his lips and pull her back into reality. “Holy shit. Clint owes me forty bucks.” Laughed Sam, mouth a bit agape at what the two just had walked into. Helena looked up to Bucky, smiling at what he said. “Don’t look at us like that. Just be happy that we won’t act like five-year-olds anymore- Some of the time at least.” She grinned a bit.



Elle was late. And she was never late. She was up training with Steve and Nat. Plus she was working on a paper that she needed to had in to her essay teacher. So she quickly got up, putting on some skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbing her backpack before running out of her apartment which was just down the road from the avengers tower. She usually spent nights there but she did have an apartment as well. So her cover wasn’t blown. Running down the road as she made it towards the school gates. She was meant to meet Peter but she guessed that he had already gone to his lesson, so that’s what she decided to go. Walking into class she apologised for being late, sitting down in her seat before she took out her books starting to take notes from what the teacher was telling them about, shooting Peter a small frown since she felt bad for over sleeping and leaving him to wait for her out in the cold. Shaking her head as she looked back at her notes, sort of doodling as she listened to the lecture that they were sitting through. Looking back at Peter for a second, “I’m sorry.” She mouthed towards him.

Bucky on the other hand had a good night sleep. Taking it easy on himself in the morning. Grabbing a quick breakfast before he made his way down to the training room. He did this often, train, since he was good at it, and he liked to keep himself in shape and ready for anything. Making himself do some weights, going on the treadmill and rowing machine before he decided to lift more weights then moving onto the punching bag. He did this more or less all morning as he knew that he couldn’t do it in the afternoon due to having a meeting with Sheila and the other avengers. He had no idea what it was about though. Tony told him just to show up and made sure he listened. He knew the kid was at school so he knew that someone would have to tell her what was going on. That person wouldn’t be him though. It would mainly be Nat or Wanda. But he knew that Helena was coming to the meeting so Bucky needed to look fit, and his best. Since she always said that she did a better job Than him, but Bucky knew that definitely wasn’t the case. Walking into the main meeting room seeing most of them already there. Shaking his head a little as he sat down in one of the swirly chairs.


Peter truly wanted to accept the offer and so he did, yet he did feel an ounce of guilt. After all, it was another thing he’d have to hide from Elle, an even larger thing. It would be even tougher for him to mask his identity and keep a very low profile as he did then, it would be tougher with being recognised and he knew it would become harder for him. It was just an opportunity he couldn’t let slip through his fingers and down into the drain, only a fool would say no to an offer like the one Tony gave him. Perhaps a fool who hated lying. Or a fool who didn’t want to hurt people with secrets. Although he knew very well his secret wasn’t one of ill-intent or fueled with hatred, no not at all actually, and knowing it was only a good secret of the sorts, he couldn’t help but still feel bad for not even letting Elle know. And he just couldn’t stop thinking about her and what she would think of it.
“Sorry- I mean, its just that you’re well… Tony Stark, I don’t know, I’m just overthinking.” He let out a light laugh, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He felt less awkward though, he felt like he didn’t have to be uptight or anything. He was just still trying to process everything. Hell, what was he going to tell May? Would he be gone on, well, missions often? There was so much to sift through and figure out. He just wished he could tell everything to his dear Elle and have someone to confide in, but he knew it was maybe good to wait a bit before telling her. Just in case for some reason. She kept coming back to his mind.
“Yeah, yeah, makes sense, I guess. And really? Interesting,” Peter commented when Tony mentioned that there was someone else his age on the team, though he had to admit that made him intimidated too. Sure, it would certainly be nice to have someone his age alongside him, but striking up new friendships wasn’t his forte. Though it was an odd, and to him unreasonable and unrealistic wish, he almost wished that it could be her. How amazing that would be. But he knew it wouldn’t be. Or at least he thought. “What am I gonna tell my Aunt?”

Helena didn’t know if she was overstepping a boundary as her hands simply and gently wandered along his shoulders and the base of his neck, and she certainly didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. She trusted though that he would tell her if he felt that way, and as she gauged his reaction, he didn’t seem to mind, but he did seem curious of her actions. She and her actions only meant to say that she was admiring him, wanting to take in every little detail she could. She’d never had a want for such a thing before, not in the same way, not in an unprofessional way.
She laughed softly as Bucky raised his eyebrow at her, cheeks still flushed, the tips of her ears gaining the rosy colour as well. She felt so… closed off from reality in that moment. Just for those minutes and moments. Her mind fell quiet as well, heartbeat heavy, but steady and calm. She almost felt as if her mind fell into this sinking, warm sand, becoming enveloped in it entirely, captured by it. The few sounds of someone perhaps being in the elevator or heading down a flight of stairs didn’t quite catch her attention. She noted it, yet she didn’t think of it.
Hazel eyes set on that strand of hair as she curled it around her finger, she let loose of it once more, the strand spiralling a bit. Spiralling like her sometimes. “Very strange in a good way… I like that.” Helena smiled fondly, looking up at him once more. She loved those striking blue eyes of his, Hell, she could stand there and look at them for ages just to try and decipher what exact colour of blue it was. Instinctively tilting her head slightly, she leaned closer and their lips united, a rush of warmth washing over her. She hadn’t realised until then how much she’d perhaps wished for that to happen.




Once Helena let go of the goblet or cup of sorts, - or when her abilities let go of it - she could feel a small ache in her shoulders and arms, even just after a small act and movement like that one. It took a lot from her mentally, took all her focus, just to make sure she didn’t fling the object somewhere accidentally or even make the object teleport. And though the work took a lot from her mind, it could easily drain her physically at times too.

“Thank you, Doctor. It’s… odd finally having time and finding the right place to work all this out.” She let out genuinely, watching as Strange let the cup slip into a portal he conjured just beneath it. 

Even just from the few things she’d seen him do with his abilities, she could tell he was very great at handling those abilities and they seemed quite powerful too. She admired his skills, to say the least, and she hoped one day she could have such a strong control over her powers too. Helena’s eyes flickered to the pedestal the cup had abandoned, eyebrows raised as she heard it clink onto the stool and regain its balance there as she listened to Strange speak of teleportation.

With furrowed eyebrows she turned as he disappeared only to reappear once more a few feet in front of her. “Okay… Okay… I think, I can do that,” She said with a nod, mostly trying to assure herself of it and convince herself. She noticed before how that seemed to help her often enough if she did ever try to teleport somewhere on purpose, though it went wrong in one way or the other most times, but simply believing in herself in her abilities helped her a bit. 


With closed eyes, she took a deep breath, imagining the spot next to him, visualising exactly where she wanted to be and which way she wanted to be facing. A bronze glow emitted from her entire figure this time, the glow especially strong at her head and just above it, though it did flicker a bit. As she focused, she felt herself teleport, opening her eyes only to find herself in the bed of grass that had been past that tree where the cup had landed. And she’d managed to fall from the teleportation as well, landing on her knees as she steadied herself, though the grass was luckily soft enough to land on. 

Brushing the slight dirt off of her hands, Helena looked to Strange with a small smile. “Well, could have been worse.”

“It’s a start,” Strange replied, cocking his head and smiling.  “I wouldn’t expect you to nail it on the first day.  It took me weeks to just open a portal.  The Ancient One left me at the summit of Mount Everest until I could open one.  Thankfully it didn’t take me long.”  He quickly looked at Helena and chuckled, reassuring her, “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything like that to you!”

In the blink of an eye, Strange and Ella were standing back at their starting point in the garden, looking at the pedestals with cups and the tree ahead of them.

“What I will do, though, is tell you what she told me: ‘You cannot beat a river into submission.  You have to surrender to its current, and use its power as your own.’“  Strange walked around to face Helena as he continued.

“Focus and control is vital, but you have to find a balance between control and freedom.  You have to free your mind and let the current of your power carry you exactly where you want to go, or do what you want it to do, and no more than that.  It doesn’t make sense; trust me, I know…but before this is all over, it will.”


“You’re right… I suppose it is a start of some sort.” Helena returned the smile, hands still brushing against her trousers, trying to get rid of the stray strands of grass and muddy dirt tainting her palms. “On Mount Everest? God, sounds both interesting and scary- And I trust your reassurance.” She laughed lightly, almost feeling a shiver descend down her spine at the mere thought of standing there on top of Everest, alone and most likely nervous.

Helena managed to keep her balace as her and her mentor suddenly returned to where they stood earlier. The teleporting wasn’t getting too weird, but she still wasn’t quite used to the feeling, especially when she decided to work it herself.

Keeping her eyes on the pedestals for a moment before turning towards Strange, she nodded along to what he said. “Thank you… The Ancient One does sound as wise as she seems. And you make some good points- I think- I think I’m just scared, scared of dipping my feet too far into the current.”


The Lab - Cheryl/Helena



Cheryl chuckled under her breath as she saw, out of the corner of her eye, how Helena was sitting up straighter and trying to look professional.  Everyone had the same reaction to meeting Tony Stark.  Whether male, female, or non-binary, everyone seemed to want to make a favorable impression on the millionaire philanthropist.

“Tony, Helena.  Helena, Tony.”  She waved vaguely, as if introducing them was her job or something.  “What brings you here, boss?  I thought you were in Geneva with Pepper.”

“Plans change, Kingsbury, plans change,” Tony answered glibly, his eyes already up and looking around the diner, his fingers busily buttoning and unbuttoning his suit jacket.  “You happen to know where Banner is?  And hey, don’t mean to ignore you, Ms. Bennet,” the man added quickly, giving the woman a little salute.  “Got a lot on my mind.“​

Helena wasn’t used to interactions with people who were considered very important, influential and in some cases highly famous, and she practically felt at a loss for words. She could quickly see how being more genuine and relaxed would be better, after all, impressions aren’t based off of posture and a formal tone. At least not nowadays.

She nodded along to Cheryls words and kept her polite smile as the two conversed about a trip and Banner. 
When she was mentioned, she shook her head and made a slight waving hand gesture and said: “No worries, wouldn’t expect a man like you not to have a lot on your mind. That’s meant in a good way.” She added.

A server came to the table, almost graciously handing Stark a cup of coffee, telling him it was on the house and from the owner of the café.

Tony paused and looked at Helena for a moment, sizing her up.  He offered her a sideways grin, tilting his head as he looked.  “A man like me?  You mean, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist?” he teased, winking playfully.  “I’m just messin’ with ya, Helena Bennet.  Stay sharp.”

He took his eyes off her and grinned at the waitress, exchanging a few words with her as he took the coffee and sipped it.  Cheryl wadded up a napkin and lightly bounced it off Helena’s shoulder.  “Smooth,” she giggled.  @helenabennet

Helena laughed and shook her head slightly, realising just how nervous she was and probably seemed as well. She didn’t mean to be so cautious, but since it was, well, Tony goddamn Stark, a man with a high reputation and her boss. “You read my thoughts word for word,” She joked with a light chuckle. “You too, Stark.”

She felt a sigh of relief heave out of her chest as he seemed to turn his attention elsewhere, looking to Cheryl with a grin, jokingly pretending to wipe a pearl of sweat off of her forehead. “I got a bit fidgety,” She giggled along with her.
