#hellenic reconstruction



First hellenic community virtual event!

This is a thing now.

spread the word- we are currently working on a full week of meet ups to take place at the end of October, join the mailing list in order to attend!

It’s not perfect yet. I want to hang the whit board and lower the shelf a bit. I use cards/images a lot on my altar, and wanted a better way to display them without having to damage them. I think this was a cool solution, a contemporary look!

I did buy a statue and saving up to buy more so I can’t wait to see how it looks in the future.

The larger cards are the mythic oracle deck.

The small card and postcard of Artemis is the Asphdelon tarot deck (major arcana only). (I highly recommend this one!!)

Not every rituals needs to be complex and long. This year, I’ve started a ritual of praying in the morning when I open my living room blinds. My prayer goes like this:

Good morning great gods and goddesses
above, below, and in between.
Good morning Zeus
Good morning Sophrosyne
Good morning Khione
(etc for whoever I wish to greet)
May you bless me this day,
and may my actions honor you.

It’s not much, but a small daily reminder of the gods’ presence in my life has brought a lot of meaning every day.
