#hello blue


The lord giveth and the lord taketh.

This time he gave me a full time job (Woo!Yay!!!)

… Aaand half because of that, half because of shitty family stuff, I’m super anxious right now. Just wanted to let those who are following the story know I am not dropping it, but updates will be a lot more spaced out than previously thought. I’ve outlined everything and it will probably be around 10k when done, maybe less. 

In the meantime, please feel free to send me any questions/comments/suggestions about this story or any of my other writings or just the Stans in general. 

Thank you all for hanging in there, sorry I can’t produce faster…

Hello Blue /Hello Greenupdates! 

I will not be able to post tonight as I am only halfway done with the next chapter and have work at 6am tomorrow, but I just wanted to say:


I really appreciate all the likes/reblogs/tags on this story, I’m really, really pumped about it myself and I’m so happy you guys are too! The next chapter will be sad (and so will the next) but some good stuff is coming too! So stay tuned, strap in for more pain, and thanks again for reading/ liking the fic!
