#help a necroberry


Does anyone know how to fix the distortion with forehead-placed stuff? Like… I’m trying to make some bindis as facepaints, but I’m getting hella tired of the horrifying distortions. Obviously there’s the mesh option, but I can’t mesh to save my life and wouldn’t even know where to start and I have the feeling they wouldn’t stick completely to the forehead either.

Ugh. They look fine from afar, but if you zoom in it’s a fucking mess.

Torn between making more war paints inspired from other cultures (celtic, polynesian, african, amerindian, east asian), trying some indian-centric stuff (mehndi & bindi) or just go wild with some cyber goth/alien-ish random designs.


Once upon a time in TS2, I think it was, there was an awesome sclera template that actually looked good in animations too. I had it saved somewhere, but then the HDD incident of 2016 happened and it has since become lost to the void.

Does anyone know what I’m talking about? Could you help me out, if you do?

Need to change my theme to something more user friendly. I love my current one, but even I get lost in it sometimes, so I don’t even wanna imagine how it must be for everyone else.

Thing is I hate super crowded themes and I prefer something more minimalist with little to no colors, only accents. I also really dig the sidebar picture this one has, so I’d like something close to it, and I also want ‘like’ support embedded in the actual homepage, as in without going to individual posts. So, really, I want something as close as possible, just with the menu better organized, perhaps icons or such shit. I dunno.

Oh ye, theme gurus, heed my prayers.

Can anyone help?
