#help is awesome



I’m currently writing a chapter with a council of 12 dwarves (mix of genders) and they all need names. Anybody up for helping me come up with some ideas?

The proper nouns in this dwarven nation are a blend of Nordic and Germanic influences. Below are a few examples:

  • Hulfraust - The name of the dwarvish nation
  • Brynwolfn - General of the Hulfraust army and new protagonist introduced in Book 4
  • Malvapn - Special war hammer axe that is the main weapon used by Hulfraust infantry

If anybody feels like participating, I’d love your help!

Brynwolfn character art by @giant-bean please do not use without permission

On a side note, I’ve never shared the Old Norse words I took inspiration from to come up with “Brynwolfn” and “Hulfraust,” so I decided this would be a fun time to do that. 

  • Brynja - Chain mail armor
  • Fremja - Accomplish, perform, commit
  • Hulfr - Holly
  • Hraustr - Brave
  • Hraust - Health

The one Germanic element in all of this was that the “frau” in “Hulfraust” was (among other things) a reference to the fact that of the most elite group among the warriors in the Hulfraust army, the vast majority of them are women. 
