#help out if you can



Can’t Cover Rent for June


I’m sorry to ask again so soon but I just was informed four days to rent being due (aka fifteen minutes ago) that they ended my rental subsidy.

I am now 470 Canadian dollars short on rent for June 1st, and because I’ve been sick even my next paycheck (which comes in too late) won’t cover the amount.

I face many barriers in employment and life, including being indigenous, disabled, non-binary, a lesbian, and neurodivergent. I also have been dealing with a stomach tumor and long covid. My credit is shot from loans to make ends meet, and my bank denied me a loan for my rent.

My etransfer and paypal are [email protected]

Please reblog if you can’t donate!

Raised: 0/470

inanirnate: I’m a 20 year old bed bound girl with a spinal injury, about to be evicted from my subsi


I’m a 20 year old bed bound girl with a spinal injury, about to be evicted from my subsidised apartment for being disabled. I’m urgently seeking help to fund temporary private rental, and medical assessments necessary for a government housing application

I am completely unable to sit/walk. If I become homeless, my life will be in danger, due to physical vulnerability, and inability to request food without a charged mobile.


GoFundMe & costs outline ($5 minimum)| PayPal (no min.)Image description

Edit: Even very small amounts help. 50 cents from each person who reblogs this would accumulate to hundreds of dollars over time.

Post link


Hey guys I know I haven’t posted in a while but I decided to open up commissions for the very first because my twin (@letswonderspirit) had a lot money stolen from them and now we’re trying to earn it back.

Please reblog if you can!




Hi everyone, hello starker family and DID communities.. this is really hard for me to do. But i hope its all right..to ask for help. Im just. Im terrified because we need so much financial help…i..i truly have no other options anymore. Thank you sm in advance

Heres my links before the explanations..

Cashapp: $TheRealDragonPrince

Venmo: @StrangesPrince

Paypal: [email protected]


Our goals for financial help…

-a new phone. ($500 or higher most likely..) because ours is close to its little phone grave

-food we can eat, easily consume/make for our severe eating disorder.

-our medication and hormones.

-memory cards, so we can try to help fix our phone..

-a new birth certificate and forms of identification, since ours were stolen. So

-our spotify and pics art, both very important coping mechanisms.

-a place to live in arizona

Ill try to make our story as short as possible..

Our dad wanted to get rid of two of our cats…he was giving them to a shelter. I didnt want my cats to be hurt. So i asked if my partner could take him and i found an organization to help me with tobys travel.

An hour before we were supposed to leave for our flight, my classically evil step mother kicked us out of my dads house. She said we were no longer welcome to come back. We nearly ended it all right then. I ended up fleeing across the country in 5 different airports, and blowing all of the savings i worked so hard for..just to survive, and save the life of my cat.

I ended up not being able to stay with my partner, for family reasons. I ended up in a shelter in a city over an hour away from them. When i told An old friend, they immediately paid for a flight to go stay with their parents.

With my old home in arizona, i was abused, horribly, mentally and emotionally for six years. We tried to commit several times and could barely function. The lgbt phobia, deadnaming, and the wrong pronouns every day for years was slowly killing us. The screaming, and degrading from my stepmother. The nasty names. Tearing me down and making me feel like shit everytime i tried to be better. Refusing to take me to the doctor when i desperately needed help. Threatning to hurt me and drag me out of the room by our hair if we didnt wash the dishes fast enough. Kicking boxes at me and screaming at me when i was trying to clean the house..

My job was my only family and safe haven away from home. I was a fantastic manager with a bright future in the company And i.no.. now..i no longer have that.

I am thousands of miles away from the city that is my home. The only job and work family i have. The franchise where i am now..was horrible and abusive. I..i now have no money of my own. And no way to make it. Ive looked for a job for months now. Nobody wants me. Im legally homeless with no source of income. My birth certificate, legal and medical paperwork, and my cats paperwork was all stolen with my 1k ipad.

We have lost everything. Every single comfort. We can no longer afford to pay for spotify, music and the sleeping meditations help us cope with reality and fall asleep. We struggle with a horrible eating disorder, and can no longer afford tasty, or easy to eat foods, or healthy foods that we can actually eat. Our phone is starting to die, barely being able to charge; and no memory space. We have no way to play genshin anymore, one of our biggest comforts. Flightrising shut down all of our accounts thinking we were one user sharing between multiple accounts. It had become a huge crutch and comfort for us. Weve tried playing genshin on our phones but our tb memory drive was stolen too.

Every single coping mechanism and comfort weve had has been stolen from us. Gone. We cant..we cant even feed ourselves properly anymore. We cant buy our own medication or hormones. We cant even afford therapy or help. We cant even get foodstamps or assistance because we dont have enough forms of id, and you have to be a resident and have proof of residency in our current state to get help.. we also just found out, our sweet old baby, our little angel, has died. She was put down, with no warning to us. We just..we keep losing everything. Our lives have been sucked down into a giant void of loss, depression, and hopelessness.

We cant get a new phone without money. Our phone is the only thing we have left and if it breaks i..i dont know..what id do. Weve worked out a deal with tmobile but its several hundred dollars.

We cant buy our meds, food, or anything related to our comfort and coping methods. We keep getting hit with more and more loss. We have no hope left. We have no more options… we are wasting away in a house that is not our home. We are seperated from our cats. I am seriously worried about my system. Weve gotten so hopeless and depressed that im terrified alters are going to start dying by su**ide. Several already have. Multiples have gone dormant.

We are desperately trying to find a place to live in phoenix, our true home. But we have nowhere to go. We cant find any transitional housing programs or lgbt centers that have open spots. Or that we qualify for. I dont know what to do anymore. At this point we need hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to fix our life. I dont know what else to try anymore…

We have lost everything. Were seperated from our cats. Thousands of miles away from our true home and only job & work family. We have none of our coping mechanisms or food for our ed anymore. We are fading away.

Thanks so much for the help so far y'all we really appreciate it. I was able to order an external memory drive for my phone- so we can save all of our precious memories incase our phone decides to quit on us. As well as some delicious snacks and treats we can actually eat with our ED. We are very orally focused, so little chocolates and protein snacks really help. As well as our much needed electrolyte drink powder. It really helped give us a boost- so thank you! Anything else we recieve from you lovely folk will be put towards our new future phone! Our birthday is on january 11th, im making it my goal to get one by then♡♡ please keep boosting this post for us! Thank you!!


Cashapp; $TheRealDragonPrince

Paypal: [email protected]

Hi folks! Werr still seeking hope from kind and generous souls out theren anything and everything helps. Please reblog if you cannot help♡♡ we are seeking to get a new phone by jan. 11 as a birthday gift to all of us. Getting a new phone with our own line would be a massive step towards independence. The final step and cut off from our toxic family. Its very important to us.



You may have heard about the efforts in Europe to reform copyright law. The debate has been ongoing in the European Parliament for months. If approved next week, these new regulations would require us to automatically filter and block content that you upload without meaningful consideration of your right to free expression. 

We respect the copyrights and trademarks of others, and we take all reports seriously to ensure that your creative expression is protected. We make this clear in our Community Guidelines. There’s already a legal framework that works and is fair: Today we take down posts and media that contain allegedly infringing content when we receive a valid DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request. We also provide clear-cut ways for people to fight back if they believe their removed content was not a true violation. These instances are monitored and reported and live in our biannual transparency report

The suggestion to use automated filters for issues of copyright is short-sighted at best and harmful at worst. Automated filters are unable to determine whether a use should be considered “fair use” under the law and are unable to determine whether a use is authorized by a license agreement. They are unable to distinguish legitimate parody, satire, or even your own personal pictures that could be matched with similar photographs that have been protected by someone else. We don’t believe that technology should replace human judgment.

Tumblr is and always has been a place for creative expression, and these new regulations would only make it harder for you to express yourself with the freedom and clarity you do so now. 

If you access Tumblr from Europe and want to act, you can find more information on saveyourinternet.eu

Please reblog this as much as you reblogged the posts about Net Neutrality. 

If Article 13 is approved, European People might be basically banned from uploading any fan content. 

You won’t get new fanfics from people in Europe.

You won’t get new gifs from people in Europe.

You won’t get new fanart from people in Europe.

Because they’ll be automatically filtered and blocked!

We might leave Tumblr and other fandom pages.

And if we’re getting all our content blocked? 

You might lose some of your favourite followers/mutuals.

You might not get to read the rest of that fic you’re dying to read - simply because the writer lives in the wrong country.

So do whatever you can to help us stop this.

Reblog this.

