#hen wilson

lesbianlizzie:color palette meme: hen wilson + meadow lesbianrequested by @diazchristopherlesbianlizzie:color palette meme: hen wilson + meadow lesbianrequested by @diazchristopherlesbianlizzie:color palette meme: hen wilson + meadow lesbianrequested by @diazchristopherlesbianlizzie:color palette meme: hen wilson + meadow lesbianrequested by @diazchristopherlesbianlizzie:color palette meme: hen wilson + meadow lesbianrequested by @diazchristopherlesbianlizzie:color palette meme: hen wilson + meadow lesbianrequested by @diazchristopher


color palette meme: henwilson+meadowlesbian
requested by @diazchristopher

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9-1-1 thoughts

- The first emergency was hilarious. Mainly the 118s reactions to everything going on. When people start coming forward to say they where the online poster and Chimney has that moment where he is like Spartcus! ME NEXT! And Hen stops him. So small but just GOLD. Eddie is the king of facial expressions this season. “Good luck with the wedding!”

- I really enjoyed seeing Hen work with her school mates. Enough said it was just enjoyable.

- Hen is going to be a kick ass doctor and I loved her putting that Dr in his place. If I could change one thing I would have some Karen there but still

- Micheal and David are adorable and I love seeing them. I also love the relationship the Grant family have with each other in general. The facr that Bobby is the only one who can put up with Micheal and the fact that Micheal is just like. Nah I love you boo, but BOBBY is my pictionary partner

- Eddie, babe, Carla spent multiple days a week in your house. She doesn’t care about where the pillows are positioned.

- Poor Maddie. A colic bany is a absolutely horrfifc thing to experience. They really do just cry and cry it is horrfifc to watch and I haven’t experienced it as a mother but I have watched it and it must be emotionally heart wrenching to be able to do nothing and on top of what looks like potenital post partum.

- Carla’s reunion scene and the hug was adorable

- Carla is also right. But now Eddie has put himself in a tough situation. It seems by the look on his face that following his heart does not lead to Ana and sadly that might hurt Chris but if that’s the way he feels it needs to be sooner rather than later. A good parent needs to do right by themselves just as much as by thier kids to have a healthy relationship. Plus come on Eddie we all know you belong with Buck. I just need to see these to together for my soul.

- I enjoyed the mom and son story line. I could tell what it was but it is really great to see Eddie interacting with kids outside of Chris. He really is also amazing with kids and it is adorable that Chris wants to be Charlie’s friend after 2 seconds. That kid is a gem.

- Seems like Chris is allowed video games again. The Hildy panic must have subsided. I feel Chris probs has Buck to thank for that.

- Bobby and Athena both have a point. The problem here is communication which is life is always easier said than done. I love them and they WILL get through it cause they must. I refuse anything else

- I hoenstly think Eddie my be my fav. I just love him so much and have missed him these last few weeks.

- Poor Charlie. I thought I knew this storyline and where it was going but I didn’t see him giving her the posion.

- Finally EDDIE! No! We may have known this is coming but still. Watching Eddie and Buck reach out for each other and Buck’s stunned face. Eddie must be protected at all costs

- The promo of Buck having to tell Chris that Eddie isn’t coming home tonight breaks me. In ny head he follows that woth we are going to the hospital to see him. Me and you, he cant wait to see you. Because Eddie is FINE and just needs his boys!

henswilsons:You really need to talk to her. I think maybe I’m just gonna hope it works itself out.henswilsons:You really need to talk to her. I think maybe I’m just gonna hope it works itself out.henswilsons:You really need to talk to her. I think maybe I’m just gonna hope it works itself out.henswilsons:You really need to talk to her. I think maybe I’m just gonna hope it works itself out.henswilsons:You really need to talk to her. I think maybe I’m just gonna hope it works itself out.henswilsons:You really need to talk to her. I think maybe I’m just gonna hope it works itself out.


You really need to talk to her. I think maybe I’m just gonna hope it works itself out.

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9-1-1 ✺ 5x18 - Starting Over[Image ID: 2 gifs from 9-1-1 season 5 episode 18 of the team inside the 9-1-1 ✺ 5x18 - Starting Over[Image ID: 2 gifs from 9-1-1 season 5 episode 18 of the team inside the

9-1-15x18 - Starting Over

[Image ID: 2 gifs from 9-1-1 season 5 episode 18 of the team inside the firetruck
Gif 1: Hen looks at Buck offscreen and says “Just do us all a favor. Stay away from the tequila until you’ve made a rational decision about that situation.”
Gif 2: A split gif of Buck and Lucy reacting to Hen. On the left, Buck points at himself and smiles. On the Right Lucy makes a slightly guilty face and looks away, then smiles. /end ID]

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9-1-1 “Hero complex”9-1-1 “Hero complex”9-1-1 “Hero complex”9-1-1 “Hero complex”

9-1-1 “Hero complex”

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henswilsons:Everyone thought I was crazy. That I was being too hard on him because he wasn’t you, buhenswilsons:Everyone thought I was crazy. That I was being too hard on him because he wasn’t you, buhenswilsons:Everyone thought I was crazy. That I was being too hard on him because he wasn’t you, buhenswilsons:Everyone thought I was crazy. That I was being too hard on him because he wasn’t you, buhenswilsons:Everyone thought I was crazy. That I was being too hard on him because he wasn’t you, buhenswilsons:Everyone thought I was crazy. That I was being too hard on him because he wasn’t you, buhenswilsons:Everyone thought I was crazy. That I was being too hard on him because he wasn’t you, buhenswilsons:Everyone thought I was crazy. That I was being too hard on him because he wasn’t you, bu


Everyone thought I was crazy. That I was being too hard on him because he wasn’t you, but you, you never flinched. You were on board from the start, ready to go to battle with me, even when I had no proof, no idea if I was even right. You’re always right. That’s kind of our schtick: you’re the genius, I’m the comic relief. You’re so much more than that. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, Chim.

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