#henry bowers headcanons



️ you and him were in a couple of the same classes

️ he’d think you were just like any other girl

️ that is, until you beat the hell out of Greta

️ after your sister Beverly told you she’d been harassed by Greta for months now

️ something in you snapped

️ you’d seen that girl before, seen what she did

️ and you were gonna make it stop

️ you found Greta in the washroom without her friends

️ and long story short:

️ Henry Bowers put 2 and 2 together when he saw you leave the restroom with bloody hands and Greta with a bloody nose, busted lip and a black eye

️ after that he saw you again when one of his friends Patrick stood there flirting with you

️ sure, he flirts with everyone

️ but then Henry started to think: ‘She isn’t just anyone’

️ so he made Patrick stop

️ after that he found out you were Beverly’s big sister, so he made it a point to undo the damage he did when he spread the rumor that he’d slept with her

️ Your sister had told you before about this boy, Henry Bowers, who’d spread a rumor about your sister causing them to trashtalk her

️ But when you find out from your sister that everyone had stopped, you were very confused

️ and it didn’t help that the boy in question came up to you in class to try and talk to you

️ this caused you to snap at him, much to his surprise

️ ‘Can we talk in private?’

️ you didn’t know why but you accepted

️ he apologizes for his behavior towards his sister

️ and asked you to give him a chance to take him out sometime

️ you hesitantly accepted, and hoped your sister wouldn’t kill you for this

️ he isn’t really a pda person

️ an arm around you and some pecks on your temple or cheek is all he’ll do

️ unless he’s jealous

️ If a guy had the guts to flirt with you

️ he’ll find out soon you’re taken

️ in no time here would be and arm around your waist

️ you’d be pulled to Henry Bowers side

️ usually the sight of one of the most infamous guys in town would be enough to scare off anyone

️ if they weren’t, Henry would commence a make out session right then and there

️ just ‘cause.

️ His kisses are slow and passionate, and depending on the situation, quite demanding

️ He isn’t super cuddly though, you’d usually be sitting on the couch together

️ his arm would be around you, pulling you close

️ and your legs would be intertwined

️ despite this, he’d be the first one to tell you he loved you

️ you’d patched him up after another beating of his dad

️ you were both kinda cuddling on the couch

️ his head leaning on your shoulder for a change

️ ‘I love you’, he sleepily sighted

️ ‘what?!’

️ he leaned up and pecked you lips before repeating: ‘I love you’

️ ‘I love you too’

️ he smiled
