#henry cavill character


Pairing: Captain Syverson x Fem!OC

Rating: Explicit, 18+ only

Summary: Captain Syverson: a strong son of a bitch, with a heart of gold, until someone hurts his boys. His tired and needs something to boost morale of his unit. Alice Miles one of the big three. A legend, a myth, an Angel of Death. A kid as Captain Syverson calls her.
A story where he underestimates her and she just doesn’t seem to like him that much.

A/N: A bit of introduction. I still haven’t decided to the name for Syverson. Maybe Logan? What do you guys think :) 

English isn’t my first language so please be patient with me <3 


He felt like he was on a Spotify playlist, that some obsessed kid kept on repeating. And it wasn’t even good music. Some trash that kids listen to nowadays. He didn’t have time to get back into trends. Whenever he’s home - if he is - he uses that to sleep and drink. His bed is comfortable, he does shopping for the whole week not to move an inch away from home. And he just exists. With a remote in his hand, he jumps from one game to another. He exercises, goes to a bar once a fortnight, comes back with a willing girl that he promises to call back the next morning - but never does. 

He didn’t see a point in having a life back there in the States. His life was here. In this forgotten by civilization desert, where Death was with everyone by their first name. There was no hope. Everyone knew that. Afghans that lived here, their government, American soldiers and generals. Everyone, but the little bastard that sits on his four letters back in the White House, surrounded by scrubs that tell him whatever the fuck he wants. He hated it here, but he couldn’t have imagined himself doing anything else. And so he kept on coming back. Because as much as he hated politics, he loved his boys and would never leave them here alone. 

Bagubah was a lost case, even when they were send there to repair that fucking broken water system. It has become a second Baghdad here and he didn’t know how long he would be able to keep high morale in his unit. These boys were strong, but they were just humans, that would easily just break one day. And if he was being honest with himself, he wouldn’t be surprised if it happened quicker than anyone anticipated. 

After that bombardment of the water system, civilians were less and less happy to help the soldiers. Two gangs started to fight each other and his unit has become a part of a civil war in that small deserted village. He was tired and angry. HIs boys were getting injured, he already lost two after a night attack. It was getting ridiculous and no one thought it necessary to bring them help. They were after all Special Forces, weren’t they trained for that!?

He stood up and smiled at Aika, who was lying at his feet. He got used to that dog. There were times when thought of taking her with him, when he finally decided to step back and come back home. But that was a far future, and he didn’t like to think that much ahead. Nothing was sure nowadays. 

“Got a minute?” Harper was a tough cookie. He liked him. He was good with the boys. Hard on them, but good. He read people better than anyone he knew. And well he was a good man. He nodded his head and laid back on his chair, forgetting about that damn map for a second. “Got a message from the base.” That was new. The base hardly ever contacted them first. Only did it when there was some information about missions they needed to know about. But even that was rare. “I have no idea what you did, Captain, but are getting help. And not just any help.” Harper smirked and gave his Captain a piece of paper. If Syverson was ever that happy he didn’t remember. Maybe one of Christmas’ when he was still a kid. But this. This little piece of paper was like the best gift ever. 

“Well tell the boys they will have a new unit coming” Harper nodded and left the room. He would never guess that the base would send them those three men. He never saw them, never talked about them. They were like a legend, a myth of some kids. He heard they hardly ever worked with other units, which meant that Baqubah really was special for some bizarre reason. But right now he didn’t care. He was about to get into his Christmas spirit. 


“I don’t like it” she looked at the older man sitting next to her. She wasn’t too thrilled about it either. But an order is an order. “We don’t work with others…”

“These are special forces guys. I doubt we’ll be working with rookies”, she murmured under her nose, looking through the small window. Some people would call her stupid, but she enjoyed the view. Endless view of nothing but sand. It was so different from NY, so different from the States. She liked it here. Despite the war, this was a place she would, if anyone asked, call home. 

“I don’t fucking care! We will have to spend time learning to coop with them. That’s fucking nighmare!” She sighed, tired of this conversation already. She loved her two partners to death. She would even take a bullet for them, but the more they talked - especially Spencer - the more she felt like cutting his throat open when he was sleeping. 

“Talk to him, please! I don’t feel like dealing with babies today!” The oldest one, Mike smirked at the girl and shook his head at Spencer who was ready to start up a fight. “The war isn’t ending anytime soon, Spen… We were formed as a special force unit. one of a kind, but when shit gets down we need to learn to work with others.”

“I can’t believe I’m hearing it from you!” Mike laughed, cleaning his little toy knife, he always kept with himself. “Working with others? Who are you and what happened to our Alice?” She smiled and shrugged once again. “But she’s right Spenc. Be happy we weren’t sent to train new kids.” That did it. The thought itself scared the man so much that he quickly changed topic about something Alice wasn’t paying attention to. 

She wasn’t stupid. The war was taking longer than anyone was thinking. Especially those idiots in DC. Talibs were hiding better than troops estimated, not to mention, they were much better equipped. She was never in for teamwork, but if that was what needed to be done and beat it. She closed her eyes, remembering her first day in Afghanistan. Just a kid with a talent, hoping to be left alone and do her job. But she was automatically set up with these two, and they have worked together for six years now. They were like family. No scratch that. They were her family. The only thing she ever had. She was never a team player, but she learned pretty quickly that sometimes, it was better to listen to people smarter than you. And she may be talented, but she knew her place. 


The boys were excited. It wasn’t everyday something good was happening here. And who was he to take that fun away from them. He smiled slightly seeing McKenzie betting something with Harper, for his own sanity he decided not to go and ask what was all of this about. 

“Shit’s getting tough”, Carter murmured, looking ahead at the cars coming their way. “They wouldn’t send them in, if it wasn;t getting serious, right?”

“I don’t know man” Syverson answered shrugging. There was no point in swelling on something he had no control over. “What I do know is that we finally get some help. Enjoy, until it lasts.” He pushed away from the wall, when two cars parked just inside of their base. It was time for introduction. The best US snipers out there. Three of the best, legends and myths. Yeah, those right there were his morale. “I’m Captain Syverson, I’m in charge here”, he introduced himself to a man around 40, who was the first to get out of the car. He was a well-built man with a harsh face and piercing black eyes. If special forces would have a face that would definitely be him. 

“Mike Anderson. That squib there is Spencer Kyles and that innocent looking angel is Alice Miles.” Syverson felt like all the hope left him when he saw the young woman getting out of the car. She was a good head shorter than him, if not more. Blonde hair and blue eyes definitely made her look like an angel. This must have been a joke. She was no older than 25. They were screwed, those idiots in DC sent them a little girl.

Pairing: Captain Syverson x Fem!OC

Rating: Explicit, 18+ only

Summary: Captain Syverson: a strong son of a bitch, with a heart of gold, until someone hurts his boys. His tired and needs something to boost morale of his unit. Alice Miles one of the big three. A legend, a myth, an Angel of Death. A kid as Captain Syverson calls her. 
A story where he underestimates her and she just doesn’t seem to like him that much. 

A/N: This story has been lining in my head for a while now. I loved the movie and Syverson was such a cool character. I hope you guys will like this little story of mine :) 


Chapter 1
