#henry cavill x femreader


Henry Cavill x fem!reader

Summary:You called the number and now you were about to see Henry Cavill again.

Wordcount: 1k

Warnings:fingering, real sex, unprotected sex, orgasms from both sides

Confession masterlist

Obviously you had called the number once you got home. You had made arrangements for later that evening (which basically meant around eleven in the evening) and you secretly sneaked back in the hotel and slipped in his room. Henry looked smashing as always: the blazer that matched his slacks, his tie in his hands and the first two buttons of his shirt open, revealing a little bit of chest hair. 

He hadn’t said a lot to you since you got there. A feverish kiss when you walked in, an order for you to take off all your clothes and now he was taking his sweet time, leaving you desperately waiting in anticipation. 

And here you were: butt naked on his bed. Because you couldn’t help yourself, you’d had the most disgusting fantasies since you gave him that blowjob and it had worked you up all day. He probably would have his opinion about the drenching mess between your legs too, but he kept it in for now. 

His jacket now on the back of the chair, his Oxford loafers next to the bed and he got on the mattress with you. Still without words, he positioned you in front of the mirror, your legs spread apart and gosh, you were almost embarrassed. It was so vulnerable, looking at yourself like this, especially because your cunt was glistering. 

He scoffed with a smirk, keeping his opinions about your drenched state to himself, before he placed your legs over his, so you’d keep them spread out wide, which granted him easy access. His large hand squeezed your inner thighs and you took a sharp breath, as his fingers were drawing closer to your burning center, but still remained—in your opinion: unacceptable—distance from it. 

‘Please,’ you whispered, breaking the silence between you. ‘Touch me.’


You were going to do this? 

‘I need it.’

You’ve had your fair share of sexual endeavors, however never had you sounded so needy. Normally, you’d felt embarrassed, but now you didn’t. 

‘You do know what you’re asking, right?’ Henry asked. ‘Because if I start, I cannot stop.’

‘I don’t care.’

And then it happened. The tip of his finger teased your slit, bumping into your clit, before it slid entirely inside. You gasped at the sudden intrusion and because of your current state, he quickly added another. 

He knew what he was doing. His fingers worked his magic, he pushed your buttons in a way you yourself could never achieve. No one could achieve this. You dug your fingers in his thighs and he chuckled at your desperation. The familiar buzzing already drew closer, just like your eyes were nearly rolling back. ‘Henry,’ you whimpered, ‘I— I am close.’

‘I can tell,’ he chuckled darkly and if you heard correctly: a little condescending, which only made you more horny. Great, like you hadn’t reached that limit already. ‘Ask nicely and I might just indulge you.’

You almost orgasmed on the spot. ‘Can I cum? Please?’

He hummed in approval. ‘You can.’

Not caring that anyone could hear you, you moaned out loud as your hips bucked up to meet his fingers. His other hand took a gentle hold of your chin, after you rode out your high. He did not stop, he told you that and he kept his word. ‘Look at yourself,’ he said. ‘Come on.’

You obliged, however it wasn’t easy. Through the mirror, you watched Henry’s bicep flex as he continued to get you towards the edge again, to let you cum once more.

And it wasn’t challenging for him at all, because here you were, right at his mercy, coming undone underneath his touch again. Your juices squirted passed his fingers, drenched the sheets and nearly hit the mirror. 

And then he thankfully took pity on you. 

You’re desperately trying to catch your breath, as you leaned against Henry’s broad frame, who by the way appeared totally unbothered. Like he didn’t just fingerfuck the daylight out of you. 

The tent in his slacks however were unable to hide the fact how much this turned him on.

You pushed your legs together, as you turned slightly in between his strong and thick legs. You gently palmed his cock through the fabric. ‘Fuck me,’ you then whispered.

He smirked. ‘You sure about that?’

‘Yes,’ you nodded. ‘More than sure.’

You could’ve expected being absolutely ravished by Henry, but nothing had prepared you for his thick cock buried in between your walls. He had pushed you deep into the mattress, his enormous frame caging you in. Your legs were tightly wrapped around his hips as you felt him plunging in deep. 

Strained moans were caught in your throat. The one thing you could do was stare in his beautiful eyes, hold his handsome and perfect face in your hands. 

Kiss me you thought. Allow me to feel those lips one more time. 

But he didn’t. He didn’t kiss you and you were with your head too deep in the clouds to actually take initiative. 

You fluttered around his cock and as you turned into a shuddering mess underneath him, he once against gently held your chin, forcing you to look at him. 

‘Can’t believe the hotel maid is a slut,’ he whispered. ‘Taking me like it’s absolutely nothing.’

Unable to utter out a coherent sentence, you only softly moaned.

And then he filled you up. His hips stuttering as ropes of cum were painting your walls white. He stilled his movements, bottoming out once again inside of you. He didn’t say a word. Instead, he took a deep breath before he pulled out. One more smack on your thigh, before he announced: ‘I’m going to take a shower.’

♧ ♧ ♧

Months later, you were sitting behind your desk, your laptop open in front of you, the cursor appearing and disappearing. After you came back to his hotel room, you showered together and then you made your way out. Three more times had you met up with him. Three more times had he fucked you. You remember each time clearly. Twice from behind, your bottom fiery red by the countless spanks provided by him and one last time as he lazily leaned against the headboard, watching you riding his cock.

Not a lot of words were shared. Just a handful of sloppy kisses.

And now you were staring at the form. Share your confession. You had already sent in multiple confessions and each one had appeared on the gossiping forum.

Confession: I caught a hot actor masturbating.

Confession: I was fucked into tomorrow by same hot actor

And here you were again. Should you share it? 

You had been trying to call Henry for quite some time now, however the number he gave you, wasn’t in use anymore. There was no way of contacting him. Sure, sliding in his DM’s was a possibility, but you decided against it. 

So, you started typing and after double checking for spelling errors, you send in your confession. It took around three minutes before it appeared on the forum.

Confession: I got pregnant by the hot actor.

♧ ♧ ♧

Taglist:@diegos-butt // @cherry-gemz // @crazybutconfidentaf // @sillyrabbit81 // @thelastsock // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @lyrarodriguez // @islacharlotte // @summersong69 // @sunshine96love // @oddsnendsfanfics // @gearhead66 // @xobriellaxo24 // @xuxszx // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @eldarwen333 // @omgkatinka // @abschaffer2 // @pterodactylterrace//@kebabgirl67//
