#here ya go bestie


Shoutout to @amalia-olorun who requested some fluffy Wolstinien >:3c

It’s rare that he lets you do this.

The two of you sit together in your room in Aymeric’s house, all the candles burned down low, the only other light the dying fire in the hearth as you carefully section out the damp raw silk that is Estinien’s hair. It’s so long, so heavy, sliding so easily between your fingers as you gently work out the biggest knots. 

He takes care of his hair. Definitely moreso than you. Part habit, part pride– he’s an incredibly skilled Dragoon, his hair a silver, taunting banner daring any dragon to try and singe it off.

It is part habit, part pride, the way you gently begin to work a comb through those strands. You used to do this for the other huntresses in your clan, before. Everything. It’s not quite the same– Estinien is broader in the shoulders between your thighs, and you don’t have to worry about working around his ears. His hair is so much longer, more like the old queens lounging around the fires giving wise words to kits than your peers, who always tended to keep their hair short. He runs warmer, too. And there is no purr to tell you whether or not you’re doing this right, just the slow, steady tempo of his breathing as he relaxes by ilms. 

But the motions are hard to forget. You set the comb aside when his hair is free of tangles, trading it for a fine brush and a small vial of sweet-smelling oils. It’s easy enough to work it through the silver locks, your hands twisting in familiar motions to separate three heavy sections.

You never did learn how to do any fancy braids– they never were a popular style in your clan. It ends up a little crooked, with lots of loose strands. Still, Estinien seems pleased as he pulls it over his shoulder with a smile, long fingers of one hand dancing over the bumps and valleys even as he pulls you down for a gentle kiss with the other. 

“Come here,” Estinien murmurs, releasing you just far enough that he can tug at the single lock of hair that always seems to fall over your face no matter how many times you brush it back behind your ear. “It’s my turn to take care of you.”

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