#hes killing me

This gorgeous motherfucker, y’all. T_T Don’t mind me, I’m still just fucking REELING over the FF7 Re

This gorgeous motherfucker, y’all. T_T

Don’t mind me, I’m still just fucking REELING over the FF7 Remake ending (AND FUCKING ZACK FAIR BEING FUCKING ALIVE) and will continually be spazzing over it til part 2 comes out in around 10 years. If Zack is even playable in part 2 I can die happy.

Also, since I apparently have nothing better to do, I started a new multi-chapter Zerith fict if anyone is interested. ;p It’s the reunion that needs to happen in part 2 – PLEASE Square Enix…… T_T

That’s about it. I’ll be going now. Byeeee.

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