#hey look i posted something for once after all that time










@da-n-am come at me you punk ass bitch

If you keep being an idiot I’ll just block you again

It takes a lot more than that to threaten a 584. When I am primarily in my 8, I can be much more intense and aggressive than you.

But OK, I will.

8 - tough, aggressive

5 - intelligent

4 - intense

7 - distractible

3 - fake 8.

So 584 = highly intense, can be aggressive.

837 = aggressive, but much lighter weight.

So who is the punk ass bitch?

Hint: Not me.

I’m 847. Stop trying to hide behind your enneagram and personality theory. You are a black spot on 854s. 

Plus, you’re just stereotyping now. Good job. 

It was a shitty insult. And welcome to the world of 847s.

Oh, and I’m 5 core, not 8 core.

Yes, it was stereotyping. It was the start of an attack, because I was still using my 5 fix, not my 8 one.

And, if you are an 847, you are a jerky 847.

If you understood enneagram you would know you don’t just “brandish” elements willfully. 

I don’t care about your core. I was addressing the enneagram as a whole. Get back in my messaging inbox. 

Stop fighting. Now. This argument is pointless and inane. Both of you guys are giving 5s and 8s bad names. I am an 873.


‘ It takes a lot more than that to threaten a 584. When I am primarily in my 8, I can be much more intense and aggressive than you. ‘

You’re people not numbers ffs. I’m pretty sure how easily someone is threatened and how aggressive they are is a personal thing. I hate to sound like I’m taking sides here but Jesus Christ the stereotyping is so ignorant it pains me.

Also, they’re only “giving bad names” to their type for people who fail to realize that no one person can truly speak for an entire enneagram or mbti type, and just because someone of a certain type acts in a particular way does not mean that behavior can instantaneously be regarded as a characteristic of that type. The types come from a cumulative study of many people and only try to describe the underlying potential causes for behavior. Only if you were able to observe a certain behavior in almost everyone of a certain type could you even say “there might be something going on underneath the surface that makes this person more prone to act in this distinct manner” and that’s about as certain as any of this personality typing truly gets. That being said, feel free to ironically continue this silly debate; I mostly read it as satire anyways.
