#he’s not human

We interrupt your regularly scheduled (B)usy day and Tumblr feed to bring you this VERY important pi

We interrupt your regularly scheduled (B)usy day and Tumblr feed to bring you this VERY important picture of Benedict Cumberbatch. Features of Interest— God, where do I begin? The hair, obviously. I mean that lock of hair basically owns my soul at this point? Ah well…. Eyes The white shirt Jeans Hands Nose even!!

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We need a Serenity type prayer to helps us move in a world with Benedict Cumberbatch’s existence. He

We need a Serenity type prayer to helps us move in a world with Benedict Cumberbatch’s existence.

Heavens above grant us the strength to continue breathing in a world where Benedict Cumberbatch exists,
The resources to continue not fighting Cumberbatchitis,
And the wisdom to succumb to his charms without a fight.

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