#he’s the chosen one for real



Hello lovely internet friends!

I somewhat neglected my 2 CORB fics and my COBB to work on Plus One. But now that that’s done, I’m trying to get back to my WIPs. I’m 3k into chapter 2 of How to Avoid a Scandal, but still not near the finish line. I’ll get there! Here’s six several sentences of world building:


“Look,” I say, “if you don’t want to do this anymore, I’ll understand.”

He rolls his eyes at me. “Christ, Baz, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m here for you, no matter what you want to do.”

“Are you sure? What about Penny? I know you hate when she’s disappointed with you.”

He grimaces, but doesn’t dispute it. He knows it’s true. He and Penny are thick as thieves. They hit it off on his very first audition. After his reading, Penny flatly refused to see any more auditions.

“That’s Silas Snow,” she’d said, crossing her arms resolutely. (Even though I wasn’t there, I’ve heard this story told enough times in interviews that I know it by heart.) “He’s exactly how I wrote him. Defiant, but vulnerable. Bruised, but not broken. The reluctant hero who will draw us into his journey.”

The story goes that she got her way, despite being a virtual unknown herself. I personally think the execs agreed with her and that the ultimatum was unnecessary. But it nonetheless stands as a sort of legend that made his casting seem almost as if it were fate.

I’m not tagging anyone else tonight because it’s late but thank you for thinking of me @aroace-genderfluid-sheep@facewithoutheart@cutestkilla@bookish-bogwitch@captain-aralias@ivelovedhimthroughworse@confused-bi-queer@basiltonbutliketheherb@ileadacharmedlife
