#he’s very emotionally constipated



Your touch was soft and he found himself leaning into it. The water felt warm against his back and your voice brought an unsought soothing to his core.

“This…” he cleared his throat, leaning his head further back into your touch “This is nice.”

You smiled but remained silent, continuing to massage the hair product on his scalp, feeling his body slowly lose tension the more you continued. He was a man of few words, who knew what he wanted and always got the latter.

But at times like these…he seemed to lose that and melt into someone fragile, someone who needed you to handle him with care. You wished this would last for longer but you knew better than to hold hope. So, you allowed him to rest in your presence, pouring the water ever so carefully on his hair, noting his eyes closed.

Your fingers moved against the skin of his cheek, lips moving to press against his forehead. His eyebrow creased ever so slightly but he remained silent, indulging for just a moment.
