


Murph: You all see a bunch of Rooks around, and Henry, you see Syb- slicked back black hair, rook tattoo and a black cloak, hanging over the edge of the balcony, watching the fight-

Fia(Admiringly): Very reckless, I like this.

Murph: Syb tosses the vodka back real quick, and then just throws the glass on the ground very rudely-

Fia(Appreciative):Soreckless, I just- I really think it’s cool.

Syb(Slightly less pissed off in the face of attention from a pretty girl): …yeah, I am really reckless.

Murph: They light up a second cigar. They’re now smoking two cigars.

Fia(Amused and delighted): So WEIRD, that’s so weird-

Zirk(Bewildered): They’re like elephant tusks.

Syb(Abruptly remembering that the prettygirl did not come alone and snapping back tobeing pissed off): YEAH. SO-
