#hfw erend

cryptid-jack: Erend and Varl both lost sisters, you can’t convince me they wouldn’t wind up being su


Erend and Varl both lost sisters, you can’t convince me they wouldn’t wind up being super protective of the new, totally helpless kid that practically landed in their laps X’D They collab to put together one decent set of clothes for poor Beta so she winds up in an uncommon blend of Oseram and Nora fashion, but she doesn’t mind.

Probably a picture Zo took when they all went out one day in an effort to ease Beta into the world proper :)

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the beginning of the “First Forge” camp mission basically:

Sometimes I just gotta take five to draw your favorite beefy post apocalyptic hammer wielding husban

Sometimes I just gotta take five to draw your favorite beefy post apocalyptic hammer wielding husbando, what can I say?

I love him your honor

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