#hi lol


What are all of you idiots doing here /pos


I wanna find out who is still in the sanders sides fandom to follow more people. Please interact with this if you are still part of the fandom!

hello i have been summoned from my deep slumber and i am once again ready to be slayed back to my grave


um. hi. au where Steve’s the captain of the town guard and Eddie’s a tiefling rogue and they have to team up bcos im basic <3 anyway they fall in love


     { spencer reid x reader // wc: 1,063 }
Much to your disappointment, Spencer Reid doesn’t play the piano as often as you’d like. But when he does, it sure is something.


Spencer Reid doesn’t play the piano often.

You spot the keyboard in the corner of his living room the first time he brings you over, about two weeks into dating. He’s in the kitchen making coffee when you make your way over to it, hesitantly tapping on Middle C.

“Do you play?” he asks from the doorway, hid head titling slightly with a smile.

“No, but I think it’s beautiful.” You turn away from him to look back at the instrument, venturing a hand to play a few more light notes. “I didn’t know youplayed though.”

He shrugs. “I don’t really. But music stimulates the brain into producing more dopamine and serotonin, which helps regulate movement in the extrapyramidal system,” he informs you. “And learning an instrument strengthens the corpus callosum.”

He sets down a steaming mug of coffee for you, smiling when you mumble a quiet thank you.

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cant have shit in gensokyo

cant have shit in gensokyo

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