
GIG NEWS @sinsaenum - Live in Hong Kong . (English below) 近來少有重金屬演出,而在一個月之後、即11月2日,將會有金屬超級樂團Sinsaenu

GIG NEWS @sinsaenum - Live in Hong Kong
(English below) 近來少有重金屬演出,而在一個月之後、即11月2日,將會有金屬超級樂團Sinsaenum演出!雖然這是他們首次來到香港,但其實有些成員早已經跟他們原有的樂團與大家再次見面。各位最熟悉的要數到 Joey Jordison ,即 Slipknot 原成員 (早前我們也詳盡介紹過他的新樂團 VIMIC)、以及曾多次以Dragonforce 結他手身分來港的 Frederic Leclercq。死金樂迷相信會較留意另外兩位成員 Sean Zatorsky (DAATH OFFICIAL) 及 Attila Csihar (Mayhem)!Sinsaenum 更剛剛在本星期推出全新視頻 Hooch,重新演繹 grunge / alt metal 名團 Melvins的93年作品 ,相信到時在現場也可以聽到。
延伸觀看 Hooch > https://youtu.be/4VRMasgjGRw
Metal night is back! In exactly one month, the heavy metal superband Sinsaenum will be visiting Hong Kong for the very first time. Having said that, some of them have indeed visited HK with their original band in the past years. Featuring your favorite musicians from Joey Jordison (Slipknot / VIMIC - check out our old features on these guys!) and Frédéric Leclercq from Dragonforce, the member elevated the musicianship to the next level by experimenting the mix of different metal genres together. Death / black metal fans will sure pay more attention to Sean Zatorsky (Dååth) and Attila Csihar (Mayhem)! The band have just dropped their latest video, Hooch, a cover of grunge legend Melvins’ 1993 release. Check it out in the link above!
Sinsaenum - Live In Hong Kong
Date 日期: 02 November 2018
Time 時間: 8:00pm
Venue 地點: @thistownneeds
Ticket 票價: $380 (advance), $480 (walk-in), $580 (VIP) at @ticketflap.com / @zukstudio
#Sinsaenum #joeyjordison #attilacsihar #fredericleclercq #heimoth #stephaneburiez #seanzatorsky #hiddenagendahk #hiddenagenda #thistownneeds #hongkong #hk #zukstudio #heavymetal #blackmetal #deathmetal #live #hongkonggig #concert

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