

A/N:So this started months ago as a silly little idea of Tom being taken down by a duvet cover.  I started writing it back then and just finished it yesterday because I wasn’t writing.  All I remember is the conversation was with @yespolkadotkitty​ (the spaniel in the header is NOT Bobby)

Pairing:Tom Hiddleston x Female Reader (more of a gen fic)

Summary:Mud and a brand new duvet cover don’t mix.

Warnings:  none



The peaceful day of morning had turned into a drizzly gray afternoon. Not unheard of in London, but disappointing just the same. Tom was looking forward to warmer weather and sunny days. Particularly to spend them with you. He headed into the bedroom to pick up the book he was currently reading when he spied paw prints. Muddy paw prints. On the brand new duvet, you purchased just that past weekend in Bicester at the White Company at a steal.

“BOBBY!” Tom’s voice boomed through the house. 

He overheard the telltale jangle of Bobby’s collar as the spaniel made his way to the master bedroom. Bobby skidded to a stop when he spied Tom’s face pinched. His butt flopped against the hardwood floor just at the entryway.

“Mud on the new duvet, Bobby? The one she is so proud of?” Tom spoke to the dog as though he would respond. Slowly, Tom’s shoulders relaxed and his breath slowed as Bobby’s brown eyes peer up at him. “Bobby, you know she will have both of our hides if she sees this. Come help.” Bobby promptly trotted off down the hall. “TRAITOR!” Tom called after him before turning his attention to the bed. 

Tom made short order of stripping the bed of its sheets and shoving them into the washer. After ten minutes, he finally wrestled Bobby into the tub to wash his paws. “Honestly, Bobby.” he muttered to himself. “Do you need to go back to obedience school?” The dog responded with a bark. “Then prove me wrong, buddy.” Another bark. 

Tom dried him off and headed off to put everything into the dryer before finally settling down with his book. The dryer went off, and he carried an armful of sheets to the master bedroom. He made quick work of putting on the fitted and flat sheet and then stared at the duvet and cover. Tom watched you put it on the other day, but hadn’t paid too must attention. 

“How hard can it be?” Tom chuckled as he grabbed the comforter and duvet with confidence.

Fifteen minutes later, you came home, carrying groceries. 

“Darling?” You called out when Tom didn’t meet you in the kitchen. No answer, but you swore you heard grunting and a curse word or two from the bedroom. Bobby’s head poked around a corner.

“What has he gotten himself into?” you asked. 

Bobby barked in response.

You chuckled and headed down the hall with Bobby’s nails clicking behind you on the floor. Not sure what to expect when you opened the door, but your husband wrestling with the bedding was not one of them. 

“I didn’t realize it was laundry day, Tom?” you commented, leaning against the doorframe. 

His head poked out from inside the duvet cover. “Darling!” His ginger curls sticking out every direction and glasses slightly cockeyed. “I didn’t hear you come in. Just straightening up.” He fixed his glasses and flashed a wide smile. 

You crossed your arms. “I made the bed before I left this morning, Tom. Shouldn’t you be better at lying? God of Lies, my ass.”

“Hey! I only play one on screen.” Tom continued to fumble with the sheets. “Someone might have gotten mud on the cover.” He shot a glare at Bobby, who was curled around your ankles. On that note, Bobby turned tail and headed back to the kitchen. “THAT’S RIGHT, RUN!”

You giggled and stepped into the mess, wrapping your arms around his waist. “And you thought you could hide the evidence before I got home?” 

“Precisely. But that…” He jabbed a finger at the sheets. “… has defeated me. A worthy opponent.”

You raised a brow. “More worthy than that super strappy set of lingerie I wore for our anniversary.”

“Far more worthy. I could use scissors on that.” He wiggled his brows. 

“I spent good money on that!” You smacked his chest. “Come on, let me help you.” You grabbed the cover and shoved the comforter into his hands. In a matter of minutes you had the cover on. 

Tom stood there, mouth agape. “Witchcraft.”

You smirked. “Practice.” You snapped your fingers. “How about we switch chores, you make the bed and I take Bobby for a walk?” You shoved pillowcases into his hands and trotted down the hallway, whistling for Bobby.


“You’ll be an expert in no time.” You yelled back. He overheard the jangle of Bobby’s collar, followed soon by the front door slamming.

“Traitors, all of you.” he grumbled as he finished making the bed. 

A/N:Another request! This was from @needmorereading  some dad!Tom content? Fluffy or smutty it’s really up to you, maybe some pregnancy fluff? I went pure fluff.  oh and special shoutout to @lokifae42​ for helping with some details in this story.

Pairing:Tom Hiddleston x Female Reader (But really it is more about Tom and his child.)

Summary:  Tom wakes early one morning to make breakfast and gets a little helper.

Warnings:  Excessive fluff, mentions of pregnancy.



Tom slipped out of bed early that morning, making sure his alarm was off so you could sleep. You needed the sleep having worked hard this whole week. His feet padded against the hardwood floor as he made his way to their newly renovated kitchen.

“What to make? What to make?” Tom muttered to himself as he stood in front of the open fridge.

“Fwench toast!” A tiny, squeaky voice called out from the hallway. 

Tom smiled as a little girl with brown curls toddled into the kitchen. Her curls smooshed against the side of her head and tucked under her arm was her beloved arctic fox plushie, Tom picked up last time shooting on location.

“There’s my Maddie bug!” Tom leaned down to scoop her up into his arms. He kissed both of her cheeks. “Want to help make breakfast with Daddy?”

Maddie nodded her head. “Fwench toast!” she repeated, her little arm shooting up into the air as she made a triumphant fist. 

Tom chuckled as he placed her on the floor. “French Toast it is. Go grab your stool, darling.” He watched as Maddie toddled towards her stool and then turned to grab milk and eggs from the fridge. 

“Weady!!” Tom whipped around to find Maddie next to the stove, wearing her apron. 

“Indeed, you are, little chef.” He kissed the top of her head. “Can you grab the bread for me?” He pointed to a loaf on the counter as he turned the hob on and placed a frying pan on it. 

With an outstretched arm, Maddie reached for the bread, just missing it. She crawled onto the counter and snagged the bread. 

“You are as bad as your mother, darling.” Tom chuckled. “Climbing on the counters. Do you I put things in places you can’t reach?” He cracked several eggs into a bowl along with milk.

Maddie nodded her head. “No, no, Daddy. Bad daddy.” Her face fell into a pout that was the spitting image of her mother.

“You should tell your mum later. She’ll have to punish me.” He grabbed the spices. “Cinnamon.” He handed her the jar. 

Maddie opened the jar and stuck her nose into it, leading to her sneezing, sending a cloud of cinnamon onto Tom’s shirt. 

“Madison Hiddleston!” Tom’s face pinched into mock anger. “You did that on purpose!” 

Maddie giggled at first before turning serious, hands on her hips. “Did not!”

“Did too!” 

“DID NOT!” She stomped her foot. “Apologize!” 

Tom scoffed before wrapping his arms around his daughter. “I’m sorry, Maddie bug. Now let’s make breakfast.”

She smiled and giggled as Tom’s beard tickled her neck. “No beard, Daddy!”

“You are one of the few people who would say that.” He soaked the bread in the mixture after Madison added the cinnamon and before long there was a plate piled high with slices of French toast. Tom cooked up some eggs and bacon while Maddie ate the first slices, sitting on the counter. Tom hopped up beside her, his own plate in hand. 

“I thought we agreed no sitting on the counter.” You grumbled as you stepped into the kitchen, half smiling. You rubbed your hands over your swollen belly, nearing 7 months later that month. 

Tom’s smile fell as he slid off the counter, holding his plate. “It was Madison’s idea.” He pointed at her, winking at you.

“WAS NOT! HE’S LYING, MUMMY!” Maddie pouted, not seeing the wink.

You marched up to Tom and jabbed a finger in his face, belly bumping him. “You lying about this poor sweet innocent girl luring you into breaking the rules, Hiddleston?” 

Maddie smiled a wide, toothy grin, two of her teeth missing. 

Tom pretended to consider his options but hanging his head, checking to make sure Madison was watching. “I was, darling. It was my idea. I was a naughty pea.” 

Maddie’s giggle was the perfect reward. You playfully swatted at Tom’s ass, only to have him scoot out of the way. You placed your hands on your hips. 

“You’ll pay for that!” You went to do it again. Tom scooped up Maddie, chuckling. 

“You wouldn’t hit a man holding your only child, would you? Not your precious daughter?”

Maddie giggled uncontrollably in Tom’s embrace. You stepped towards him. “Don’t be so sure, Hiddleston. She is your partner in crime.”

Tom placed Maddie on the floor. “Run, darling, she’ll never catch us. TO THE PLAY ROOM!!” And he took off down the hallway with Maddie toddled behind him, but not before grabbing her plushie.

“Wait for me, Daddy!” 

You shook your head as you heard screams of delight and giggles from down the hall. 

“Don’t be like them. They set such a poor example.” You said to your belly, rubbing it while fixing yourself a plate of French toast. There was a small kick to your ribs in response.

“Traitors, all of you.” you mused, eating some bacon.
