#hijab cosplay


Last chance to participate in academic research on Muslim cosplayers (esp. hijab wearing)! I have an open ended questionnaire that you can go wild with and write as much as you want for answers. All responses are anonymous.

I have an journal article on the topic coming out now later this year, and I’m reworking it (hopefully with some new respondents) for a chapter on a book about Religion and Fandoms. I would love to hear from more of you…I know you are out there! Feel free to share with those you know who may be interested as well.

I am closing the survey down at the end of April. Thank you so much for those who have already participated! This scholarship is getting a lot of attention :)

Feel free to email me if you have questions, my email is on my personal website: http://jgitting.com/contact.html  Or DM me here.

The link to the survey can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SYRM77S

Dr. G

Hello Tumblr community!

I am a religious studies scholar who also happens to be a nerd/geek and I’m doing research for publication on Muslim cosplay. There is very little serious scholarship even written on cosplay in general (and a lot can be said about identity performativity….), much less something specific to a religious tradition.

While GoogleScholar may be lacking on the topic, I see a robust community of pictures and discussions here in the Tumblr community. If you are a Muslim who cosplays (male or female), and would be willing to answer some questions I have created a simple questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SYRM77S.All responses are confidential. You are welcome to email me if you like as well, at [email protected].

I’ll be at DragonCon 2016 as well, and would be happy to meet up in person if you like! (I’ll probably be in costume at some point….lol).

Dr. Juli G.

PS tagging this for visibility, feel free to share with others!
