
Castle Dow, Pictish HillfortAll of the snow, except for the mountain tops, has melted and Spring hasCastle Dow, Pictish HillfortAll of the snow, except for the mountain tops, has melted and Spring hasCastle Dow, Pictish HillfortAll of the snow, except for the mountain tops, has melted and Spring hasCastle Dow, Pictish HillfortAll of the snow, except for the mountain tops, has melted and Spring hasCastle Dow, Pictish HillfortAll of the snow, except for the mountain tops, has melted and Spring hasCastle Dow, Pictish HillfortAll of the snow, except for the mountain tops, has melted and Spring has

Castle Dow, Pictish Hillfort

All of the snow, except for the mountain tops, has melted and Spring has begun. It’s always nice to walk through an old forest up to the top of this hillfort and see these cairns, which have been built during the Victorian era. Rather than following the path, we followed an old wall, which we knew would lead us straight to the top. The forest is a bog at this time of the year, but this is the most fun I had in while. I felt invigorated. Forest bathing is a real thing with real effects on the body, psyche and soul.

February Vlog here.

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Ben Vrackie in Deep SnowThis walk was both incredibly exhausting and exciting. Exhausting because I Ben Vrackie in Deep SnowThis walk was both incredibly exhausting and exciting. Exhausting because I Ben Vrackie in Deep SnowThis walk was both incredibly exhausting and exciting. Exhausting because I Ben Vrackie in Deep SnowThis walk was both incredibly exhausting and exciting. Exhausting because I Ben Vrackie in Deep SnowThis walk was both incredibly exhausting and exciting. Exhausting because I Ben Vrackie in Deep SnowThis walk was both incredibly exhausting and exciting. Exhausting because I Ben Vrackie in Deep SnowThis walk was both incredibly exhausting and exciting. Exhausting because I Ben Vrackie in Deep SnowThis walk was both incredibly exhausting and exciting. Exhausting because I Ben Vrackie in Deep SnowThis walk was both incredibly exhausting and exciting. Exhausting because I Ben Vrackie in Deep SnowThis walk was both incredibly exhausting and exciting. Exhausting because I

Ben Vrackie in Deep Snow

This walk was both incredibly exhausting and exciting. Exhausting because I was wading through deep snow, following the footsteps of others to not fall into a treacherous pile of unstable snow. The wind always blows around the mountain and some of the snow gets piles up high, some of it probably up to my chest, while some of the snow is frozen and can be walked on pretty comfortably. Exciting because there were ‘ice sculptures’ everywhere, fascinating shapes, some round, some geometric. The top of the mountain was covered in ice and a harsh wind was blowing. My face hurt like it hasn’t hurt in the while. Perhaps that’s what it takes to feel alive. Towards the North extends the Cairngorms plateau, which was completely covered in snow, making the mountains look like the dunes of a desert. The way down was incredible. I just walked straight down the thick blanket of snow, my every step being cushioned. If the snow became too soft and I started to ‘swim’ in it, I just had to correct my course and find a firmer path. It took 30 minutes to cover the same distance I covered in 3h on the way up. In this case, I guess, the pain was totally worth the gain.

There’s a travel vlog up on my channel. 

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