#hiroyuki sanada


Hanzo watching as Cole stabs Bi-Han in the same place Bi-Han stabbed Hanzo centuries ago:

anamon-book: 忍者武芸帖 百地三太夫東映株式会社映像事業部監督=鈴木則文、アクション監督=千葉真一、出演=真田広之・蜷川有紀・志穂美悦子・千葉真一 ほか


忍者武芸帖 百地三太夫
監督=鈴木則文、アクション監督=千葉真一、出演=真田広之・蜷川有紀・志穂美悦子・千葉真一 ほか

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anamon-book: 伊賀忍法帖東映株式会社 映像事業部デザイン=沼田皓二製作=角川春樹、監督=斎藤光正、原作=山田風太郎、出演=真田広之・渡辺典子・千葉真一・中尾彬・成田三樹夫・美保純・風祭ゆき


東映株式会社 映像事業部
製作=角川春樹、監督=斎藤光正、原作=山田風太郎、出演=真田広之・渡辺典子・千葉真一・中尾彬・成田三樹夫・美保純・風祭ゆき・ストロング金剛(小林) ほか

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I know I haven’t been posting much. The reason being is that I was busy with the new YouTube channel I have created. Please pay a visit to the channel (x)
I am also in the process of doing a contest AND some “Hiro downloadable goodie pack” to thank the amazing followers I have gained over the past months. THANK YOU GUYS! Make sure to keep an eye on the blog. I’ll post soon. I have amazing stuff being queued :)

Kawaiiness overload. I really don’t know who’s cuter

Kawaiiness overload. I really don’t know who’s cuter

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 2011 IWC Schaffhausen’s photoshoot by Peter Lindbergh. Elle Macpherson, Eric Dane, Matthew Fox, Ron 2011 IWC Schaffhausen’s photoshoot by Peter Lindbergh. Elle Macpherson, Eric Dane, Matthew Fox, Ron 2011 IWC Schaffhausen’s photoshoot by Peter Lindbergh. Elle Macpherson, Eric Dane, Matthew Fox, Ron 2011 IWC Schaffhausen’s photoshoot by Peter Lindbergh. Elle Macpherson, Eric Dane, Matthew Fox, Ron 2011 IWC Schaffhausen’s photoshoot by Peter Lindbergh. Elle Macpherson, Eric Dane, Matthew Fox, Ron 2011 IWC Schaffhausen’s photoshoot by Peter Lindbergh. Elle Macpherson, Eric Dane, Matthew Fox, Ron

2011 IWC Schaffhausen’s photoshoot by Peter Lindbergh. Elle Macpherson, Eric Dane, Matthew Fox, Ronan Keating, and others joined Hiroyuki Sanada in the luxury watches brand’s photoshoot in Portofino, Italy.

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 O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?Romeo & Juliet 1986 -  directed by Tamasaburo Bando O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?Romeo & Juliet 1986 -  directed by Tamasaburo Bando O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?Romeo & Juliet 1986 -  directed by Tamasaburo Bando O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?Romeo & Juliet 1986 -  directed by Tamasaburo Bando O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?Romeo & Juliet 1986 -  directed by Tamasaburo Bando O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?Romeo & Juliet 1986 -  directed by Tamasaburo Bando

O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Romeo & Juliet 1986 -  directed by Tamasaburo Bando

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