#history is fun

nbentj:katherinebarlow:sartorialadventure: 19th century photo of a Japanese man The man pictured




19th century photo of a Japanese man

The man pictured was a Meiji-era dentist named Oda Nobuyoshi, and this was taken around 1877.

“hey babe, c'mere and look at this hot ass dentist from 1877”

Post link




kinda nuts how we just never got any resolution on the ‘kids in cages’ thing. biden never even like put out a statement saying they were going to get the kids out of the cages but it was going to take a while or anything. liberals just all instantaneously stopped caring about immigration issues at all the instant biden got elected because they figure something good must be happening on it

It did take a couple weeks, but

More info at:

Like, it’s not like we fixed immigration, or reversed the damage, but the thing you’re saying didn’t happen actually did happen.

Friend, I’m sorry, did you not look at your own sources?

This is the final section of that SPLC report:

Saying “yeah, we fixed it after a couple weeks” and then linking this article assuming that things are still cool because of an EO *about a resolution to form a task force* from 2021 is kind of doing what the original post is describing.

That SPLC update is from January of this year. Here’s Detention Watch Network from March of this year:

Arguing that this state of things means that the problem of kids in cages is “resolved” seems to be at the very least an overstatement of the actions that have been taken.




so the supreme court just ruled that wrongful convictions can be upheld against evidence of innocence. If you’re imprisoned and sentenced to death but you didn’t do it and can prove it, it doesn’t matter. Legal counsel and evidence don’t matter. The justification is some states rights bs

like do y’all get the need to demand the complete abolition of prisons and police?? where is the veil of “public safety” when people say the criminal-legal system isn’t a function of safety, because i don’t see it. Why is there greater commitment to defending this system than building a real society of safety?

I don’t know whether it’s because black people are seven times more likely to be wrongfully convicted or not but I’m pretty sure there’s some racism in that too

“'Innocence isn’t enough,’ Arizona Attorney General Brunn Wall Roysden insisted during oral arguments last year.

In other words, if an innocent person’s lawyer fails to present evidence of their innocence at trial, and their state post-conviction lawyer fails to argue the trial lawyer’s ineffectiveness, the innocent person is out of luck.“



Wow, I knew Reagan did a lot of stuff that turned out bad, but I didn’t realize it was “you can clearly see on the charts when his presidency was” bad


The Evening News, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, April 25, 1912

Jewell County Republican, Kansas, July 5, 1912

The Butte Inter-Mountain, Montana, April 22, 1912

The Baltimore Sun, Maryland, May 1, 1912

The Atchison Daily Globe, Kansas, April 20, 1912

The Holton Signal, Kansas, May 2, 1912

Chicago Tribune, Illinois, April 22, 1912
