#history of education


October 16, 1925: The Texas Board of Education bans the teaching of evolution. In its dictum, the board also states that “we ain’t so keen on this math, science, language and history stuff neither,” a view the board maintains to this day.

Dorchester High School Girls’ Gym class, Dorchester, Boston, MA, ca. 1901.

Dorchester High School Girls’ Gym class, Dorchester, Boston, MA, ca. 1901.

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“Matthew Ehrlich takes what might have been local events and uses serious research to illuminate and elevate them to national and historical significance. His thoughtful weaving of threads such as academic freedom, university governance, student life, and sexual mores becomes a lively story and analysis of higher education that builds suspense, then provides answers. One of the best accounts of campus life and problems in the early 1960s I have read.”
