#hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

Production still from 50 Shades of Gray (really from HItchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 2005)

Production still from 50 Shades of Gray

(really from HItchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 2005)

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social experiment time! reblog this & put in the tags:

  1. what medium you first experienced hitchhiker’s in,
  2. what language you first experienced it in, and
  3. if it was an audioless/text-based medium (eg books, game, graphic novels) how did you first think to pronounce Zaphod’s name?
crossstitchworld:Some days you’re the sperm whale, some days you’re the bowl of petunias. byDonnaT


Some days you’re the sperm whale, some days you’re the bowl of petunias. by DonnaTime

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