#hitoka yachi x reader


Ingredients:Momo Yaoyorozu x reader; Hitoka Yachi x reader ; Pidge x reader (seperatly; readers pronouns aren’t mentioned)

Type of order: hot chocolare (fluff),

Contains: rain, fluff, dancing, confession, space,

A/n: I finally wrote more for this Kirishima image. So yeah it’s the same song I recommend.


The rain was pattering against the window of the restaurant. As they ran down the spotless pane, the small, translucent raindrops appeared to be in a race. Thunder reverberated around the city. But these weather circumstances didn’t interest you, your eyes were only glued onto your girlfriend right in front of you. Her black hair was formed into an elegant bun. She was comfortably biting her Wagyu beef. Her cheeks took a color of faith red because of the noble wine. The silence between the two of you was comforting, something different from the busy apartment complex you were living in. No old lady who wanted some flour for the twelve times of the week, no young cat lady who was loudly calling her cats and most importantly no crying kids of the neighborhood. After four weeks of stress, annoying neighbors and hero work, both of you were finally able to have a wonderful date. Just you two and comfortable silence. 

“Why can’t it always be this relaxed.” sighed Momo, while she focused on her dish. “Mhm, it would be pretty boring if we couldn’t save other people and we would probably kill each other if we couldn’t let go of our anger.” you admitted, and Momo nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. But I would never intend to kill you.” 

After both of you finished your meal, you paid and left. Despite your relatively long stay in the restaurant, it was still raining cats and dogs. “I am glad I thought of bringing an umbrella. The weather has been really crazy lately.” admitted Momo and rummaged in her bag for the umbrella. With multiple attempts she opened the thing. With an elegant movement Momo links her arm with yours. Now the rain pattered onto the umbrella. “We should take a longer stroll, I feel so full after this lavish meal.” you suggested. “Yeah that’s alright. To be honest the cool rain is just right for this hot day.” agreed Momo. 

You entered an empty alleyway. A weird idea spreads inside your mind, with a small smile you let go of Momo’s hand. She was surprised, especially when you stepped into the pouring rain. “My lady, would you like to dance with me ?” you asked, as you extended your hand and bowed. She blinked, irritated, but laughed at your antics. “Yes, I would love to, my beloved.” With those words she grabbed your hand and she let go of her umbrella. The rain destroyed her wonderful hair, but she didn’t care. 

You two started dancing in the rain, without any music. It was wonderful. You were the lead. You pulled her towards you and spun her around. The cold rain wets your clothes and you start dripping. “We should go home or we will catch a cold.” Momo’s teeth chattered and her lips turned blue. You nodded and picked up the umbrella. “I will fix us some tea later.” you smiled and kissed her. 

You both had to stay late at school, because of volleyball practice. It started raining and you waited for your father to pick you up. “Alright guys, bye. Be careful and don’t catch a cold.” Suga says goodbye to everyone, as he hopped on his bike. The other boys also left and both of you and Yachi were left alone under a small rooftop in front  of the school. “It’s so cold.” Yachi was already shivering and you lent her your jacket. “Thanks.” she mumbled and you couldn’t tell if it was the cold or something else, but her cheeks turned bright red. “Maybe we should move a bit to stay warm.” you suggested.

With that you stood up and left the small safe spot. Now the rain was pouring down on you. “What are you doing? You will catch a cold.” worried Yachi. “It will be fine.” you waved it off. You started to do the moonwalk, trying to look like Mikel Jackson. Yachi started to laugh. As you started to sing staying alive in a really fake high pitched voice, she started holding her stomach. “Please stop, my stomach hurts.” she laughed. “Well at least laughing warms your body and heart.” you smiled. Her laugh made you the happiest person alive. “Do you wanna join me?” you ask her. “Yes, totally.” Your jacket fell off her shoulders and she stepped into the rain. 

She offered her hand and you accepted. She started leading a waltz. You tried to avoid stepping on her feet, but you failed miserably. “I am so sorry, I have no sense for dancing.” you apologised. “It’s alright.” she smiled at you. You both waltz around the school grounds. A loud honking interrupted your dancing lesson. “Hey, you two come on. We need to get you home.” yelled your father. A disappointed sigh escaped your lips. Why couldn’t you freeze time and just stay in this moment. 

The mission was a complete success, but the castle suffered slight damages. Except for the hangar and the Energy Arch generator room, everything was still intact.  “We need to fix the outside of the hangar door, or else we can’t let the lions out. Pidge, Y/n you’re going to fix it. Keith and Lance are going to fix the Energy Arch generator.” said Coran. “Why should I work with him? He can’t even hold a screwdriver right.” argued Keith. “Oh yeah, well at least I can tell where right and left are.” bickered Lance back. “You little piece of…” growled Keith. They went on and on, but slowly moved to the Energy Arch Generator room.  You locked to Pidge, who were trying to contain their laughter. “Jeez, they are like an old married couple.” sighed Shiro, while he rubbed his temples. These childlike adult would get him sooner or later into a grave. “Well then master of the green lion, we should be going to, don’t you think?” You asked Pidge and they nodded their head. 

Both of you stepped out of the space castle. The gravity difference always made your stomach turn. You nearly floated away, but Pidge grabbed your hand and saved you. “You need to be careful. Hold on to me, I will fix your carabiner.”  They grabbed a screwdriver from the toolbox. WIth a skilled movement she fixed the loose screw. Their hand rested on your hip and your cheeks flushed. Damn your crush for them grew stronger everyday. You shook your head to get the right ideas again. “So then we should get going, don’t you think?” you asked them, still flustered.

After you repared all the hangar doors, Pidge wanted to return to the base, but you stopped them. “It is the first time this month we spend time together, besides going on missions. Could we stay for a while?” You were nervous about asking. Were they going to reject you? “Of course, I am happy. You seemed so distant for the last few weeks, and to be honest I didn’t know how I should deal with it.” They seemed sad. “I am sorry, I had to think about my feelings for someone.” You said honestly, without knowing that you just dropped a hint. Pidge eyes were glued to you, they were shining with excitement and fear at the same time. “Do you wanna tell them what you feel?” “I guess so.” you chuckled. “Well then we should get going, or you might change your mind.” They grabbed your hand and went to the entrance. “Wait Pidge. It’s you. I like you.”  Pidge stopped right in their tracks. They turned around with a confused look. “Wait ? For real? This isn’t a joke, right? I mean I like you too, but why me?” 

“It’s not a joke. I promise. Just for the matter of fact, I love you because you’re smart, kind, funny and I really love your company.” you told her. Their cheeks turned deep red. “Maybe we should celebrate this with a dance, don’t you think?” You offered your hand and both of you started to dance in space, as good as possible. Both of you laughed loudly, even though the space swallowed your words. This was the best confession ever, well it was your first and hopefully your last. 
