


I did some manga style practice ^q^ it’s very simple since Paint Tool SAI resources that I have are pretty limited, and I could only utilize this far with my current capabilities. The dialogue itself was taken from this fanfic by momoxtoshiro on fanfiction.net ;


I think it’s a fun experience to draw in this style ^^ hope everyone like it!



Synopsis:  “Hinamori, why are you still awake?” Momo looked behind herself, “Oh, Shiro-chan you’re here.” She turned back to her paperwork. “You should go to bed. I just need to complete some last revisions on this syllabus.”

Hinamori is overcome with nerves as she prepares for a new position as a lecturer at the Shinigami Academy.

Word Count: 790 words

Setting:years and years after future musings; established relationship

Authour’s Note: As I had hinted at with my previous Hitsuhina 2022 Day fic, this is a short sequel to “future musings” which builds off on the goals that Hinamori had wanted for herself. I actually had an idea for this after reading Harry Potter lately; particularly with the academic setting and thinking about syllabi and courses as well as how professors bring their own personalities in them :)

I had such a difficult naming this fic! in my wip’s this was called “cold feet”, which is what first came to me but upon further reflection that’s more of specific nerves.

Hope you enjoy!

“Hinamori…” Toushiro called out softly.

The brunette continued muttering to herself as she shifted papers, dipping her brush into the ink well, and furiously rewriting new points.

The captain sighed. He knew when his girlfriend was deep focused on a task, there was no breaking her concentration. The tiger of paperwork nickname held up even with work outside of the Gotei 13. He glanced at the clock. Considering the hour, and how early she needed to be up tomorrow, he knew he had to try to stop her from working later than needed.

Stepping behind her, he draped a blanket around her shoulders. “Hinamori, why are you still awake?”’

Keep reading


Synopsis:  “Hinamori, why are you still awake?” Momo looked behind herself, “Oh, Shiro-chan you’re here.” She turned back to her paperwork. “You should go to bed. I just need to complete some last revisions on this syllabus.”

Hinamori is overcome with nerves as she prepares for a new position as a lecturer at the Shinigami Academy.

Word Count:

790 words

Setting:years and years after future musings; established relationship

Authour’s Note: As I had hinted at with my previous Hitsuhina 2022 Day fic, this is a short sequel to “future musings” which builds off on the goals that Hinamori had wanted for herself. I actually had an idea for this after reading Harry Potter lately; particularly with the academic setting and thinking about syllabi and courses as well as how professors bring their own personalities in them :)

I had such a difficult naming this fic! in my wip’s this was called “cold feet”, which is what first came to me but upon further reflection that’s more of specific nerves.

Hope you enjoy!

“Hinamori…” Toushiro called out softly.

The brunette continued muttering to herself as she shifted papers, dipping her brush into the ink well, and furiously rewriting new points.

The captain sighed. He knew when his girlfriend was deep focused on a task, there was no breaking her concentration. The tiger of paperwork nickname held up even with work outside of the Gotei 13. He glanced at the clock. Considering the hour, and how early she needed to be up tomorrow, he knew he had to try to stop her from working later than needed.

Stepping behind her, he draped a blanket around her shoulders. “Hinamori, why are you still awake?”’

Momo looked behind herself, “Oh, Shiro-chan you’re here.” She turned back to her paperwork. “You should go to bed. I just need to complete some last revisions on this syllabus.”

“Hinamori, you’ve been working on your syllabus for the past two weeks. I’m sure it exceeds all expectations.”

“I know, I know! But I’ve sent a draft to Haachi-san and also conferred with Nanao-san about possible amendments to the current Soul Reaper Academy syllabus for intro to kido and they sent me back revisions that I need to look over.”

Hinamori had been offered a guest lecture position for the Soul Reaper Academy’s Intro to Kido lesson. While initially very much over the moon at the opportunity, the fifth division vice captain had been pouring over texts from the Archives and on video calls with Haachi in the Human World as she designed the new curriculum for the developing field of Kido research.

“I also want to include some new material that’s come out…Haachi-san thinks it may be too contemporary but I’ve read the papers and it seems like the direction that kido combat is going.”

“If you feel it’s appropriate, you should include it in.”

Momo threw her hands up, the ink splashing her cheek. “Yes, but I don’t want the higher ups to think that I’m just throwing the canonical law to the side!”

Seeing the comical look of ink marks on his girlfriend’s face, Toushiro knew she had enough.

“You were chosen because you not only understand what is important of the past to teach but also the need to bring a new perspective. You will be fine.”

She reached for her phone. “Maybe I should make a call to Hachi-san—”

Hitsugaya grabbed her hand holding the phone. “It’s past midnight, Hinamori.”


He cut her off with a quick kiss. “Hinamori, you need to sleep.” He blew out the candle. “I’ll wake you up early, tomorrow so you can make one final look at your syllabus draft,” at Hinamori’s start of protest he continued on, “—which I am confident will be one more than enough.”

Lifting her up in his arms, he continued forth. “Get some rest and don’t let the nerves get to you on your first day.”

Momo sighed, knowing he was right, and slumped her head in defeat against his shoulder. “What would I do without you, Hitsugaya-kun?” She yawned, her eyes already fluttering close.

“Let’s get some sleep first…”

“Guess what Hitsugaya-kun! My students are one of the top ones passing their practicals!”

A few months later, she had bounded into his office, as he was finishing the last of the paperwork before wrapping up for the night. Though late, it couldn’t conceal the apparent glee on Momo’s face as she shook the papers in her hand.


She tucked her hands under her chin! “Yes! And so much so that because of my new syllabus, they’re thinking of having me lead a syllabus review for other courses! I can introduce new readings and research…”

“Now, who was the one that was nervous on her first day?” He teased as he took her hand in his, softly drawing circles with his thumb.

“I know, I know,” she acquiesced. “I just can’t believe that I impacted students! To be able to impart knowledge and change the way we teach our future shinigami! I feel goosebumps just thinking about it…” She trailed off and looked to her boyfriend who had a thoughtful expression on his face.

“What?” Momo stopped, the smile still lifting her cheeks.

Toushiro shook his head. “You got this day dream look in your eyes…”

She blushed furiously and he found her so endearing he couldn’t stop himself from pulling her towards him and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You are incredible, Momo. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.”

Momo smiled and tucked herself in to his embrace, relishing the feeling that of whatever change she would create out in the world, her constant support was always at home with her.

Author’s Notes: I can definitely imagine Momo being that type of person that would try her best in her own personal endeavours to such a degree of perfection that it could be borderline ridiculous haha But it’s nice to think that Toushiro probably grounds her :)
