#hjem til jul


i cannot believe i haven’t found any posts discussing the age difference and the problems of it in hjem til jul/home for christmas season 2. how do even her FAMILY encourages her to go after a barely legal kid??? i’m the same age as johanne, and i would rather die alone and single than start dating a 19yo kid.. i’m sorry but it’s a no, how is everybody so okay with it??????


How to re-learn a language you once knew

First of all, over the years I forgot French and picked it up again for more times than I can remember and I think I developed some nice ways of dealing with forgetting a language. Thank goodness for that because university killed my progress in a bunch of languages.

Start all over again - do this if you were a beginner before stopping your studies.

Check out duolingo - if you played on it before, reset it and take the level test to see how much you remember. If you didn’t play on it before, still, take the test and maybe play on it to remember other things.

Grab a grammar book - not to study with it but to read it. Chances are, if you did a great job studying your target language, you will remember some things only by reading otherwise you have to study again grammar too.

Stress or stress free - basically choose between writing and reading. I prefer reading because there’s no one who expects a fast reply and I don’t have to move from my bed. If you read, you will recognize words that normally you wouldn’t be able to recall with ease. Of course you can also choose writing which is more stressful because you need to recall the words and if you don’t, you have to research them. I don’t recommend speaking from the start since you forgot a lot and it can be discouraging; especially if you used to be good at it.

Reset your vocabulary apps - if you used apps like memrise when you learned vocabulary, reset the courses and start them again. Ignore what you remember well and focus on what you have no idea you once knew.

Move faster - it’s easier to re-learn stuff you once knew since you have memories of them in your subconscious so dare to move faster through your resources. You basically try to wake up some memories. If you did a great job first time, it will be a piece of cake to remember.

A bunch of passive practice - since you learned that before, try to have as much listening and reading as possible. As I mentioned earlier, you need to recognize/recall stuff you forgot and sometimes just hearing or reading is enough to strengthen the memory of them.

Funny this post should pop up on my dash today. I just started watching “Hjem til jul” on Netflix, in Norwegian with Norwegian subtitles, and guess fucking what?! I understand let’s say 80% of it. Sure, the vocabulary is simple, but I haven’t picked up any of it since I stopped back in late 2017. I’m over the moon. Definitely going back to it. Det er så jævla bra!! So I guess my advice is: find a show in that language and just watch it. Just see what you can catch and enjoy what your brain can dig up.
