

From an allegedly serious and, uh, “factual” promotion video from a website¹ featuring “reliable, qualified and trustworthy” medical professionals from several countries, with, not surprisingly, radically negative views and opinions about the whole COVID-19 debacle, masks and vaccines. Especially the vaccines.

(Sections above in quote marks to imply sarcastic tone of voice.)

Just to take one of them, for example:

«There is nanotechnology present in this vaccine. Nanobots² in hydro-gels have been developed for military purposes. There are strong indications it could make you a controllable puppet by means of your own smartphone, connected with the 5G network³ and artificial intelligence. In this way you could lose everything that makes you human.»
— Dr. Johan Denis, homeopath⁴, “World Doctors Alliance”

Right. In terms of setting the bar high, this would be a challenge to any Limbo⁵ dancer.

The problem, of course, is that people are actually frightened into believing this hogwash and cluster of lies. Those in the video sound confident, use medical and technical terminology that may seem legitimate to the untrained ear, and it’s sometimes hard to spot whether these “professionals” themselves really believe in what they’re saying, or if they’re just enjoying the ride. This is a battle on two fronts: One to fight off the actual COVID-19 problem, and another to combat wilful and malicious disinformation campaigns such as that above. In as far as saving the world goes, we’re going to have to do it twice!

— Footnotes —

¹Link withheld to avoid tickling the filters the wrong way.
²Wait, I’ve seen this movie…
³I can’t wait! As long as there isn’t a connection fee.
Hang on, when they said medical professionals… I thought they meant actual *medical* professionals!
Indeed, even a skinny child would struggle to crawl underneath.

I have been recently informed that J.K. Rowling’s new magical world in the Americas, ie the Ilvermorny Houses etc., is full of anti-Native racism and insensitive content which appropriates real-life cultures and religions of Native peoples. This blog will have no place in celebrating or promoting the Ilvermorny houses or its histories. If you have been labelling yourself by any of the Ilvermorny houses I ask you now please to remove and stop. If you want to understand why it is racist please see the lists of articles written below:






